What if... Midoriya and Todoroki were to late....

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Iida: Excuse me but what is that supposed to mean?

Sero: Yeah I'm a little confused

"Just watch and see"

The screen turns black.

Shows Iida in his hero costume shouting at Stain.

Iida hid his ashamed face. He was disappointed that he was doing such a foolish move. Midoriya shifted uncomfortably and Todoroki was watching closely.

Everyone else looked at the screen quietly.

It shows Stain not wasting anytime and shows him basically pouncing onto Iida. Iida was able to dodge but barely. Iida was able to get a good kick onto Stain.

Girls: *gasp*

Midoroya: Where are me and Todoroki?!

The boys nod as well as the girls.

"Just watch"

The screen goes black and shows Midoriya and Todoroki at the scene.

Everyone exhales the breath they didn't know they were keeping.

But then it show Mdoriya starting to tear up and even Todoroki was crying.

Mina: Ah! Why is Todoroki crying?!

Denki: Why is Midoriya crying?!

The screen turns to a dead Iida laying on the ground. Stain had already left. Iida's glasses were on the ground, broken and smashed.

Everyone gasps as the screen says the end. Iida nods sadly and becomes grateful that Todoroki and Midoriya were able to save him.

"Welp. That's what would've happened if Midoriya and Todoroki didn't make it in time"

Some of the softies (mostly the girls) were crying. Some were just sadly looking at the screen. Some were looking at Iida sadly.

"See you in the next chapter then? Eh heh heh?"

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