What if... I had my own news show :D

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Astro: Hello!

Uraraka: Eh? Where's Anna?

Astro: Ohhh! She's on break!

Uraraka: Oh ok!

Astro: Anyways, while Anna was on her break, she made some sort of news channel!

Shinsou: I thought she was on her break?

Astro: I don't know what's wrong with her...

Shiloh: Well, you peeps are going to react to it!

Iida: What kind of news does Ms. Anna report?

Astro: Eh, mostly future stuff.

Everyone: FUTURE??!?!

Shiloh: Yeah

Astro: Let's react!!

*screen turns on and switches to the 'news' channel*

*screen turns on and switches to the 'news' channel*

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Anna: Hello and welcome to the BNHA news channel. Today we will be talking about our beloved Class 1A and their future. 

Today we will be talking about the war arc. Very emotional and heartbreaking. There are many character developments in this arc and it's very emotional. I can confirm that. Lets start our first topic:


Bakugou: The f*ck?! Why is my name up there?!

Shiloh: *sigh* Just watch

Anna: I just want to say the Bakugou in the future has made HUGE character development. And as we can see, Bakugou does care about Midoriya AKA Deku.

Midoriya: Wha-

Bakugou: ...

Kirishima: Wait what?

As you know, Bakugou basically risked his life by saving Midoriya and proceeds to get hospitalized.

Midoriya: W-what...

Iida: What's happening in the future...

Astro: I don't know... only Anna knows...

Bakugou: *thinking* I risked my life... for Deku....

Next topic, Season 5 of Bnha is coming out this year and tons of people are excited for it! Shinsou finally gets some more screen time and even 1B is coming in with an exciting opening! Though as we know, the ending of the trailer leaves us questioning what happened to Midoriya and why was everybody shocked.

Midoriya: ...what happened?

Shinsou: Wait... me?

Astro: Yep. From listening to this news show, you transfer to 1B hero course

Shinsou: *thinking* m-my dream... it's finally coming true...

Kaminari: Congrats dude! 

Shinsou: T-thanks....

Todoroki: But what happened to Midoriya?

Shiloh: I'm not sure. Not even Anna knows.

Anna: Many new AU's are coming out as well and a lot of them are amazing! I will not name all of them but there are some amazing AU's that have been made by some pretty creative people!

Kirishima: AU?

Shiloh: It stands for 'Alternate Universe'

Kirishima: ohhh

Anna: Well that's it from me! This is all for today and have a nice day!

*screen cuts out*

Shiloh: Well? What do you think?

Momo: Well... I know for a fact that there is going be some unexpecting obstacles in the future... 

Jiro: Agreed

Sero: I'm curious about what's gonna happen next dude...

Kaminari: Yeah bro!

Shiloh: Welp! See you guys later!

Shiloh: Welp! See you guys later!

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