How to Figure Out the Future

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After the pleasing biking accident, Quincy and I went to dinner. We talked about what we thought of the town, what we missed from back home, and then more pressing matter.

"So, I was thinking of just going in a completely different direction. Screw teaching, screw law. Something else. Fun, lively, independent. No 8-5 schedule. I don't know. Just, something. I just want to travel right now, be free. I don't want to be stuck with school work and fees. I just want to be me. I shouldn't be defined by popularity or money or my job. I don't want to be like my parents. I want to be me."

Quincy smiled in a way that said that he knew what I meant, and that he was gonna help me and probably do it with me. We could be ourselves together.


Later that evening, Quincy and I decided to do some job finder quizzes. You fill in your interests and such and it tells you what you should do as a career. Afterwards, it spiraled into BuzzFeed quizzes and what Harry Potter house we would be in, but back to our supposed dream jobs.

Quincy got something that he was not really suspecting. They said that he should be an author. It made sense, but it had never really clicked in either of our minds. We talked about it, and decided that it really could work out. Quincy was a great writer, and it would be the freeing option that we had been looking for.

As for me, I was given something a little bit... Less formal. It said I should be a YouTuber.

Being me, I hardly ever go on YouTube. Only when I need a new way to do my hair, but that made me think. I'm really good at doing my hair and makeup. I have always been i nterested in DIY's. I always have a lot of new ideas that I'm dying to try out.

Quite frankly, it didn't sound half bad.


While I was falling asleep that night, I thought about how much I had changed since everything started. My life had been a roller coaster these past few months.

But if I thought it had been a roller coaster before, I had no idea what was coming next.

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