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Are you struggling with praying five times a day?Do you want to pray but don't know how to make it a habit? Do you always think that after some days you will automatically get into the habit of praying? Then let me tell you one thing, you are never going to AUTOMATICALLY develop this habit of praying. O believer, you have to struggle, you have to go against your nafs, you have to pray. So that you don't end up in jahannum. Start with now. Just go, do wudu and pray your salah now. Don't wait for the perfect time to suddenly come in your life and then you will be all happy, contented and an obedient servant of ALLAH. Don't let the shaytan fool you anymore. He is your clear ememy and he will do anything to stop you from praying your salah. Jannah requires effort. When you are not praying your salah, then how can you expect to gain the rewards in this duniyah and aakhirah.
Just imagine how much ALLAH will love you when HE sees you getting up to remember HIM. When HE knows you are going against your nafs, you are struggling, you are going against the shaytan and how much effort you are putting just for HIS sake.

In Surah Ankabut ayat 45, ALLAH says:
Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing.

If you offer your namaz, it will prohibit you from immorality and wrongdoing. This is, indeed, one of the blessings of ALLAH ALMIGHTY. Praying your salah makes it easier for you to stay away from evil deeds.

We say that we love Prophet( Peace Be Upon Him) but we are not ready to go against our nafs. Even though we all know that how much important salah was for our beloved Prophet ( Peace Be Upon Him). Then why don't you pray? Why?
Ask yourself this question. Don't you want to meet Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him) after this duniyah? Can't you sacrifice your sleep? Can't you take your time out of your so called busy schedule which you have set for earning this temporary duniyah? The duniyah which will soon end.

So the main question arises how to develop the habit of praying salah. I have mentioned the steps which you can follow and which will In Sha ALLAH help you.
1. Start with now. Get up and go pray your present salah.
2. Don't think I will start from tomorrow or from the next prayer. No!
3. Make a journal and every night before going to bed, put a tick in front of every salah you have offered. Believe me this will really give you inner satisfaction.
4. According to the research, it takes 21 days to develop a habit.
So firstly make a schedule of 21 days.
5. After 21 days, make a schedule for next 21 days. Do it for next six months. You have to do it and you can do it. Don't be lazy.
6. After six months you will realize it is much easier for you to get up and pray. It does not mean that after developing a habit, you will not have to struggle to go against your nafs or you will not feel lazy at all but the point is it will become easier for you to pray. And it will put you in a great distress if you ever try to leave your salah.
7. The last point is just get up and make the journal for your salah NOW! Not after 10 minutes or 20 minutes! Now means now!
You dont have to take a proper journal, you can take a small notebook or any rough notebook. But make it look presentable so that it gives you inner satisfaction. Or you can do it on your mobile. There are many journals available on internet. But I recommend using a notebook for making a journal if it's available RIGHT NOW because it is much better than using it on mobile and keep it in front of your bed so that it reminds you of praying your salah.
Some days you will offer your salah with so much happiness and other days, you don't feel like praying and those are the days when you really need to pray your salah with focus and concentration. Next thing which I really want to talk about is that if you ever  miss your salah(BUT DON'T!!!) then don't let the shaytan make you fool. He will make you think that I have missed the prayer then what's the point of praying next salah. Don't think that you can't do it or you can never develop the habit. Just ignore the whisperings of shaytan and don't fall into his trap. This is his trick to stop you from praying salah.

So do you make a niyyah to pray your salah five times a day? Just imagine what will you do after death. Salah is fard and we can not just leave it. Take it serious. There is strict punishment for those who don't pray. So do you not fear the fire of jahannum? Just imagine the torment of jahannum.
Indeed, leaving salah makes your connection weak with the Creator of the universe.


So tell me in the comments what other steps you have taken or you are planning to take to develop the habit of praying five times. Do share so that others may also get benefit.
I will write about other topics.
I will upload the next chapter soon In Sha ALLAH.

Till then,
Take care.

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