listening to songs

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One of the important things which make our heart hard is listening to songs. Do you feel peace when you are listening to a song? You might feel happiness for some moments but you know what? That song is actually destroying your heart and your soul.
So what's the remedy? How can you stop listening? People say listening to songs is a medicine but no. Just focus on what Allah Almighty says. So whenever your heart tells you to listen to a song. Don't listen to it. Instead save any surah in your mobile and start listening to it. Even if you don't enjoy listening to the recitation but still you must listen to it instead of songs and gradually you will notice that your heart is turning towards Allah.
For the sake of Allah Almighty leave this one bad habit, no matter how much effort you have to put. I assure you Allah will give you something better as its replacement. It might be inner peace which you have been craving for so long.

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