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How many times do we fall and then we stand up. We all struggle in our life from time to time. The moment we are facing any hardship, we start complaining. We start thinking that why is my life so difficult? Why is my life not like others? And if we pray five times a day then we start thinking that we are praying five times then why is this even happening to me. Little do we know the meaning of true patience and how important it is to make our connection strong with ALLAH ALMIGHTY. Remember, this life is a test and Allah will surely test you. We always wonder that why can't we enjoy praying salah, why don't we feel khushoo in our life but when we are faced with any hardship we are not patient. When we are so much impatient during our hardships then how can we complain of feeling no khushoo in our life?
Sabr is one of the characteristics of momineen. I will talk about what actually is sabr because we don't know the actual meaning of sabr. We often confuse different things with sabr.
In surah Luqman, verse 17, ALLAH ALMIGHTY says:
"Endure patiently whatever befalls you."
If Allah loves you, He will send different tests in your life. Even the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) was tested. So it means that if you are tested it does not mean that Allah does not love you.
Being patient means to not make a complaint to Allah over whatever befalls you but still striving to resolve your problem, to make your condition better. Sabr does not mean being patient while not doing anything and saying that Allah will resolve everything. No! Sabr is being grateful at the time of hardship and still doing something( according to your control) to change your situation. Like if a person is ill, he does not take medicine, even if he  can afford it, and he says that Allah will cure me. It's not sabr. So what is sabr in this situation? Sabr is taking medicine and at the same time you don't speak anything like why is this happening to me, and  never complaining about your situation and believing that Allah will help you.
If you start being patient, you will automatically start feeling love of Allah in your heart, you will feel that you are getting close to Allah Almighty.
If your closed one dies, you have to be patient. You are not allowed to cry out loud and shout while in pain. You should not utter anything from your mouth which can become the source of displeasure of your Lord.
In Quran, Allah says "And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, and hunger, and loss of wealth, and lives and crops but give good tidings to the steadfast ( As-sabireen)."

This life is a test and you will be tested in yourselves, your children and your wealth. Your reaction really matters during the hardship because when a person is in good condition, he will obvioulsy say that I believe in Allah. What matters most is your reaction in hardship. How do you react? This is all what matters.
So how to react in times of hardship?
Believe in the ALLAH ALMIGHTY that He will soon bring ease in your life. This time will pass. Don't say anything from your mouth which can become the source of displeasure of Allah and believe everything happens for a reason. Do whatever you can to change your situation if your difficult situation requires effort. If you are patient, you can't even imagine your reward. Just imagine the reward given by the King of the kings.
" Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without account."

I will upload the next chapter soon.
Till then,
Take care

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