Smile-it's sunnah

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Are you the one who thinks that if a person smiles more, it means he is weak? I have a natural habit of smiling more but soon as I grew older, I started thinking that smiling is making me look weak. So I stopped smiling and as a result, most of the people started thinking that I'm rude and they literally got afraid to even talk to me. That's not what Islam teaches us. Just remember smiling is a sunnah and sunnah can never make you look weak. The strong people are the ones who follow the commandments of Islam even if its just a sunnah. We should not take the sunnah of our beloved Prophet ( Peace be upon Him) lightly. If we claim to love Him, then we should even love His small act. According to one hadith, smiling is a form of charity.
So smile more!! It will not make you look weak.

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