Chapter 7

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2 month time skip to 2 weeks before Graduation day. 

Liz’s POV 

I felt a sharp pain strike right through my lower abdomen. I knew that was a contraction so I said “Andy get up it’s time.Also get the boys up.”   Andy shot up, grabbed the bag for the hospital and Woke the boys up. Josh was with us seeing as it was a weekend. We all got into the car and drove off to the hospital. When we got there Andy ran inside and got a doctor. When I got into my room and situated we found out that I am only half way there. I am dilated at 5 cm right now and I need to be at 10 cm to give birth to him. When I was able to have guests we had the boys come back. Mason had a huge smile on his face. He was really happy and ready for his baby brother. About an hour later the boys had to leave the room and it was time to deliver the baby boy we were all ready to meet. 10 minutes later I was on my last push and he was finally here. The doctor yelled “It's a boy.” we smiled and Andy said “You did it Liz you brought our little boy into the world and on your due date. Our little Martin Dennis Biersack is here.” I smiled at Andy and said “I am so happy right now.” the doctor said “Daddy do you want to cut the umbilical cord?” Andy smiled widely and said “Yes please.” he went down and cut the umbilical cord and then came back to me and said “He is so beautiful like his mama.” I smiled at Andy and then he was brought over to me. I looked down and said “Correction my dear Andy he is so handsome like his daddy.”  After I was completely done and cleaned up we were allowed to have company so Andy went out and got our boys. When they came in Mason and Josh walked over to me and Mason said “Can I hold him mom?” I smiled and said “Yeah. Put your arms like mine and I will put him in your arms.” Mason put his arms like mine and I placed Martin in his arms. Josh wrapped his arms around Mason and smiled down at the baby. Mason said “Hi baby Martin I am your big brother Mason. I love you so much and I will protect you from all the harm in the world.” I smiled at them and Andy was recording it all. Then Josh spoke up “Hey Martin I am your big brother Josh. I am your big brother Mason’s boyfriend. I love you like I love your whole family.” . I smiled at them and then Andy set his phone down and said “Alright boys give him back to mom. I want to get a family photo. Everyone gathers around mom and we can take a family photo.” Everyone gathered around my bed. Martin in my arms I pulled his blanket off of his face so we could see his face in the pictures. When all the pictures were done being taken he woke up and started to cry. I was quick to rock him back and forth as a way to soothe the crying baby. I fed him really quickly then burped him. Once I was done Alex took him from me and held him. Alex just smiled at his baby brother and then he said “Dad want to hold him?” Andy smiled and said “Sure. Is he getting too heavy for you?” Alex smiled and said “Yeah he is.” Andy took Martin from Alex and said “Hey baby boy I am your daddy I love you.”  Soon enough my parents were here visiting with us and meeting their grandson. By the time I was able to go home I was ready for a nap. Having a baby is tiring and also I was ready for bed cause it was night time. When I woke to a crying baby I went to get him but then heard Andy singing one of his songs. I smiled then the bedroom door opened and Andy came in with a baby in his arms. I smiled up at him and then I took the baby. Unhooking my bra I put my son up to my boob and he sucked on it. He ate and when he stopped I burped him and then I put him in Andy’s arms and I fell asleep to the sound of Andy humming a tune to our son. 

2 Weeks later 

Lizzie’s POV 

It's Graduation day and we have to pack up all 4 kids and head to the ceremony. Once we were at the school Josh took the carrier out of the van and Mason wrapped his one arm around Josh and then he grabbed Josh's hand Instead and they walked to the field with Alex in tow. Andy walked over to his seat and I walked over to my seat towards the back. When my dad got up to talk he said “Over the years of teaching I have watched so many people grow academically and personally. This year was special though I was able to see my only child, my Daughter Lizzie go from being the geek that got all of her work done to being the geek who laughed, smiled and most of all found love. I notice these kinds of things in class and in the writing that my students do. I have noticed how many of you have changed and I have seen my star students go beyond what is asked but what else I noticed is that some of you just worked to graduate at first but now you guys are all ready to go and face the world. I am proud to announce the 2020 Graduating Class!” One by one they called the name of the people that I went to school with and then I heard the name that I will always have a love for Andy’s name. I screamed along with the boys, my family and his. When he turned around I smiled at him and he smiled back he then screamed “THIS IS FOR YOU BABY AND MY BOYS!” flashing his diploma to us. Then I was up in line next to get my diploma and I was smiling when my name was called I walked over to the principal and got my diploma then I shook hands with my father then I shook hands with some other man before getting off the stage. While this was happening Andy, Josh,Mason,Alex, my family along with Chris and Amy were all cheering for me. I was so Happy that I had just graduated. College was now going to get a job. After taking care of baby Martin and the boys.  Andy already has a job. He finally got his band Black Veil Brides together and now they have a small tour coming up. He is really excited because it starts right after Martin turns a year so he won't miss much and we are all going on tour. Alex, Mason and surprisingly Josh. Josh's mother told him to go along cause she knows he can't live without him. After throwing our caps in the air we met back up with the boys and waited for my parents and Andy’s as well. Once everyone got to us we went to the restaurant that my Uncle James rented out for us. It was Red Lobster  as I set down the carrier and sat down my Uncle Noah came over and picked up Martin from his carrier and held him saying “It’s baby time.” I smiled and Aunt Taylor said “You know what I miss when Nova was that small although I don’t want to go through that again.” Little Nova walked over to Andy and she hugged his legs. He is so tall compared to her. He bends down picking her up saying “You’re still so small compared to me so I am going to keep picking you up Munchkin.”  she smiled as she hugged Andy saying “I love you Cousin Andy'' he smiled at Nova and said “I love you too Nova.” he sits down next to me at the table with Nova in his lap. I smiled as uncle Noah put Martin back in his carrier. I looked down to see that Martin was passed out in his carrier. Once we started to eat light chatter started. I smiled as the boys talked about everything from finishing school to going to find jobs to work. I then said “To everyone here I am happy that we are here to celebrate the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next.” when I finished Andy got up and said  “ Can I please get all your attention! Thank you! So Lizzie since the day we met I wanted to get married. Then we moved in together. Later on we adopted the boys and then after that we found out that we were expecting our first bundle of joy. After we had him I swore that I was going to ask you to marry me one day. Well today is the day that I want to ask you to make me the happiest man on earth. Will you marry me?” I smiled at him with tears in my eyes and said  “YES! I will marry you Andy!” he gets up from his one knee and slips on the engagement ring he bought me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. After I finished kissing Andy I turned to everyone who was cheering for us and showed them my ring.  Then I heard a cry that came from my infant son.  Andy bent down and picked up the crying baby and soothed him.  We are now going to officially be a family before BVB goes on tour. I can't wait for the day I become Mrs. Elizabeth Biersack. Andy's wife is the one who will take his heart and keep it and never break it.  The one who will get to fall asleep next to him every night will wake up next to him and have his kids. We already have our son Martin. I love Martin and his daddy so much. 

Andy Black is my college sweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now