Chapter 5

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Time skip 3 months

Lizzie's POV

Today is the day we get to find out if we going to be giving Alex and Mason a "Brother" or "Sister" really just another cousin. I know that we want a boy. Andy and I before we got legal custody of Mason and Alex we wanted a little boy and we agreed we still want a boy that will be a mix of Andy and I. Although Alex could pass as Andy and I's kid. Mason looks more like his parents. I got up looking down at my 5 month baby bump and put on one of Andy's T-shirts with a pair of maternity pants. I then walk to Mason's room wake him up for him to get ready for school Andy woke up Alex and while they get ready for school we make breakfast. When they are done they grab their backpacks and place them next their seats. Andy places breakfast on the table while I check their backpacks for completed homework and necessary things for school. I then go and grab the appropriate lunch box for each of the boys and put them in their backpack. After that I grab my plate of food and finish it we head out. We first drop off Mason at the high school then we drop off Alex at the middle school and then we take off to my doctor's appointment so we can announce to the boys when we go to get them from school what they get a brother or sister. The boys want a little sister to protect but we want a little boy we are both hoping and praying it's a little boy. We walked in and checked in waiting to be called back Andy said "You know no matter what I will love this baby it's our child." I smiled at Andy and a young mother said "You two are young. I hope you stay together for the sake of that baby." we smiled and I said "Thanks we are 21 and are raising my 2 younger cousins cause my uncle can't." she smiled and said "Ok. Good luck with it all." I smiled and my name was called. We got up and walked back. My doctor was already waiting for me when I got there she had everything we needed already in the room. I sat down on the bed and laid back with my shirt up. She put the cool gel on me and moved it around she then said "So are we going to find out the gender today or not?" we both smiled and said "Yes we want to know." she smiled and when she looked she said "Well congratulations mommy and daddy it's a boy!" I smiled with tears in my eyes and I looked to Andy and seen that he has tears in his eyes as well. Andy then said "Well the boys are going to be mad cause they are not getting a sister." I laughed and said "Well A they can blame you and I will tell them that and B we got what we wanted a baby boy now let's see if he comes on my due date or not." the doctor smiled and handed me 6 copies of the picture. I smiled and thanked her walking out. When we got home I smiled at the pic called my mom and told her the news while Andy called his mom and told her. By the time we were done with the phone calls it was time to go get Mason and then to go get Alex. When we got to the high Mason got in the car and said "So mom and dad sister or brother?" I smiled and "You have to wait till we get Alex." he said "But I don't want to wait. I wanna know now." Andy who was driving chuckled and said "Nope you have to." I looked back at Mason and he was frowning I laughed and soon enough we were pulled up for Alex to get into the car. He got in and said "What is it Brother or Sister?" I smiled and Andy said "Well when we get home you will find out we have a surprise for you guys when we got home." they both groaned and I smiled at them. They both rolled their eyes at me and I ignored them. When we got home Andy said "Go sit in the living room right now you little whiners." I laughed at my boyfriends childish behavior and smiled at him. The boys went and sat down on the couch Andy handed them the cards that I made them. Mason opened his and read out loud "Hey big brother once I am born and I am big enough to rough house you have a new play mate. Love your baby brother." he said "Dang it! It's a little boy. We wanted a girl!" I smiled and said "You can blame that one on Andy. That's not my fault." he narrowed his eyes at me and said "Shush it babe." I stuck out my tongue and everyone laughed. They went to do their homework and the front door was opened I look to see Josh standing at the door taking his shoes off. I smiled at him he smiled back and said "So what gender for in law?" I smiled and Andy said "It's a boy!" Josh smiled and handed me a bag. He said "I figured it was a boy." I smiled and I got up and hugged him. I don't have a big bump cause of something in my DNA. Andy took and said "Alright we are going to open the bag soon." once the homework was done and the class work was put away we ate dinner after we ate Andy and I opened the bag which had a onesie that was A Summer High, a blue little hat and a onesie that was blue. I smiled and Andy said "Thank you Josh! That is so sweet of you." he hugged us said "Goodnight guys. Mason I love you and will see you tomorrow like always." we all smiled and Mason kissed him. When they were done with their quick chores and then Mason said "Alright I am taking a shower and then I am going to bed. Also my coach wants to meet with you Dad cause he thinks I am good or something." Andy said "Alright bud just go do your thing and I will talk to him tomorrow." Mason ran to the bathroom and took a shower. When he got out Alex ran into the bathroom and I smiled watching those two grow up and now having to be their mom. When Alex finishes he comes back out he comes over and lays his head down on my lap and his legs on Andy. I run my fingers through his hair like my aunt used to do Andy rubbed up and down on Alex's legs till he fell asleep. I smiled down kissing him on the forehead and saying "I love you goodnight." Andy then picked him up and carried him to bed. He tucked him in and told him goodnight and that he loved him. We then go to our own room and go to bed. I lay there as Andy gets ready for bed. I smiled at the man in front of me he was the love of my life and also the father of my child. I love my child to death even though he isn't here yet. Andy pulled me out of my thoughts by saying "What are you thinking about?" I smiled and said "I am thinking of you and how in love I am with you and our son who isn't even here yet. You know Andy we were thrown into the whole parenting thing by my Uncle Luke and you dove right into it head first and now we are going to be a family of 5 once our little Biersack comes into this world. You know I am so happy you were in for it all and not leaving me when I was told that I was pregnant with your child. You had dreams of becoming a rock star after we finished school but now that is on hold for our little family." he smiled and said "That's because I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you and I am willing to do whatever it is to keep you. I would put my career on hold in the middle if you were to fall pregnant then. I don't care we are going to be a family one day. With Josh as our son in law and whoever Alex marries." I laughed and then Andy pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around Andy's torso laying my head on his chest right above his heart. As I layed there Andy was humming some tune that I didn't recognize in my half countionce state. I fall asleep to the sound of Andy's heart beat and his humming. When I woke the next morning it was cause Andy was getting ready to take a shower. I quickly joined Andy in the shower and took a quick shower. I smiled at Andy and said "Ok how about we wake the boys by making pancakes and bacon for breakfast. We both know they love the smell of it. We can just open their doors and let the cooking do the rest." he smiled and said "Ok that will work." I walked over to Mason's door opening it and leaving it open walking into the kitchen and getting the ingredients out for pancakes. Andy got the bacon out and turn the stove on so he can make the bacon. As soon as the smell of the sizzling bacon hit the boys room they came running out to see that we were having Pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast. Mason looked at the clock and seen it was 7:30 and started to freak by saying "Shoot I am late to school mom dad!" I laughed saying "Honey it's Saturday you don't have school till Monday. Dad said he will call your coach later and talk to him. Go get into your clothes for the day and we can eat." they went and got dresses came back and we ate. Andy called the coach and the coach said "He isn't doing so well on the team we have to cut him I am sorry. I know it's gotta be hard losing your mom having to be raised by your older cousin and still keep up with sports so I regret to inform you that he is being kicked off the team effective Immediately." Andy said "NO we understand." they hung up and Andy called Mason into the kitchen. When mason got into the kitchen Andy said "Hey Mason we love you and all but your coach kicked you off of the team. I am sorry but his reasons are valid. You're not doing good right now with the new situation and all." Mason looked so crushed and said "Ok. Thanks for telling me dad." I smiled sadly at my son and Andy pulled him into a bone crushing hug. Mason stated to cry and Andy tried to calm him down but didn't work. I grabbed Mason's phone and called Josh telling him what happened he told me he was on this way over. 5 minutes later there was a knock on the door and I answered it to see Josh standing there. I open the door wider and let him in. He runs to Mason and hugs him. Mason continues to cry in Josh's arms Josh comforts his sad lover. I smiled at the pair and then Mason quits crying. Josh said "I know what's wrong and I get why both sides of it. I agree with the coach you are normally good but right now you need to take time it's messing with you babe. You need time to grieve the death of your mother and adjust to living with your cousin." Andy then said "Mason we love you and are here for you. Your coach knows what's best for you as well as your cousin and I. I know you call us Mom and Dad but it's true you need the time to adjust and grieve the death of your mother." I looked to Mason who sighed and said "Fine." I smiled at him pulling him from his lovers arms and hugged him tight. Before I knew it it was time for bed we had dinner and watched 3 movies by the time we were in our 4th one I seen the time was 11:00 pm so I said "Alright Josh you can stay the night but it's time for bed boys." they got up and went to their rooms I know that Josh and Mason won't do anything bad cause they both hate the subject of sex. Andy went in and told each boys room and said "I love you and goodnight." I walked into Masons room and said "I love you both no sex and goodnight." they both said "We won't love you too night!" Then Mason said "NO topless sleeping ANDY or you Liz!" I laughed and said "We can do what we want we are the adults who make the rules." Andy then walked in topless like always and said "Go to bed it's late and my parents are coming to visit tomorrow. Also Josh you are more then welcome to stay because I know you will end up in this family one day." Andy wrapped his arms around me and Mason said "Alright you two. I get it also do your parents know about Alex and I living here and me being Gay and having a boyfriend?" Andy said "Yes they know you are gay and have a boyfriend but don't know we have legal rights to you guys. I haven't told them cause I didn't want to make them worry about us." we all smiled at Andy and then Mason spoke up "You know we just tell them tomorrow I mean it would be a nice surprise for them along with the fact you guys are having a boy." I said "Yeah we can. It would be fun and I am making a cake and breakfast tomorrow morning for them don't say a damn word. As well as doing a cake to tell them it's a boy." he smiled and we walked out of the room and went to our bedroom. I laid down on the bed with my head on the pillow. I felt Andy's arms wrap around my waist pulling himself into me. He laid his head on my shoulder in the crook of my neck. I fell asleep in the arms of my one true love. The next morning I woke to a cold bedside I looked over and saw Andy was gone. I then remembered that Andy went to go and get Amy and Chris from LAX. I got up went and opened both doors and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I made the pancakes then I made the eggs and last the bacon. While the Bacon was sizzling 3 boys came into the kitchen. I said "Good morning boys. I want Mason to go use Andy and I's bathroom and after Mason Josh use our bathroom Mason can show you what to use. Alex go use your bathroom. Your grandparents are going to be here." they went and showered fast and when I was done Mason and Josh took the opportunity to set the table and then Mason said "Mom go shower really quick dad texted you that he would be home with his parents in 30 minutes because of the traffic." I ran to Andy and I's bathroom showering really quickly and I got dressed in a T-shirt that belonged to Andy and a pair of my pants. I then put on a light amount of lip gloss. I got out of our room just in time as Andy, Amy and Chris came in the door. I walked over and gave Andy a hug and kiss then I hugged and said "Hi." to Amy she said "Hi sweetie." I repeated the same thing with Chris and he said "Hey Liz." I smiled at them then Andy said "Alright let's eat breakfast and then I will take your guys's luggage into your room." we walked into the dining room where the table was set with the food, drinks, plates,cups and silverware. We all sat down the seating was Andy, myself, Mason,Josh,Alex,Amy and then Chris. I said "Thanks Mason and Josh for setting the table for me." Mason said "You're welcome mom." Josh said "You're welcome Liz." Amy said "Wait did Mason just call you Mom Liz?" I said "Yeah Andy and I have legal guardianship over Mason and Alex since 3 months ago. My aunt died and my uncle couldn't take care of the boys and he had us take them." Amy smiled at us and said "So are you going to keep them after you have the baby?" Alex and Mason said "We have a little brother on the way I don't think we are leaving anytime soon." I laughed at them saying it at the same time then I said "The papers we signed stated that we will take the boys till they are 18 years of age.We love them and would never give them up they are our family." she smiled and said "So I have 2 grandsons!" I smiled and said "Actually 3 I am pregnant with a little boy remember?" she smiled at me and said "That's right now let's eat the food you made." I smiled and put 1 pancake on my plate, a good amount of eggs on and 4 strips of bacon. Andy put the same amount on his plate. The boys ate a good amount as Chris and Amy did the same. After we ate Andy took their luggage into the room they will be staying in and I was in the living room with the boys wear they were asked about their lives. We were sitting on the couch in pairs except Alex, Amy and Chris. I was waiting for Andy to come in so I could sit in his lap. Mason sat in Josh's lap. I smiled at them and Amy asked "So Mason are you gay or Bisexual? I can see the way you look at Josh is like the way I look at chris and the way Liz looks at Andy and vise versa." Andy just came in and said "I thought I told you Mason was gay and he was dating a boy." she said "I don't remember anything." Mason then said "Well Grandma Amy I am gay and this right here is my boyfriend Josh and one day I hope to marry him." Josh leaned his head down and kissed Mason on the lips. I smiled at the two lovers noticing that Alex was making fake puking face I gave him a look and he stopped. Andy walked into the room and I smiled at him. I got up he sat down and I sat in his lap and he kissed my forehead and then he said "Those two are like Liz and I. I know that one day they will get married." I smiled and said "I have seen the way act together and all they are so much like Andy and I. I see it when they do homework together, when Josh stays to eat, when they meet up at the school and when he comes home. The care that we witnessed yesterday when I called saying that Mason was crying and wouldn't stop. There is so much love shared between the two of them that I can see them getting engaged when they are seniors in high school which is 3 years away. They have been together since 8th grade so a year now from what I caught on to. It may have been longer." Josh spoke up and said "I have been with him since 6th grade. We just had our 3 year anniversary recently." I smiled and Amy said "Just be careful I don't want you to get hurt Mason." Andy smiled and said "This is not like Scout or Juliet mom. There are forever they don't want to hurt one another. He has been with him side by side for years and I think it's time to drop it." I smiled at Andy and then Josh said "I am going to agree with Andy." we then started to talk about the new addition coming to the family. By the time Dinner came we had talk about almost everything. Alex was being quiet at dinner so I said "Hey Alex what's wrong you're so quiet?" he looked up and said "There is this girl at school and she was flirting with me like dad does with you and says things in your ear that we all know are dirty because you laugh and playfully hit him on the chest. Well she did that and I told her to leave me alone and she won't." I smiled and said "What is her name?" he said "Aniesa Kingston. She is in my grade why?" I smiled saying "Don't worry I am going to take care of it." Andy then said "We are going to take care of it son don't worry." he smiled at me and then Alex said "Ok." the next morning we woke the boys up gave them cereal and took them to school and Andy and I requested that we speak with Principal Anderson. He had a half an hour before he had a meeting and we were in his office he said "Hi what can I do for you?" Andy said "Hi my name is Andy Biersack and my son Alex Biersack goes here he is 6th grader here." Principal Anderson looked up at us smiled and said "Hi Mr.& Mrs. Biersack what can I do for you?" I said "We're not married yet so I still go by Levi Principal Anderson and Alex has been getting harassed by another student in his grade and she is saying inappropriate things." Andy said "He told us last night at dinner she was flirting with him like I do with my girlfriend here like how I say things in her ear that are dirty and she laughs and playfully hit my chest. He told her to leave him alone and she won't." Principal Anderson asked "What is this young lady's name?" I said " Aniesa Kingston." Principle Anderson said "Funny thing she said that Alex hit her." I said "Wow ok well Alex don't hit anyone he is the peace maker not a fighter." Principle Anderson said "I know I was about to call you guys to see. So what do you suggest about for this situation?" Andy spoke up "We all should sit down with the both of them her parents included. I know that my son wants NOTHING to do with her and she keeps talking to him." Principle Anderson said "Call me Mr. Anderson and OK we are going to do that. Let me call her parents and have them come in." we left the room and waited for Mr. Anderson to come back and get us. When he came out he said "Alright let's go. Also Miss. Lindsey can you please have Mr. Alex Biersack and Miss. Aniesa Kingston down to my office." she said "Yes sir." we walked into his office and waited about 10 minutes later the door opens and in walk the two students. Alex spots us and sees that Andy and I have a seat between us for him. I smiled at him as he sat down the young lady sat down in the chair in the middle of two others. About 5 minutes after that in walk to snobbish looking adults. As soon as they sat down Mr. Anderson said "The reason as to why we have both you Miss Kingston and you Mr. Biersack is because this morning Mr. Biersack's parents Miss.Levi and Mr.Biersack came in telling me that you are talking to their son in an inappropriate manner even after he asked you to stop. I know yesterday you said that Mr. Biersack had hit you. I was going to call them to talk to them about when they came in to talk to me. Miss Levi who has known Mr.Biersack his whole life had said that he wouldn't hit someone that he is a peace maker which is the truth. I asked Miss Levi and Mr. Biersack what we should do and the suggested that we all talk about it." I smiled and said "Miss Kingston you have made my son go from the happy go getter talking boy that I know and love to death to someone really quite and not happy go getter himself. When asked him last night he revealed to the whole family what was going on. If you do not leave our son alone we will press harassment charges brought up against you." Mrs.Kingston said "Why? She is just going after what she wants." Andy spoke up "The manner in which she is talking to him he described as the way I talk to Miss Levi when we are at home and in her ear. The only reason he knows the idea of what I say is her reaction. I for one don't like the things she is saying and for second I don't get how you guys think it's ok for a 12 year old to be talking to another 12 year that way." Mr. Anderson said "Alex what is one thing she said to you that was like how you described?" he looked at us swallowed hard and said "She said that she want to see me naked and in her bed. Another that really stuck out to me was I'd like to fuck you so badly." my face turned red from both Anger and embarrassment for Alex. Andy stiffened at what Alex just said and her parents said "He is lying." Alex then pulled his phone out unlocking it with his password and gave it to Mr. Anderson. Mr. Anderson showed the phone to Mr. and Mrs. Kingston and they both said "Those are Fake." the principle then hit the call button and Aniesa's phone started to ring. They just sat there with a pissed looked. I then spoke up "Well I think we are going to press the charges cause we didn't know about the texts." the school cop came in and arrested Aniesa on harassing. There was proof via the texting too that he asked her to stop but she continued. When this was done Mr. Anderson said "Just take Alex home for the day I will excuse him for all the work. This had to be hard on all of you and Congratulations on having a baby boy on the way." I smiled and said "Thanks Mr. Anderson. The reason as to why Alex has Andy's last name is because we do plan on getting married at some point but I still need a ring from Andy." Andy smiled and said "After the baby is born you will get a ring." I smiled at Andy and we walked out with Alex. When we got home after we took him out for a treat he said "Can I please go to online school?" I smiled and said "Yes but that is till high school then you have to go to a school building. We can always place you in a private school where that can't happen. I don't blame you one bit if you want that sweetheart.": he smiled and said "OK yeah let's do that mom." I smiled and hugged him. When it came time for us to get Mason and Josh Andy went and brought them home. I looked around the room when I seen that we don't have the room for the baby done. I turned to Andy and said "Babe we don't have a room done for Martin. We need one." he smiled and said "Yeah we do I did it for you the room next ours is for Martin. It's painted electric blue with black base boards and around the windows black. He has a white crib with a black and white thing on the bars so he can't get stuck. A black changing table and a white dresser." I smiled and said "So we need to get clothes, diapers, wipes, a diaper bag, a blanket for him, a mobile for his crib, baby monitor, a carrier and base for the car, a toy thing to hang on his carrier, a walker, baby swing, a baby seat, mat and a thing to put over the mat with toys hanging off of it." Amy then came in through the door and said "No you don't I went shopping and got most of it! He will only need diapers and wipes but wait till he is born for the diapers. The baby swing will need to be bought and the walker that's it. I got him lots of things." I smiled at Amy and said "Thanks Amy!" Amy said "You're welcome dear and call me Mom. Andy is going to marry you one day." I smiled and said "Ok mom." she smiled at me and then Chris came in with bags filled with things for his grandson who is not even here yet. He set them in the room for the baby and Andy put everything a way by the time Andy was done dinner was done. Amy and myself made dinner with Mason and Josh setting the table. I smiled at the sight in front of me Mason, Josh getting things done Andy hugging the boys saying "I love you both so much." Alex came over to me and said "Why is it that those 2 can find happiness and I can't?" I said "Alex honey did you know that I was like you till I was in college? I never had a boyfriend in middle school or high school. It's not a big deal. I bet that girl Kaylee likes you." he smiled at me and said "No I didn't know. Also Kaylee the girl I tutor?" I said "Yeah she is really smart just does the things so she can get to see you. I seen her private notebook and it had hearts with your name in them." he said "Ok. I will ask her out next time we have a tutor Session which is after Grandma and Grandpa Biersack leave." I smiled and said "That's my boy." we sat around the table and Amy said "So Alex I heard that you are the top of your class. So do you help anyone?" I smiled and he said "Yeah her name is Kaylee. I have known her for years so I volunteered to help her." Amy said "Cool so do you like her?" Andy said "MOM!" Alex said "It's cool dad and yes Grandma I do like her. She is sweet but she has this side No one else has seen but me. She has a hidden talent of Dancing Ballroom Dancing." I smiled and said "Her parents are professional Ballroom dancers. They own a studio and teach there so I wouldn't be surprised that she knows how. Her grandparents on both sides used to be dancers too. I took lessons from both her parents and Grandparents on her mom's side teaches." Andy looks all surprised and I smiled at him. Amy said "You can ballroom Dance?" I said "Yeah." she smiled and said "So how good are you now?" I said " I am not as good as I once was. I used to compete with a family friend he was my partner till he left for high school." Amy said "So why did he leave for high school?" I said "His parents got a new job as well as he studied abroad for 2 years. By the time he came back he was engaged to some girl he meet and forgot his only dance partner. Matter of fact my friend still goes to school with them both says he married her and now they are happily expecting a baby." Andy smiled and Amy said "So that's why you are as I have heard people call you a geek. Because you had to stop the dancing so you put all of your focus into being an amazing student." I said "Not really I danced in the summer and did school during the school year. Derek and I went to 2 different schools to so we didn't have time to do both." Andy said "So will you give me lessons?" I smiled and said "After our son is born and we graduate from school yes." he said "Ok. So boys do you know how to dance?" Alex said "I do I am Kaylee's partner. Her cousin Derek was Liz's partner." I smiled and said "Wow so you're her partner." Alex smiled and then Andy said "You should teach Josh and Mason to dance. They will need it for later in life." I smacked Andy lightly and said "No he doesn't they are fine. Trust me Josh and Mason know what they are doing." then my phone rang I said "I will be right back." I walked out of the room and answered my phone saying "Hey this is Liz Levi-Biersack." the person on the other side "Oh wow Liz you're married?" I said "Who is this?" the guy on the other side said "Liz this is Derek you know your old partner." I said "Oh my god I was just talking about you!" He said "What do you mean just talking about me?" I laughed and said "I was just telling my fiancee and his parents that we used to be Ballroom Dance Partners and then I found out that Kaylee is Alex's Partner your younger cousin." he said "Yeah I know she told me. I also heard a rumor that you and your fiancee adopted Alex and Mason is it true?" I said "Yeah it was more of an emergency and My uncle couldn't take care of the boys any more. Him and my aunt were getting a divorce but then she got into a car accident and died." he said "Wow so can I meet your fiance?" I said "Yeah I thought you forgot about me!" He said "I didn't I was just so busy then I went to visit my aunt and Uncle, Kaylee would not shut up about Alex and so I looked at his file and called the number under mom." I said "Oh ok. I get that I got really busy with my writing and well you can ask Becca who is on campus with you guys. Congratulations on getting married and becoming a father." he said "So how about in two months from now?" I said "Sure."

Andy Black is my college sweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now