Chapter 6

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2 Month time skip

Liz’s POV 
 I called Derek after that day to arrange today. Andy,myself,Alex,Mason and Josh are going to the dance studio where Derek and I used to dance where Alex currently dances at. When we walked in I was greeted by Mr. & Mrs. Lynch smiled and said “Hey Liz, Derek is here in the Rehearsal room that still has your guys’ name on it.” I smiled and said “Thanks.” Alex then said “Bye Mom bye Dad I am meeting with Kaylee so we can work on our stuff.” I smiled at him and said “Alright sweetie just be sure to call one of us if we are not here so we can come and get you.”he smiled and walked into the dance hall that music was softly coming out of. We continue down the hall to a room that has two gold stars on it with the name's Derek and Liz. I pushed the door open to hear the sound of the song we would do our waltz to. I started to sing “Take my hand, take a breath and pull me close and take one step.” Derek looked up and smiled. He walked over and I said “Hey Derek long ass time no see.” he laughed and said “Hey Liz I know.” Andy wrapped his arm around my waist lightly and I said “Derek this is my fiance Andy Biersack. And this is my former partner Derek.” Derek smiled and stuck his hand out for Andy and Andy took his hand saying “Hi Derek I am Liz’s fiance Andy.” Derek shook his hand and said “Hi Andy I am Derek Liz’s old dance partner.” I smiled and said “Well Derek, how's being a father?”  His smile disappeared and he said “We never got married. She cheated on me and got pregnant. I left her. That is why I came home. I am done with her and wanted to get away from all the pain.” I hugged him and said “I am sorry to hear that Derek. So are you going to be teaching here?” he smiled and said “Yeah. I was thinking that maybe I could have you as my co instructor.” I smiled and put Andy’s hand on my small bump and then put my hand on top of his. Derek smiled and said “Well congratulations are in order for you two and how about after you can start to work you come and be my co instructor.” I smiled and said “Thanks and yes that sounds like an amazing Job. Andy what do you think?” he smiled and said “Yeah do it. Let’s see if you still have what it takes to be number 1.”  I said back “Derek put the song on again and let’s get the show on the road. I know we can do this.” He put the song back on and we held hands. We danced as gracefully as we used to when we were younger. When we were done I turned around and saw that Mrs.Lynch was clapping along with Alex,Kaylee, Andy,Mason and Josh. Mrs.Lynch said “You two still have it after all of these years. Liz even though you are pregnant you are still one hell of a dancer.” I smiled while blushing at the compliment from Mrs.Lynch then Andy said “I have never seen someone dance like that.” I smiled and said “Well Derek and I have been off the floor for so long I didn't know if we could do this.”  Derek said “I knew we could do this. It’s in our bones and it will never leave, I am quite surprised that you don’t dance anymore.” I said “Well without my partner there was no need for me to move on. We had 6 championships under our name as well as our belt.” He said “Remember we started when we were 5 and went till we were 13 there was definitely more than that. Let’s see the trophy case and we will find out.” We walked out to the trophy case and he went the year we started. He said “5 here.” we walked to the following year and he said “6 here.” we walked down to yet again the next year and he said “7 here.” went to the next and he said “8 here.” we walked to the next and he said “9 here.” we continued to walk down the line with the number increasing by one each time till we stopped with 13. He then said “We have 81 of them not including Nationals. If we were to include those then add 8 more so 89 of them total.” Andy said “You took Nationals all 8 years you  danced for.” I smiled and said “Let’s see the fact that we had a drive to be number 1 didn’t help and the amount of training we did for those would extend hours that now we wouldn’t have.” Andy said “Like what kind of hours?” I said “12 hours a day and weekends were the same except when we had school. Imagine what it was like to be us.” he shook his head and said “I don’t know how you did it. I mean was it drilled into your little minds that something had to be done?” I smiled and said “Nope Derek and I were just naturals and we had to be the best we could be without getting into too much trouble with our parents and the other students. I mean we had to compete to see who would be able to get to go to the competition.” Derek smiled and said “It was the hardest thing you have to do. We had friends in that class and we had to beat them. Have you ever had to tell your friends that they are going down because that was what it was like?” Andy said “No.” I said “See Andy we worked so hard and at times we had to outdo the best of the best. Here it was like a fight to survive when we went out on that floor we gave it our all and our heart. It was not easy. That is why he would say it is in our bones.” Mrs. Lynch said “I remember those days when you two were having to go against the older kids and win. It was so sad to see. I was just 19 when I started to teach here and you two worked just as hard always asking what you could do better. There wasn't a dull moment for the two of you.” Andy said “So will one of you teach me how to dance for our wedding?” Derek said “Yeah I will once she is able to get back to dancing without it being a hazard for the baby and her.”  I smiled and said “So aside from the classes we will be teaching and you will teach Andy how to dance he is like 6 '2 you my dear Derek are 5' 10.” He laughed and said “I will just do it. I am your friend and he is going  to need me, not you. Plus it’s not like I have done it before.” I smiled and said “Ok.” Andy said “Thanks.” Derek said “You’re welcome.” I smiled and hugged Derek before turning to Andy saying “How about we all have dinner at our place?” Andy said “Yeah Derek you are welcome to join us.”  Derek smiled and said “Ok sounds good. Who will be cooking?” I smiled and said “Andy and I but mostly me.” Derek cracked a smile and said “Sweet so you going to cook homemade like your mom or not?” I said “Homemade tonight.” he smiled at me  and then Andy said “Follow us home then.” wrapping his right arm around my waist and putting his left arm around the boys Josh said “Liz let me see your phone. I wanna take a pic of this small family. Yes you guys are my family now.” I smiled and pulled the boys closer and they decided to give goofy faces.  Which caused Andy to smack them on the back of the head. They smiled and Josh took the pic really quickly. Afterwards I said “Derek take my phone and please take a picture of us with Josh in it?” Derek smiled and said “Sure.” Josh handed my phone over to Derek with my camera on and he stood in front of Mason with Mason's arms wrapped around his waist. Derek took the pic really quickly as well and said “Alright let's get going! I am starving!” I laughed at Derek and then we walked out. Mason got in then Josh got in lastly Alex got in. We buckled up and Andy turned on the car. I saw Derek’s car start and so Andy pulled out and Derek followed us home.Once we got home Andy parked the car and we got out and waited for Derek to get out. He got out and walked over to us. All of us walk into the apartment and the boys walk into the living room with Derek.  Andy and I went to the kitchen to make dinner. When Dinner was done Andy yelled “DINNER IS DONE!”  I hear feet running to the dining room and see all of them sitting at the table. Andy and I then brought out dinner along with a 2 liter of pop. I set down the drinks and then we got the food. While we were eating Derek said “Wow Liz this amazing.” I smiled at him and said “Thanks! It’s my friend's recipe.” he smiled and said “You’re welcome Liz.” Alex then said “Mom what are the plans once the little stinker is born?” I said “Well I was thinking when it comes time to work again I am going to Co Teach/ Coach at the school with Derek. Maybe I can Coach you and Kaylee only since I know I can do it.” Alex smiled and said “Can you please mom?” I smiled and said “Sure.” Alex smiled and then Derek said  “So Andy what do you do for a living?” Andy smiled and said “I make songs. Her family helps me. That's what I do for a living.” Mason then said “Dad may I spend the night this weekend with Josh? His parents said it was alright.”     Andy said “Yes you may Mason. Love you boys.” they both said “Love you too Dad.” Josh then turned to Derek and said “I consider them my family after all I am engaged to Mason.” I smiled at Josh and said “As we consider you to be part of our family.  You make Mason so happy and we could never  thank you enough.”   Josh smiled at us  and there was a knock at the door. I answered it and saw it was Josh’s mom. She said “Hey can Josh spend the night? Something happened with his older sister and no one will be home.”  Ismiled and said “Yeah he can. He is always welcome here so do you have his clothes or does he need to borrow some of Mason’s?” she held up a bag and said “Here are some of his. Thanks for letting him stay the night. It might be a while till he can come home.” I said “He can stay as long as he needs to.” she left in a rush and I turned around and said “Well Josh you are spending the night till someone is at your house. One of your older sisters had something happen and you are staying with us.” he smiled at me saying “my other family loves me so much. It's my sister that is pregnant knowing our family history she is having her baby.” Mason laughed and said “You're an uncle for the first time congratulations.”  Josh said “Babe I am already an uncle to Lucy’s baby remember?”  Mason said “That's  right I forgot. Anyways you will be an older brother on this side.” We all laughed and Andy said “So what are your plans Josh for after high school?”  Josh smiled and said “Other than taking your last  name. Going to school but I am not sure yet.” Andy smiled pleased with what Josh had said. I know Josh can’t wait to be a part of the family and I also know that  he was planning on doing writing just like Andy and I.  I smiled at him and we continued to eat dinner.  After we finished Derek said “So what else are we going to do?” I said “Boys go do your homework. You know the rules. So Derek what we do is the boys do their homework while Andy and I do whatever we do. Most of the time Andy and I talk about what our life will be like and what this little baby will be like.” he smiled at me and I smiled back at them seeing as this is what our life has come to. I then said “Just to let you know I am 7 months pregnant so don't worry it won’t be long and I will be having this little stinker.” 

Andy Black is my college sweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now