Chapter 4

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2 months time skip

Lizzie's POV

For the last month I have been getting sick and I promised Andy that I would go to the Doctors today to see what is going on with me. I woke up and seen a note on Andy's pillow that said "You got a call from Mason he needs help with something and I told him that I would be over cause you're asleep and need your sleep. LOVE YOU LOTS YOUR HANDSOME ANDY BLACK ❤" I smiled and went to get dressed for today. I looked down at my phone and seen the time I had to be at the doctor's office in 20 minutes. I grabbed my Keys to my car, got into my car and went to the Doctors office. When I arrived I singed in and waited. I then was called back and I waited for the doctor to show up. She came in and said "Hi my name is Alexis and I am your doctor since doctor Britany left." I shook her hand which she had extended out for me to shake and I said "Hi I am Elizabeth." she smiled and said "So what seems to be the problem Elizabeth?" I smiled and said "Well you see I haven't had my period in 2 months and I have been getting sick too." she noted and asked "Do you have a romantic partner or boyfriend?" I said "Yeah. We live together as well." she smiled and asked "Have you guys had sexual intercourse?" I said "Yeah after the super bowl game my boyfriend's team won the game and I made him a deal and I don't think we used a condom." she smiled and said "Ok so I am going to draw some blood and also I need to collect a urine sample. I think in my professional opinion that you are pregnant so I want to make sure." I smiled at the doctor and said "Ok. Let's do the urine sample now cause I have to go." she handed me a cup and I went and did my business and came back. I handed her the cup and then she drew the blood. She sent them to the lab with a rush so we could find out today. The results of both tests came out positive within 20 minutes. She said " Well the results are positive and so now let's see the that little one growing in you. Please lay down and pull your shirt up. This gel with be cold fair warning." I did as she said and she put the gel on me. It was cold then she grabbed the ultrasound machine and brought it closer to the bed. She put the wand on my tummy and turned on the screen. I looked up and seen a small bean like shaped figure on the screen. I smiled and she said "Congratulations you are pregnant I am going to give you prescriptions you need to take every day. From the looks of it you are about 2 months pregnant and your due on August 21st. Also how many copies would you like?" I smiled and said "4 please. My mom can make copies of she needs to but my parents Andy myself and his parents need a copy." she said "Ok. You can pick them up front with the prescription and make your next appointment for a month from now." I smiled and got up and left the room. I walked to the front and Scheduled my next appointment for a month from today same time. I then walked out. I went to Wal Mart and had my perception filled. I paid for it and went home to get ready to tell Andy that he is going to be a daddy. I am going to make a copy of the ultrasound and cut out the white frame and clue it into a homemade card and give it to Andy. I scanned my ultrasound picture onto my laptop and printed a copy of it. I cut the white frame around it off and glued it into the card that I had made for Andy. I put the card in my nightstand top drawer. I then heard the front door open and then close signalling that Andy was home. He the yelled "Liz where are you?" I yelled back "I am in the bedroom but stay in the living room i am coming out." I grabbed the card and hid it behind my back. I walked over to Andy and hugged him. He said "So what did the doctor say?" I said "I just have a cold. But hey let's eat dinner." I had made dinner earlier. I then said "Hey Andy babe I have something for you." he looked at me and I grabbed the card from the counter. I handed Andy the card and he read out loud. "I know you and I wanted to start a family one day after we got married." he then opened the card and read "Hi daddy it's me your unborn baby." he looked up at me and then looked down at the card then back at me. He cracked a huge smile and then said "So you're pregnant?" I smiled and said "Yup 2 months to be exact." Andy smiled and picked me up setting me in his lap he kissed me on the lips and put his hand on my belly. I smiled and then he put his head right next to my tummy and said "Hey baby it's your daddy and I don't know if you can hear me but I love you so much!" I smiled and leaned down kissing the back of his head. Andy then brought his head up and kissed me on the lips. I then said "Ok so we have to tell our parents about this and also babe it was cute that you just did that but I don't think our child can hear you yet. No ears have been developed yet." he smiled at me and said "Let's call my parents and tell them." I smiled and said "Ok." Andy pulled his phone out and called his mom's phone. She answered "Hey Andy what's up?" He said "Well for one you are on Speaker. Second Liz and I have a huge announcement to make so go get Dad and put us on speaker." my mom said "You're on speaker and your father is listening." he let out a shaky breath and said "Mom and Dad Liz and I are going to be parents on August 21st. She is currently 2 months pregnant!" We hear his mom scream "Yes! I am going to be a grandma!" I chuckled and Andy just smiled his dad said "Hey guys congratulations! I am going to be a grandpa!" I chuckled and said "Thanks! Yes you guys are going to be grandparents as well as my folks." Amy who is Andy's mom said "We love you both but it's getting late here and we need to go to bed. Night guys!" Andy said "Night mom and dad love you guys too and so does Liz." he hung up and then I pulled out my phone and called my mom she answered "Hey baby girl what's up?" I said "Mom get Dad and put me on speaker NO ONE else please." She then said "Alright you are on speaker and your father and I are in our bedroom. He's listening and paying attention." I then said "Well guys your only child is getting ready to become a parent herself. I am 2 months pregnant and you're going to be grandparents on August 21st." my mom said "I am so happy for you congratulations! I am going to be grandma! Thank you Bengals for winning." I yelled "MOM!" She laughed and Andy said "Yeah I know. Thanks!" My dad then said "Congratulations! I am going to be a grandpa! I am not mad or saying thanks to the Bengals." I laughed and Andy said "Thanks. So if you guys want to come over it's ok but tomorrow." my mom said " We will night baby." I hung up and then turned to Andy. He picked me up and carried me into the bedroom laying me down on our shared bed. I laid my head on the pillow till Andy came back. When he came back we snuggled and I feel asleep with my head on his chest. The next morning I was woken up to my alarm for school. I got up and said "Andy get up we have school." he laughed at me and said "No I am going to sleep." I then said "Andrew Dennis Biersack get your fucking ass up!" He got up and said "You know I hate it when people call me by my full name. Babe I love you but I want you to be happy but please don't use my full name." I smiled and said "Then you should have gotten your ass out of bed." he got out of the bed and came over to me hugging me carefully. I smiled and hugged him back. He rubbed his hand up and down my back saying "I am sorry. It's so stupid it's just I don't like my full name I over reacted I am sorry." I leaned into Andy and said "I accept your apology." I hugged him tight and close he smiled at me I said "Andy we need to shower and we need to get to the school. You know my parents will know if we don't show up." He chuckled and said "Let's go shower together and then we can get ready eat then go to school." we walked into the bathroom and showered. I went into the bedroom and grabbed one of Andy's shirts and a pair of my jeans. I pulled my jeans up and button my pants up these won't don't in like 2 months. I then slipped Andy's shirt on when I looked down I noticed it was his KISS shirt. Andy walked in and said "I love that shirt on you babe. I think that I have another one just like it so we can match." I laughed at my boyfriend's attempt to be a cliche couple he smiled at me and put on a pair of his jeans and his other KISS shirt. I laughed at my boyfriend and said "Ok now let's eat and go." He smiled and we walked into the kitchen I grabbed a granola bar and started to eat it. Andy grabbed one as well and we went out the door. When we arrived my dad was in his classroom and I sat down. Andy was transferred into the morning classes so we could be together and I can mess with my classmates. We sat up front in our usual seats. Me on the outside with Andy in the inside. My dad looks up and smiles at me. I smiled back and then my stupid pain in the butt classmates came in. I leaned into Andy and I see the looks I get from the idiot's I call classmates. I smiled and Andy said "Everyone deserves love and they can find it in least likely of places. Also you are all close minded fools." after that my father says "Alright enough it's been going on for months now and it's getting old for the both of them. Now the assessment for the day is up on the board due at the end of class if you don't finish it becomes homework and you also need to write about a love life that you either know or are currently in. Now the homework is due in 3 days!" I smiled and looked to see that you had to write a page paper on what you want love to be like. I smiled and effortlessly wrote a 2 page paper and handed it in. Andy not shortly after I did turned his paper into my father he takes the paper and we start to work on our homework. Soon we finished our homework and I was turning to give my paper to Andy to put in his messenger bag we have for school. Then we sat waiting for class to end When the bell ran Andy and I went to Mr. Anthony's class and yet again we got our work done fast. Then we get to Mr.Lukes class and that's where I sit there and write a song when I am done. Getting help here and there from my uncle Luke and Andy as well. When class was over I walked out and to Uncle Noah's class. By the time school was done Andy and I have come up with a list of names for our child. I came up with the names Jennifer Ann, Kaitlyn Marie, Jaylyn Kay, Jesslyn Anna, Katrina Ann for girls and then for boys Andy and I agreed on 2 Martin Dennis Biersack or Andrew Dennis Biersack Jr. Just depends if the baby comes on my due date. If it's a boy and comes on August 21st he will be named Martin Dennis Biersack. If he born before or after then he will be named Andrew Dennis Biersack Jr.When we decided to pick names out I told Andy that the baby is going to have his last name our child is not having my last name. When we got home Andy and I snuggled watching TV until there was a knock at the door. Andy yelled "COME ON IN IT'S OPEN!" the door opens and my parents walk in. Mom says "You guys are so lazy. But I love you guys!" I said "Hi guys we love you too mama. We just got out of school so we are going to be lazy." Mom just laughed and said "I am so happy the first Grandchild of the A Summer High family!' I laughed and Andy said "Yeah I know she was also the first child of the A Summer High family." I laugh and mom says "True. But I am just so happy about it all!" I looked at my boyfriend and he smiled pulling me closer to him. My mom sat down next to us on the couch and hugged me then dad came over hugged me. Mom hugged Andy tight and said "You know you're my favorite one out of all them. I mean you're the only one and I am glad it was you and not anyone else." I laughed at my mother who was being funny she knows that if it weren't for Andy I would still be single and living at home with her, dad and the rest of the family. I am so glad I am out of house right about now with infants and school it would kill me. I know my family loves me but I would go nuts Andy is trying to make his band Black Veil Brides but that is not up and ready plus this baby is putting it on hold for a short period of time. Our child is going to be lucky to have parents that love and care about it. I know a young lady who has had a baby and drank and everything and even quit caring for herself. She called me once and asked if I knew how to take care of a screaming baby since I was a geek and I told her no I didn't. We graduate like the same month I am due but after my due date. So unless this baby comes before it's due date I am going to be heavily pregnant on Graduation day. After my parents left cause Nova was getting mad at aunt and uncle we ate dinner and then there was a knock at the door I answered it to see Mason with Josh. Mason had tears in his eyes and I smiled at them I opened the door wider and also my arms. Mason ran right into my arms and then he started to say "Hey Liz my mom died in a car accident and I told my dad that I wanted to move out and live with you and Andy. I asked Andy already since you didn't come that day." I rubbed my hand up and down his back in a soothing manner and then Josh said "We also came to do our homework since we need the help." I smiled and said "Ok well since Andy and I are done we can just help and Mason you can stay here for a little." I then looked to Andy and said "We might want to look into getting a house. I mean with you know what and Mason we will need 2 more rooms than we already have." he smiled at me and then Mason asked "Are you keeping something from me?" I smiled and said "This might make you happy you're going to be a second cousin I am pregnant but I am not due till August 21st!" he smiled wide and said "There is going to be a baby in this house yes!" I smiled at him and he hugged me then Josh spoke up "So how far along are you? I have a niece so I know a lot." I said " 2 months along. So you are used to having a baby around?" Josh smiled and said "Yeah. Matter of fact I have to baby sit this weekend and I was wondering if I could bring her here so I could still spend time with Mason?" I smiled and said "Sure just get stuff to baby proof the place." they both of them smiled then Josh went to this mom's car coming back with a box full of things to baby proof the house. I smiled and took the box from them and I then said "Ok go sit at the table we will help you guys Mason just get clothes for now for here cause we will be moving." the two boys moved into the dining room while I sat the box down in the closet by the front door. I walked into the kitchen got 4 glasses with a bottle of pop and brought them in. I sat down the glasses that had ice in them and poured the pop into them. I put each cup in front a seat and then I grabbed a pencil and sat down in my spot. Andy came in with his note book and a few pens to work on his songs. I smiled and I looked over to Mason and Josh who were both hard at work on their homework then Mason said "I need help to write a paper on a relationship I witness and we were told to use our parents but that is not the best since A my mom just died and B they were at odds till she died." I smiled and said "We can help you with that when is it due?" he smiled and said "At the end of the year so after the baby comes." I smiled and said "Ok. Andy and I will show you what we wrote about our relationship and you can also take notes when you are home. You have a enough time how long does it need be?" Mason smiled and said "It has to be like a 2 page but with you two helping me I know it can be a 4 page paper so fast." I smiled and said "Ok so we got time." Andy looked up at him and said "You know your cousin and I love each other and you will have a flawless paper." I laughed and then said "I hate to ask this but does the school know that your mom died? If not I will call your dad and have him tell them so you don't have to worry about getting into trouble." he said "No they don't but dad said he was going to call the school to let them know and he handed me this paper to give to you and Andy to sign saying that you're my legal guardian since I am no longer under this roof and that since I live with you two that you guys are responsible for me." I smiled taking the paper from him and seen that it had Mason and Alex names on it. I then said "Where is Alex? It says the both of you will be living with us?" he said "Oh Alex is at a friends and he will be here tomorrow." I smiled and then my phone lit up with Uncle Luke's number I hit answer and he said "Hey Liz sorry to drop this on you but I can't take care of the boys right now and their mother and I were already in the process of getting those papers so you can take them. I will pay child support for them and everything but I need you guys to take them." I said "Hey Uncle Luke it's ok. I get why now but why last week?" he said "We were talking about getting a divorce and knowing that there was no way we could actually take care of the boys on our own." I said "Ok. So child support will be kinda high but that is ok and we will get it all sorted out but we don't have room we only live in a 2 bedroom apartment and we are expanding our family." Luke laughed and said "Don't worry I found a place that 4 bedroom 2 bathroom that was up for sale it might be an apartment building that I bought but I know I reserved one for you guys since I know that you would need a bigger place to stay so you guys can move in whenever you want to." I said "Ok. I will talk to Andy. I will sign my name and so will Andy. When is the court hearing for us to take them?" he said "It's a rushed case so tomorrow come with me and we can get it right away so you can take them." I said "Ok. we will have to have to move tomorrow because of the room." he said "Alright just let me go." I hung up and looked at the boys' worker gave them the thumbs up and they packed it away. Mason looked at me and said "So where is my room?" I smiled and said "Right there. Your father got owns another place and we get to live there rent free because of this. Its a 4 bedroom 2 bath place. I am guessing your brother and you are sharing a room." he smiled at me and said "Ok. I am heading to bed because I have practice and a game tomorrow." I smiled and said "Ok. what time do you need to be there?" he said "My dad will take me so you can give him the paper and also give you the keys." I smiled and said "Ok." he went to his room but not before kissing Josh good night. Josh's mom was waiting outside for him. I walked him to his mother's car and told her that they all are welcome here and we are moving. I walked back into our apartment and turned to Andy. He smiled and said "I already signed the papers all you have to do is sign them also it will be ok. We can do it I know we can do it I want to prove to you that I can be perfect father before our child is here." I smiled at him kissing him on the lips. I pulled away and took the pen Andy had out and signed the papers really quickly I then said "Let's get some shut eye babe. I am tired and I know that Mason has practice early and we want to get this stuff done fast." he smiled and pulled me to our bedroom. I went and laid down in the bed and fell asleep not to long after I am woken up by Andy saying that Mason is crying and won't calm down. I got up and walked into Mason's room. He looked at me and attached himself to me. I hugged him back and held him close saying "I love you Mas calm down I've got you it's ok calm down." he calmed down and Andy came in he turned the light on and I said "What's wrong Mason?" He looked at me and said "I don't know all I remember was looking down at a casket and seeing my mom laying in it." I said "Oh buddy I am sorry. Wanna talk about anything else you seen in your dream?" he said "We were all in black and you and Andy were there but you were crying with Andy and when I looked down it wasn't just my mom it was my mom and dad. Alex was not there though and I started to get scared that's when I woke up and started to cry." I hugged him and somehow my 6'2 bean pole of a boyfriend was hugging him as well. I smiled at Andy and we laid down all 3 of us in the queen sized bed that we kept in the guest room. The next time I wake is when Mason's alarm goes off. We go to our separate rooms and I go and get dressed into a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. We then went and made breakfast as I noticed that my cousin was not in the mode to eat and I looked over to Andy and he shrugged his shoulders. He brought me my food we ate and then my uncle showed up. I gave him the paper he gave me a small smile and Mason walked over to him. We all then walked out. Soon we were at the school and Mason was at practice. We then drove to the attorney's office where my uncle gave the person he was talking to the papers we signed. We then went to the courthouse and that's when we became the legal parents of 2 my younger cousins. We left the courthouse and everyone who was able to pack our place was ready to pack and move us. By the time were done it was time for the game. We went to the game we won 36-6 we took the boys home and Andy said "Night boys it has been one long tiring day." they smiled and hugged Andy saying "Night Andy we love you." I smiled at the boys pulling into my embrace and seen said "Night you 2 love you." Andy then said "I love you guys so much wake me if you need one of us." I smiled admiringly at my boyfriend and we went to bed. I watched as Alex walked into his room then I went to our new room. I went over to the bed and fell asleep on it going to dream land. 

Andy Black is my college sweetheartWhere stories live. Discover now