Breakfast at Daichi's

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Sugawara joined the the boys for breakfast, they decided that they would have breakfast at Daichi's place. He walked into the house, announcing himself as he slipped his shoes off. They all greeted him, their voices all loud and ecstatic for the day. Sugawara could not relate, still tired from the lack of sleep. 

"I think I might go to France next" Noya announced, "I hear that Tendou lives there actually."

"Yeah he does." Kageyama confirmed "Ushijima talks about him a lot."

"Not surprised, aren't they best friends?" Daichi looked up from his cooking, which Kageyama nodded to confirm. 

"Still, France is a big step." Sugawara looked at Noya, who only shrugged at his response.

"I've been in Italy for a while. I need to change it up." Noya sipped at his cup of coffee. All of them nodded in slight agreement, knowing how important it is to change up a routine sometimes. The boys chatted as Daichi and Tsukishima made breakfast. Tsukishima only offered so he didn't have to talk as much this morning. 

Yachi finally arrived, on her own this morning "good morning everyone!" she walked over to the collection of boys.

Sugawara looked around her, raising a brow "where's (Y/N)?"

"Good to see you too Suga." Yachi huffed "she's busy with work. They finally gave her a deadline for her next article."

"What's her article about?" Daichi looked up to Yachi, which made her hesitate. She fiddled with her sweater slightly.

"Her article is about how you shouldn't have to marry your soulmate, based on them being your soulmate." This made everyone go quiet for a moment. "She's not against it or anything, just the idea of spending the rest of your life with your soulmate shouldn't be your main priority."

The boys all exchanged a glace before their eyes landed on Sugawara. His eye twitched slightly. He smiled widely at Yachi "that's really interesting."

Yachi nodded in agreement "she's really passionate about it actually." she was hesitant "I could show you some of her other articles if you'd like?" Sugawara nodded slightly, his eyes bright. I might be able to get an idea of her morals he thought to himself. Yachi pulled her phone out, typing up a few articles before she handed Sugawara her phone. 

Daichi tried to read over Sugawara's shoulder, raising a brow. "These are... controversial."

"Well, that's because she's a journalist. It's their job to poke at the bear." Yachi huffed "her most popular articles are about soulmates though."

Sugawara read through the articles, smiling to himself. He didn't disagree with any of the opinions, but he didn't think someone like her would be so open about them. "She's a good writer."

"Thank you" (Y/N) smiled from the hallway, this gained a scream from Tanaka and Noya. How long was she standing there for?

"(Y/N)! I didn't know you were coming!" Daichi's eyes were wide.

"Sorry, it was very last minute. Yachi said it was okay if I did." (Y/N) sat down with Yachi, who was laughing. 

"It's fine." Daichi stared at her before he glanced at Sugawara. 

"Good morning (Y/N)!" Sugawara's smile was wide and bright, showing off his dimples. (Y/N) gave back the same smile in acknowledgement, her cheeks showed a pink hue. The boys began to continue their conversation from before. Noya began stating his plan for the rest of his travels, but Sugawara's mind was preoccupied, reading articles written by (Y/N). He wouldn't have thought of her as the type to not believe in soulmates, he thought she had a bad experience with them was all. He read through each article, mentally dissecting each word and sentence. 

"What do you guys all do for work?" (Y/N) smiled at everyone, finally speaking up. The boys all looked at each other before going into their careers, announcing each one. They all worked different jobs and were different people, they were all gathered by their love of Volleyball when they were in high school, however only two went pro. 

Sugawara smiled at (Y/N), he couldn't help but admire her. The way she held herself, how she talked... He loved her voice.

Daichi cleared his throat, finally setting breakfast out for everyone, everyone thanked Daichi and Tsukishima for the meal before they began to eat. The boys engulfed breakfast pretty quickly. Tsukishima looked disgusted, visibly regretting everything in his life. 

"Sugawara-san-" (Y/N) began, but when he looked up at her she noticed the food around his mouth. She couldn't help but laugh at the mess her soulmate had made. He raised a brow, confused. She picked up a napkin before wiping the mess from his face, her smile bright. Sugawara's face burned a hot red from her touch, embarrassed at how messy he was. 

"I'm so sorry (Y/N)-chan!"

"It's okay, it's cute." she pushed her hair behind her ear. Daichi looked at Yachi, confused on what he missed, Yachi shared the same expression. 

~ ~ ~ ~

(Y/N) decided to leave after breakfast to leave them to hang out for the day before they all had to leave. She sat at her desk, staring at the blank screen. What do I write?

Her mind had been hit with writers block. She only had until Friday to finish the first draft of her article. What was she supposed to write? Her mind felt confused and blank. She could only think of Sugawara and his smile. (Y/N) leaned back in her chair, looking up at the ceiling. Damn you and your cute smile and perfectness. She thought back to this morning before looking back to her laptop. 

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