Shot 9

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Come with another shot❤️ Hope you all will like ❤️

Sanskar is looking at Handsome Kumar and Swara with shocked face while Swara is smirking. She drag her newly made boyfriend toward her husband with a smirk on face.

Swara : So Mr Sanskar Maheshwari you were so eager to meet my boyfriend right? What you were saying I am lying that I have boyfriend. ( With a tight smile) So now meet my boyfriend Mr Handsome Kumar.

Handsome : jii Haan hum hi hai aaapki patni ke naye navele boyfriend. ( said while blushing).

Swara : awww so cute you are. ( pinching his cheeks).

Sanskar glare her deadly then at handsome kumar who is showing his full teeth. He feels to break his teeth instantly.

Karan : ( whisper to Dida) what your granddaughter doing? By this she gonna make Sanskar confess his love? Sanskar will instantly get she is lying.

Dida : No way! My shoru is very smart. She know how to play.

Karan : my Sanskar is also not duffer. He is very smart.

Dida : so what you wanna say My shoru is duffer? ( become angry).

Karan : ( shocked seeing her angry) No Dida why I will say?

Dida : shut up! I am looking Dida to you? I am not so oldie. Call me miss Bose. ( angrily).

Karan : but... ( stop seeing her glare) Okay fine! Miss Bose! See your shoru making very stupid plan. Not gonna work.

Dida : we will see.

Sanskar : ( take a deep breath to control his anger) how much money you paid for this fake boyfriend to him?

Swara  become shocked hearing his words.

Karan : Dekha I told it will not work. ( whisper to Dida shrugging off shoulders).

Dida just glare him make his mouth shut.

Karan : this oldie is so dangerous. ( thinks in mind) poor Sanskar got the younger version of her as wife.

Swara become nervous at his question but compose herself.

Swara : what do you mean? Fake boyfriend? He is my real love okay? How you can even say this? ( showing anger).

Sanskar : cut the crap Mrs Swara Sanskar Maheshwari because I am not gonna come in this trap. ( make her shocked) you can make anyone one but not me so utter fast you hired this men to make me hurt right? How you can do this? ( angrily).

For a second Swara become scared with thought what he will do when he came to know she actually hired someone. She shrugged off her thoughts no for now his confession is most important. She will see that also. She take a deep sigh.

Swara : have you gone mad? What rubbish you are speaking? Karan uncle see may be your buddy gone mad. Take him to some psychiatric.  ( said with no caring attitude hold Handsome's hand) come darling.

But she stop abruptly while Sanskar pulled her hand toward him.

Sanskar : ( angrily) don't Swara. Utter the truth. Stop your damn drama.

Swara : what the hell is happening? ( jerking his hand) how more I have to say that I am not doing any drama. Do you want in written now that now I fallen for someone else.

Sanskar : Okay! So tell me how you fallen again? That too so soon? 3 days ago you were crying for me and now you have suddenly moved on. What rubbish!! ( angrily).

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