Chapter 6 ✿

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I'm not supposed to update but, because I stumbled into this... ✨😊

This chapter is dedicated to "King Austin Dominic" He's not a Wattpad user. Even if he is...I think he's anonymous. At times he calls to ask when I'd update. He's the "Sammy" character

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10:36 am

I lazily got out of bed, calculating each step I took toward the window. I moved the curtains to the side and took a quick peep. This street is always empty.

I checked my wall calendar just in case I have a schedule, none. Wait! I looked at the day, Friday! My second day locked up in my Holy Chambers! I took a marker, moved toward the whiteboard on the wall, and wrote Lockdown Day 2.

My phone vibrated on my reading table. I hesitantly approached the table and grabbed my phone. Unbelievable! 14 missed calls, and 36 iMessages from Uncle P, PJ, Chiwendu, Debbie, Jeremy, Aunt Janet, Kiki, and my Mum.

She has tabled my matter and called every relative. Way to go Mum! "Na now day break for una eye," I rolled my eyes and read every message.

Vee, please I'm begging you. Open the door and let your Mum in.....Kiki.

My angel, I know your Mum can be overbearing sometimes but please, forgive her for the love of Christ. Don't forget I love you... Aunt Janet.

"Love you too," I cleared my throat.

Dude, are you okay? You aren't taking my calls... PJ.

Young Lady don't disturb my big sis or you will hear from me.... Uncle P.

"He even put a smiley emoji sef," I laughed. Nonsense and ingredients!

I microwaved my food and ate to my satisfaction. A message popped up while I was devouring my food.

Baby, please come downstairs. I made breakfast.

I let out a deep breath and took pictures while eating. I checked my lodge WhatsApp group, nothing new here. They all want to know when the other would resume.

Although most students have resumed for the semester, I'll be leaving for school next month. That is in a week or two. There was a knock on my door. I turned over my shoulders, tiptoed towards the door, and peered through the eyepiece. Kiki!

She better not support my mum this time. I frown.

"Vee, wake up!" She knocked again. "Your Mum is getting worried and your food is getting cold," She added.

I know I have to go out but, I just can't.
If I go out now...what have I proven? Would she listen to my plea? I have to stay here until my plan works.

"Don't you think you are overdoing this?" She cracked her knuckles. "I mean, your Mum cried herself to sleep last night. She is still crying on the table. Plus, we ran out of tissue this morning," she said, sympathetically.

"Like I don't cry myself to sleep most of the nights," I said without voicing it. I sat on the ground and relaxed my back on the wall. My phone vibrated, it was a text from Temitope.

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