Chapter 2 ✿

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Sammy's POV

Breakfast was served, and we settled on the chairs to eat when someone knocked on the gate.

"Who the hell is that?! Why can't people stay in their godforsaken houses in the morning?!" Ashley lashed out, angrily rolling her eyes.

"Ashley! Language!" Uncle Otuto yelled at her. "Check who is at the gate," he said referring to her.

She pretended not to have heard him as she filed her nails on her shirt.
"I'll get it," I stood up from my chair.

If I don't check who was knocking non-stop on the gate, no one will. Also, to save Ashley from being grounded, again! Yet again! Made me reconsider.

I opened the gate and graced the beauty in front of me.
"Hi!" She said scanning me from head to toe. She looks stunning, I guess she hasn't had her bath because her eyes still have a crust on them.

I found my voice. "Hi! Are you look..." I was interrupted by the most elegant British accent I have ever heard.

"I am here to see Mrs. Robinson," she frowned and walked past me.
That was rude of her but, I ignored it.

"Is she expecting you?" I frowned, locking the gate. Seems she had been here before because she just walked straight to the house. Didn't she hear me? "Is she expecting you?" I asked again.

She turned on her heels to face me. "Yes and no!" She frowned and opened the front door.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I dipped my hand inside my shorts pocket and got my phone out. I received tons of messages from Ini.

Bae, we don't have to break up. We just need a break.

Just give love a chance, Sammy.
I was at your parent's house, yesterday.

"Jesus! What is this girls problem?" I palmed my face. "She doesn't know when to stop."

Ini is my girlfriend, ex-girlfriend. She was my girlfriend. I broke up with her last year after Christmas. She claims we still have a chance but, I am done with her games. Speaking of bad news wouldn't help my grumbling stomach. I have to eat before someone's daughter kills me.

I made my way into the living room as I watched Princess holding this girl's hand.

"Well, Mrs. Robinson," she tushes her accent as my Aunt cut her off.

" No, no, no, no," she huffed. "It's Aunty Champagne, please."

If there's one thing I know for sure, only business associates address her as Mrs Robinson. I forgot to breathe the moment I walked past her and sat on my chair.

I could feel her eyes boring holes behind my head. So grateful Ashley clicked her fingers, shooting me a Pure evil look. I simply rolled my eyes at her, though I didn't do it properly but- I did that.

My attention drifted as she spoke up. "My Mum asked me to inform you, that the meeting has been rescheduled," she had the cutest smile ever. I am crushing without warning!

"I am aware. I called in ill so, that does it," Aunty Champagne stared at Uncle Otuto. The couple planned on traveling today.

"So sorry..." The girl said.

My Aunty spoke up. "Please, join us for breakfast."

Oh, Christ! The meal wouldn't be enough for us all and you are including her!

Aunty Champagne pointed to an empty chair beside Ashley. "You are just in time."

The girl spoke up, again. " I wish I could Mrs. Rob- I mean," she blushed.
I felt my stomach tingling while making a few flip-flops. "Aunty Champagne, my Mum is at home preparing breakfast."

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