9. silver mares.

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Antheia understood why Hermione had told Professor McGonagall but, she was still a little frustrated at her. Antheia didn't think it was her place to take away Harry's broom but she knew she had to stay with Hermione as both Harry and Ron were ignoring her.

Hermione spent most of her time in the library and remained convinced that she had acted for the best. Antheia often stayed at the library with her but she did miss messing around with Ron as she had never gone this long without talking to him. Harry and Antheia were in similar positions throughout this argument and it seemed like Ron had claimed Harry while Hermione had claimed Antheia. All in all, they were glad when the rest of the school returned shortly after New Year, and Gryffindor Tower became crowded and noisy again.

Wood sought Harry out on the night before term started.

"Had a good Christmas?" he said, and then, without waiting for an answer, he sat down, lowered his voice, and said, "I've been doing some thinking over Christmas, Harry. After the last match, you know. If the Dementors come to the next one ... I mean ... we can't afford you to - well -"

Wood broke off, looking awkward.

"I'm working on it," said Harry quickly. "Professor Lupin said he'd train me to ward the Dementors off. We should be starting this week; he said he'd have time after Christmas."

"Ah," said Wood, his expression clearing. "Well, in that case - I really didn't want to lose you as Seeker, Harry. And have you ordered a new broom yet?"

"No," said Harry.

"What! You'd better get a move on, you know - you can't ride that Shooting Star against Ravenclaw!"

"He got a Firebolt for Christmas," said Ron.

"A Firebolt? No! Seriously? A - a real Firebolt?"

"Don't get excited, Oliver," said Harry gloomily. "I haven't got it any more. It was confiscated." And he explained all about how the Firebolt was now being checked for jinxes.

"Jinxed? How could it be jinxed?"

"Sirius Black," Harry said weakly. "He's supposed to be after me. So McGonagall reckons he might have sent it."

Waving aside the information that a famous murderer was after his Seeker, Wood said. "But Black couldn't have bought a Firebolt! He's on the run! The whole country's on the lookout for him! How could he just walk into Quality Quidditch Supplies and buy a broomstick?"

"I know," said Harry, "but McGonagall still wants to strip it down -"

Wood went pale.

"I'll go talk to her, Harry," he promised. "I'll make her see reason ... a Firebolt ... a real Firebolt, on our team ... she wants Gryffindor to win as much as we do ... I'll make her see sense ... a Firebolt ..."

─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─

Antheia was listening to Hermione explain her reasoning for what felt like the millionth time.

"I mean - that Firebolt is obviously dangerous and I'm sure it's only safe for Professor McGonagall to check it," said Hermione fiercely while flipping through The Science of Hippogriffs.

"Hermione, maybe you shouldn't have gone behind Harry's back like that," Antheia reasoned.

"Maybe you're right ... but now Ron and Harry are ignoring me and I just did what's best for their safety,"

"Mione, it'll be fine. Give it a couple of weeks and they'll have forgotten about it."

"I hope so. I'm sorry for dragging you into this, Theia. I know you want to talk to them."

Butterfly Effect ; H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now