20. the invitation.

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Antheia Lupin was kissing Harry Potter.

They were under a large maple tree in the corner of the Lupin Cottage's backyard. The bright, mid-July sun shone through the thick branches and pine green leaves.

Antheia was propped up against the tree's great stump and her eyes were closed. Suddenly, the soft grass started shaking. The tree was crumbling above her. A loud ringing ran through her ears and then -

Her eyes snapped awake. She was under the soft sheets of her bed. There were beads of sweat on her forehead and her arms were slightly shaking. Antheia glanced up from her white blanket to see Harry Potter in front of her, looking concerned.

"What are you doing in my house?" Antheia blurted out quickly.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "You invited me over yesterday, remember?"

"Oh - right - I forgot."

"OK ... well - Remus says breakfast is ready, so ..."

"Right. Well, tell him I'll be down in a second," she said. Harry nodded slowly and walked out of her room.

It was just a dream, she told herself. Not real ... not real ... not real ... He was just her best friend. She would never kiss Harry Potter. Not in a million years.

Antheia tumbled down the stairs quickly and trotted to her kitchen.

"Morning, darling," her father said to her, smiling warmly. Antheia mumbled awkwardly in response. She stumbled over to her cereal and began to speedily slurp up her breakfast.

"Antheia, are you okay?" Remus Lupin said, staring, concerned, at his daughter. "You seem -" Antheia dropped her spoon into her bowl with a loud clang, "nervous."

"You're nervous!" Antheia exclaimed suddenly. She became fully aware of someone's gaze on her so she looked up to see Harry raising his eyebrows. Her eyes unwillingly flickered to his lips before she quickly averted her gaze. Her father, however, noticed this.

"Ah," he said. "Another Harry dream?" Antheia's eyes widened and a furious blush rose to her cheeks.

Harry, however, was smirking proudly. "You dream about me?" he said.

"You wish," Antheia spluttered.

"No -" Harry continued, "he just said you do -"

"Well, then he was lying!"

"Why would he be lying?"

"Just shut up, Potter," Antheia glanced up. "And stop smirking."

Remus Lupin, however, was smiling fondly. He faintly remembered this conversation happening roughly twenty years ago as well with his deceased best friends: James and Lily.

─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─

It had been a month since Harry had left the Lupin Cottage and a month without any of Antheia's friends. As she ate cereal in her cozy kitchen like every morning before, she spotted a small, grey, feathery tennis ball colliding with the window. Antheia winced and cracked the window to see a minute owl, small enough to fit into the palm of her hand, whizzing excitedly around the kitchen. Antheia immediately recognized this owl as her best friend Ron's owl. She tore open the messy note quickly.

Theia - DAD GOT THE TICKETS - the match is Ireland
versus Bulgaria, Monday night. Can you come over this
afternoon? Dad says we can floo to your house and pick
you up at three o'clock if that's okay with Remus.
Hermione's arriving this afternoon as well. I've asked
Harry to come on Sunday. Percy's started work - the Department
of International Magical Co-operation. Don't mention anything
about Abroad while you're here unless you want the pants
bored off you.
See you soon - Ron

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