1. the leaky cauldron.

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The sunlight shone through the white curtains of Antheia's room. The open window let in a soft breeze as a small, snowy owl landed on the patterned windowsill. Antheia sat up from her bed, placing down her copy of Intermediate Transfiguration as she gave her white owl a small treat and stroked her feathers.

"Thank you, Aura. Now, what have you got for me..."

The small owl pecked at her fingers affectionately as the girl opened up the letter.

Dear Theia,

Hey Theia, Hermione and I are staying at the Leaky Cauldron! Egypt was brilliant; all the tombs were fascinating and Fred and George tried to trap Percy in the last one.

Dad's told me Harry blew up his aunt. I think it's brilliant but Hermione reckons he might get into some trouble with the Ministry of Magic.

I think Harry will be at the Leaky Cauldron with us, so would you like to come as well? Remus can also come along if he'd like. Send Aura back with an answer soon!


PS: Percy's been made Head Boy.

Antheia chuckled at the letter and jumped down the stairs of her small cottage to talk to her father.

"Dad? Dad?"

"Yes, Theia?" Remus Lupin called from his office, "What is it?"

Antheia ran towards her father's office and appeared at the door, panting.

"Can I go to the Leaky Cauldron to meet Ron, Hermione, and Harry?" Antheia breathed, with a small grin on her face.

"Yes, you can go, darling. Molly's been sending me letter after letter asking you to stay." Remus Lupin checked his watch and added, "Well, go pack your things and we'll leave in twenty minutes."

Antheia ran up the stairs and then cursed herself internally for wasting all her energy. She quickly brushed her teeth and put on a t-shirt and a pale blue jumper over it along with dark blue jeans. Antheia glanced at the mirror at her unruly hair, attempted to brush it, but instead shrugged and went downstairs to meet her father.

"Okay, Theia, ready?"

Antheia slipped into the fireplace and grabbed some floo powder before waving cheerfully at her father who merely smiled in response.

"Let me know if you forget anything and I'll owl it for you. I'll see you at Hogwarts, darling," Remus told his daughter in a soft voice.

"Sounds good dad! Stay safe," Antheia said. "The Leaky Cauldron!"

Antheia was immediately greeted by a smiling Mrs. Weasley.

"We've all missed you terribly, dear!" she said, before pulling Antheia into one of her signature hugs.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley! It's wonderful to see you again," Antheia squeaked under her tight embrace.

Antheia turned around and screeched, "Ronniekins! Gred! Forge! Mione!"

Ron and Hermione laughed as Fred and Geoge bellowed, "ANNIE!"

Fred and George ran over to the girl and ruffled her already messy hair and she fought to remove their hands and flatten her hair. In the end, Antheia resulted in messing up their hair as the three chortled and gained multiple stares around the bar.

─ ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─

Harry woke on the last day of the holidays, thinking that he would at least meet Ron, Hermione, and Antheia tomorrow, on the Hogwarts Express. He got up, dressed, went for a last look at the Firebolt, and was just wondering where he'd have lunch when someone yelled his name and he turned.

Butterfly Effect ; H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now