52. unsent letters.

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Dear Harry,

I miss you.

I haven't gone this long without talking to you since before we even met. I don't know who I'm supposed to talk to when I can't sleep or when I'm so angry I want to break something.

I miss your warm hands. I miss our pet Snuffles. I miss Hedwig showing off in front of me.

Do you get nightmares, too? All summer he keeps appearing in my dreams. It's like I have to relive that day over and over again.

I know the Dursleys are probably being a pain in the arse. I hope I could visit you and make them shut up like I did with Malfoy and Rita Skeeter last year. If Voldemort was going to attack us, he could've told me more about my power ... useless git ...

They won't let me write to you. Aura misses Hedwig; she's been pecking my finger for ages now. I think she loves you more than she loves me!

I know you probably hate me by now. I know I haven't sent you any letters this summer, even though I told you I would. But right now, I want nothing more than to talk to you.

I'm very close to going insane without you. I might as well get my broom and fly over to you, at this point.


Antheia sighed and crumpled up the piece of parchment and threw it onto the corner of her table.

"What are you doing, Theia?"

Antheia turned around. Ginny was at the door, looking at her suspiciously.

"Nothing, just cleaning my desk!" said Antheia, standing up and moving towards the door. "Why don't we go see what Hermione's doing?"

"What's that?" said Ginny, pointing at the crumpled piece of parchment on her desk. Dodging Antheia, she snatched it up and opened it. After scanning the page, she looked back up at Antheia.

"Another one?" she sighed. "I don't know why you keep writing these!"

"It's not as if I'll ever send them," muttered Antheia. "No one's letting me talk to Harry. I just want to send him a quick letter to see how he's doing."

"This is more than a 'quick letter'," giggled Ginny.

"Oh, shut up."

Other than the first few weeks, Antheia had spent her entire summer at Grimmauld Place. The place was dark, dusty, and a house-elf named Kreacher skulked around it at all times. There could be distant explosions heard from Fred and George's room and meetings were held often. She was not allowed in said meetings, however, which she found absurd.

She spent most of her time lying around with Ron and Hermione and wondering what Harry was doing. Dumbledore had prohibited them from sending letters to Harry, which enraged Antheia greatly. There was no negotiating it, however, which Dumbledore made very clear.

No adults were willing to share any information with Antheia, except Tonks. Tonks would sometimes mutter reassurances to Antheia during meals or use her metamorphmagus powers to make her laugh when she was especially bored. Antheia found that Tonks and her father were growing closer. What she thought was just a friendship at first seemed a little ... different.

What Antheia had been thinking about a lot was her mother. She had had a lot of dreams about her mother over the past weeks and her wandering thoughts often wandered to her. How exactly did she die? What was she like? Would she be proud of Antheia?

Just then, Ron and Hermione knocked on her open door and entered without waiting for a response.

"I feel bad for Kreacher," said Hermione, looking conflicted. "He's been working all summer! And Sirius keeps yelling at him."

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