90. presents for theia.

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One question was racking through Harry's brain: what was he to get Antheia for her birthday?

He knew the question was silly; there were much bigger problems in the wizarding world than getting the perfect present for a girl who hadn't spoken to him in months. Harry didn't care though. He found it quite a good distraction from the worries flooding his mind.

Harry had searched everywhere; he had gone from store to store, sent multiple letters to Hermione and Ginny for advice (both of whom wrote back quickly with unsatisfactory answers), and even snuck a peek at Aunt Petunia's magazines for suggestions. He assumed Antheia would not want hair rollers or aprons, however, so he miserably returned Aunt Petunia's magazines. Harry returned to his room defeatedly and read through the letters from Hermione and Ginny once again.

Dear Harry,

I hope your summer's going well! As for your question, I always gave her Muggle books for holidays, but I don't know if she'd respond well to that.

Don't think too hard, Harry. Antheia'll love anything you get her. Honestly, I know she misses you.

With love,


Harry groaned.

Hermione could've given me actual advice, he thought, instead of some rubbish sentimentality.

Annoyedly, he opened Ginny's letter again, knowing it would not help any more than Hermione's did.

Hi Harry,

I know Hermione told you something about getting Antheia books, but it's really simple. Forget about material things, just come over to the Burrow and snog her. She'll forgive you right away.

My advice to you is to take my advice.



Harry rolled his eyes. He shrugged on his jacket and headed outside to look through every Muggle shop in his area for the third time this week.

"Hey, where're you going?"

Harry whipped around. Dudley was standing right outside the house, staring at him.

"Going out," said Harry. "Obviously."


"'Going out' means getting out of the house and going outside."

"I know what it means!"

Dudley was not accompanied by his usual posse, which shocked Harry. His biggest concern at the moment was not Dudley being thick-headed, however, so he made a move to pass Dudley.

"Why d'you keep going out this week?" asked Dudley.

"Just looking around the shops," said Harry, with a roll of his eyes. "You got a problem with that, Diddykins?"

"Is it for your little girlfriend? What was her name ... Antheia?"

Harry stopped trying to walk past Dudley.

"How do you know her name?"

"I read the letters in your room," said Dudley, with a smirk. "What're you going to get her? Roses? Chocolate? A kiss?"

"Shut up," said Harry.

"Get her an animal," said Dudley. "She probably looks like one, anyway."

"She does not look like an animal," snapped Harry, trying to shove Dudley aside again. "That's all you."

"Do you think she's pretty, Potter?" teased Dudley.

Butterfly Effect ; H. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now