「Chapter 1」

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"How long will it be for him to wake up?" a desperate voice of a woman was the first thing Claude heard after waking up.

"It has been three years, I am afraid that-" the doctor tried to explain but was interrupted by Claude's pained groan.

The woman and doctor looked at him in shock, the woman quickly recovering as she went and hugged him.

"Claude! My son, you're awake! Thank God!" she exclaimed, still hugging him.

"Who are you?" he asked coldly while glaring at her causing the woman to freeze.

She released him and said desperately "C-come on Claude, I-I'm your mother remember?"

He narrowed his eyes "Who are you?"

The woman gasped and turned to the doctor who called her out and they both walked out of the room.

Claude frowned, looking around the white colored room, finding the items inside weird.

"Where am I?" he sighed silently before running his hand through his hair, realizing how long it was just now.

He still have the same hair color, but it's length reached up to his waist.

He was slim yet skinny at the same time.

Add to the fact that he couldn't move that well, his body felt stiff.

He didn't know what his face looks like thought but he's sure that he still is a male.

His hand touched something, he looked at it and saw a letter.

Opening the letter, he read it silently.

Dear Claude,
         I know this might sound suspicious but I am Celena (That's me!), also known as an Author.

I have transported you to a different universe, different from your own as you can see by the modern things around you.

You have taken over the body of the alternate you that goes by the name Claude Seo or Seo Claude, a half-roman, half-korean young master of a big company whose at the age of 16.

I do hope you enjoy this new life of yours.

That is all, Goodbye.

After reading it, the letter vanished immediately, leaving a shocked Claude behind.

'That do explain it.' he thought to himself before the door opened again, by the woman who he assumed was his mother based on her statement and how the blonde locks looked similar to his own but he wasn't sure if he has the same baby blue eyes the woman have.

She was smiling but her eyes eyes held hurt in them and he suddenly saw Athanasia in her place.

"It seems that you have gotten an amnesia Claude." she said sadly before sitting on the stool beside the bed he was in and he just stared at her.

"Let me tell you about the basics then. My name is Aria Seo and I'm your mother and your name is Claude Seo, your father is Heo-jin Seo but he has yet to show up due to his work. You were pushed down the stairs by your bullies three years ago and went into comma and jave just woken up but as you can see, you have also gotten amnesia."

Claude nodded at her and smiled slightly, despite it being small, it still have created such a beautiful sight.

Tears pricked Aria's eyes, touched by the sight of her son smiling at her.

She missed it, she really do.

The two chatted for a few minutes, albeit Claude being as stoic and cold as he is.

The door banged opened and in came a man with short black hair and cerulean jeweled eyes who looked very frantic.

"C-Claude!" He exclaimed before hugging Claude tightly who returned it reluctantly.

"Honey! Calm down will you!" his mother; Aria exclaimed before pulling the man so that Claude can breathe.

"Ahh~ that's right. My name is Heo-jin Seo, I'm your father but you can call me dad~" he said playfully with a cheeky smile.

"Father then" Claude said quietly, it has a weird taste in his mouth, mainly because he always calls his father 'Your Majesty'.

The three started to talk about his past and who he is.

They didn't notice the time and only did the two leave is when the nurse went to inform then that visiting time is over.

Claude sighed, plopping back on the bed.

'What now?'

He then fell asleep not long after.


A week after his awakening, he was discharged from the hospital and now they're on their way to their home.

It was a surprise when he saw his reflection for the first time.

His face was small, slightly feminine yet still have the same touch as his original face, porcelain white skin, he still have the same jeweled eyes framed by long blonde lashes, his hair was also of the same color although it now reaches his mid back, he wasn't planning to cut it thought. He also have a dark mole right under his left eye, adding to his beauty.

He was slightly dissatisfied with his height of 5'6 but it would do, he still will grow after all.

He was currently seated in a wheelchair, being pushed to a big modern mansion, it was smaller than his palace thought.

While walking, his mother started a conversation.

"Also, you will be attending school next year to catch up to your lessons and also to strengthen your body, do you think you'll be able to study three years worth of schoolwork?"

Claude nodded, it's easy for him who have worked very hard in his past life to be a good son who wanted to impress his father and brother to no avail.

And so, Claude's new life started.



Sorry if Claude is a little or too OOC.

I wanna make his profile slightly cute. I'll also write him as a person curious of things because-well he was from the past and was intrigued on things although his habits will not change, like snoozing off, sleeping, he'll still be cold and stoic but show his emotions a little.

Next chapter will be a year later when he will start his highschool at Jae Won High.

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