「Chapter 6」

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Days passed as the festival approach, nothing much happened in Claude's life except for the daily pestering of Gun, Goo, and other people who doesn't seem to get enough of Claude.

Speaking of the blonde, he's currently reading in one of his many libraries, sighing in boredom.

The atmosphere is quiet and peaceful untill a knock interrupted the peace and disturbing the dozing blond.

"Come in" he said groggily.

The door opened showing his mother with a smile on her face and the dog whose wagging his tail excitedly, the dog ran and jumped on him as soon as the door opened and Claude immediately grabbed it by the scruff, not letting it land on his face.


"Claude." His mother said, face darkening but was immediately replaced by a resigned smile.

'Tsk, dog's are troublesome, there's so may around me already. Why do I have to have a pet?'

"Haiz dearie get ready already, you're going to be late for your school festival."

"I don't plan on attending though?" He replied, bored eyes locking on her mother's soft ones, a look he still doesn't get used to even after a year of living with them.

He doesn't feel that he deserve those eyes and the affection he receives, feeling guilty cause of the thought of snatching another person's life.

Claude frowned, negative thoughts filling his mind once again.

He clicked his tongue and turned to his book, now letting the obedient pup on his lap.

"It's times like these you should enjoy Claude, once you grow up, you might not have time for yourself and us." His mom said, crying crocodile tears in the process to guilt trip Claude.

"Fine." He grumbled before standing up, carrying the dog in his arms.


Claude frowned, looking at the crowd before slipping in the school gate, in his arms laid his dog whose eyes were shining, his Mom said he should take the dog out, it's not good for it's health to be inside for so long.

'Speaking of' he looked down at the dog who looked up at him with big innocent eyes, he frowned 'what was the name of this thing?'

After contemplating for a while, he sighed, deciding that it would be given one later......

if he remembered that is.

Walking around the stalls, he saw the muscular guy whose name he learned was Vasco and a guy with big ears on their water balloon tossing stall but by the looks of it, the business is not doing good.

He nodded at them when their eyes met and proceeded to stroll once again, this time ending up in Zack's stall, many lined up to try and beat him, so far none have succeeded yet.

When Zack saw him glancing, he quickly knocked out the guy he's fighting with and raised his nose in victory, glancing where Claude is at only finding a blank space which caused him to be pissed, not being able to impress his crush.

(Author: Yea, he already admitted it to himself and some wake up call from Mira)

Next he visited was a stall selling bread, he bought two but got three instead, "I only bought two tho?"

The student scratched the back of his head "Hehe, since you're our first customer, I added one, thank you for buying."

"Alright, thank you. Keep up the good work." He said then walked away leaving a blushing male being teased by his upperclassmen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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