「Chapter 4」

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Claude froze at the name but his face still remained stoic.

'She's here? Does she remember me?'

Claude was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice his mother calling out to him untill a gentle hand touched his cheeks.

"Ah, yes?"

Aria sighed in relief "Are you alright? What got you thinking so hard that you didn't even notice me calling?"

"I'm... alright mother, I'll go talk to Ath-Aunt first, if you may."

Claude's smile was slightly strained, Aria didn't notice yet she felt a little suspicious about his actions but let him go reluctantly.

Claude walked to where Athanasia is, he may appear calm but his heart is hammering in his chest, sweat filled his hand as it shook a little.

Athanasia turned around just as he arrived, her eyes widened in surprise before a gentle smile was placed on her face.

"Ath-Aunt Athanasia, do you..... still remember me?" He asked in his emotionless voice with a tinge of hope in them.

"Of course!"

His face slightly brightened and he opened his mouth to say something untill he was cut off.

"Your all grown up now Claude, I still remember when you were a child and clung to me when we're going home but look at you now, all grown up being handsome and pretty at the same time."

She slightly squealed and hugged him tightly.

Claude's eyes widened before it dimmed and a bitter small smile was plastered on his face before it quickly vanished 'So she didn't remember me eh?'

He patted her back gently and said in a breathless voice "Umm..... Aunt, I can't breathe, can you release me now?"

"Oh I'm sorry, guess I'm to excited ehh, hehe." she giggled while scratching her cheek, a bright smile soon plastered on her face.

"It's alright, It's nice to see you again Aunt Athanasia. I'm going to go back to Mother now if you'll excuse me."

He slightly bowed and sent her a slightly bigger smile before walking back to where Aria is sitting.

Athanasia waved with a smile but it dropped after he's out of her sight, it was now replaced with a frown 'Why do I have the feeling that I know him more than I thought but how?'

Her musings were interrupted by a hand on her right shoulder and someone calling out to her.


"Huh? Uh yeah?"

The man sighed "What have been in the beautiful mind of my Dear Wife now?"

"There's nothing.....












Claude stared.

He was now alone in his room, locked up in his own thoughts.

He was staring on the wall opposite to him and suddenly mumbled "Celena did say that it's an alternate universe. So it is possible."

He sighed once again before laying down on the bed, he was now staring at the white ceiling of his room before his eyelids started to slowly close and he mumbled "Annoying." before promptly falling into a dreamless sleep.


Claude scowled at the furry animal before him.

Aria giggled at the side, her son was glaring a dog and the dog is staring back innocently.

"What. Is this?"

"A dog of course."

"What is a mutt doing here?"

Aria lightly hit his shoulder and pouted "C'mon Claude, he's your present!"

"Those gifts from yesterday is enough. Why still give me this furry thing?"

"Oh come on! You had to have something to take care, it can also become your best friend you know."

Claude turned around "No Thank you."

He froze however when a hand grabbed his shoulder.

Face still emotionless, he looked back and saw his mother's dark face, a dangerous smirk plastered on her face and..... is that devil horns?

"Now~ Now~ you have to take care of him, Got. It?"

He stared at the dog once again before  quietly taking it from his mother's grasp and brought it on eye level, staring at it as the dog stared back.

Aria clapped her hands happily "Now that wasn't so hard was it?"


Claude then looked towards the clock and back to his mother.

"I'll be going now Mother or I'll be late for my second day."

Aria nodded and took the pup our of his grasp and shoulder before letting him go.

Claude sighed as he leaned on the window and watch as the scenery pass by.

"How funny." he muttered to himself, thinking of his position as the younger one between him and his and his previous daughter, much more that she's now his aunt.

So deep in thought, he have yet to notice that they have already arrived at the school untill he was called by the driver.

He got off the car and soundlessly made his way to his classroom, ignoring the greetings or gossips from the students he passed by.


Good morning/afternoon/evening Readers~

How are you all?

I hope the chapter wasn't boring although it was short.

I made Athanasia the aunt just for the likes of it, actually, my brother requested that so I said okay.

I think that'll be all for now. Stay safe and healthy everyone 💜

I'll be publishing the next chapter on Sunday or Tuesday, not sure but I'll update within next week.


Student Emperor •「Lookism x WMMAP」(Claude de Alger Obelia)Where stories live. Discover now