THE COUPLE had been getting to know each other the last few days. they also did some home activities together like cooking, gardening, watched a movie, and more.
while cooking, lucas kind of just ate and helped her mix the batter...kind of. he made a mess but he, of course, helped her clean.
them being a cliché couple, they had a food fight. he "accidentally" wiped batter on her face, which she rubbed back then made a really big mess together.
when they were gardening, lucas might have accidentally ate soil. she helped him clean it from his face but made it worst because of her gloves.
hyorin hasn't heard from her members in weeks except the typical, short convos in their group chat. which was weird 'cause they always had long conversations.
they were just probably busy with their family and were spending time with them. she just really missed them a lot.
since lucas wasn't on a break, she would often come with in his and his members' training for their next comeback.
while he was training, hyorin would film them, hang out with the members who weren't part of the next nct comeback, and just hang out with other sm artists who were free and were in the building.
they also had a late night visit to a convenience store nearby then watched a movie together, which was a marvel movie, of course.
THE COUPLE were getting ready for a date, which was their ever date since the challenge has started. they decided to not go on a date to early as they didn't really want it to be really an awkward date.
a little twist was they had to choose each other's outfit, which wasn't that hard for their first ever challenge.
hyorin actually loved the outfit he chose, it wasn't the best but it was good. she also wore the rings "he" brought her and the necklace too.
lucas was also satisfied with what she chose, he even wore the watch and bracelet she brought him.
the couple wore their matching rings as they agreed to wear it the whole show, which shows that they're really committed to the challenge and each other.
they finally saw each other and hummed. "are you ready, my lady?" she took his hand and went along. "yes, i am, dear sir." and then they linked arms.
they got in the car and jammed to the music aka nct and bts songs. lip-syncing and swaying to the music.
they finally arrived at the park, arms still linking. singing to "without you" by nct u, which hyorin listens to when she's alone or when she's in the shower.
"so, for your first challenge, you guys have to dress each other up." hyorin read from a piece of paper. "check." lucas said, meaning they've already done that.
"and now, you're going to act like an obnoxious, loud couple." she continued reading. "and make sure people notice and gives you stares."
"the more stares, the better." she finished. they looked at the camera with a 'is this for real?' look. "so be that couple that no one likes?" she deadpanned.
"oh." the tall boy said, finally understanding the challenge.
"okay. easy, luca and rin to the go."
"rin and luca to the go, you meant. "
"luca and rin."
"rin and luca."
"luca and rin."
"rin and luca."
"luca and rin."
"rin and luca."
"luca and rin."
she sighed and gave up, "fine. luca and rin to the go." he smugly smiled and said, "we should have a cheer or like a catchphrase." she nodded and they thought about, "let's think about it later."
THE COUPLE were walking pass shops, laughing and talking loudly, which made people looked at them annoyed and weirdly.
hyorin was quite embarrassed to say the least. the challenge was kind of not it and she didn't want to annoy people and make them upset.
a cafe finally caught their eyes. it was a cute shop, really eye-pleasing or aesthetic, if you want.
entering the store whole giggling obnoxiously, people stared at them.bthey sat down and started to order.
lucas got ramen and soft drink. hyorin got the same thing except it was a watermelon shake instead if a soft drink.
they talked and talked and laughed loudly, it was quite obvious that people were annoyed with them.
lucas fed her, it kind of failed as it was a mess. "wow. really romantic." she sarcastically said. he scoffed, "for my lady only." and she lowkey froze at his words. like she really said hyorin.exe has shut down.
THE COUPLE were now walking around the sidewalk, lucas eating ice cream and hyorin eating a lollipop. still being THAT type of couple, him and her showed a lot of pda around people except kissing, of course.
by the end of the day, they easily won the challenge. both ate pork ribs for dinner at a restaurant.
waht they didn't know that a local news people were following them the whole day and they were the talk of the news by the end of the week.
--- i won't be updating this series until enough people tells me they want me to. also, i edited this and it's my first time doing this. i guess it's quite good for the first time, right? you can laugh all you want, no worries.
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