Don't Ever Look Back

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Sorry For the extremely long wait, blah. I promise I'm not dead and I haven't abandoned this story. I will try to update more often. For you guys, there's a little surprise in the chapter! Love you guys !!!

MiLd SmUt WaRnInG


Vic had driven me home so I could freshen up and promised he would be back to pick me up by six. My mom wasn't home, probably working. I slipped up to my room quickly, my room was a total mess, I would clean it later.

Right now more then anything I wanted to wash off the memory of Austins hands on my body, the spots where he touched me burned with betrayal. Don't ask me why I felt like I had betrayed Vic, its just something I can't help but feel.

I walked into the bathroom and ran the water, waiting for it to warm up. I stepped in as soon as I saw the steam rise on the glass. I had let the water run down my body and scrubbed it clean. I didn't want to remember what he had said to me let alone still feel the scorching sensation he left on my body.

I scrubbed harder on my neck and my arms, not caring that it was stinging harshly. My skin now glew a red against my pale skin on my neck, okay, maybe i had scrubbed a bit too hard.

The shower was the best place for me to think and right now it was a bad Idea for me to start thinking because when I think, I remember, and when I remember I cry, and when I cry I can't stop. It's a cycle.

I climbed out of the shower and looked at the dark red marks all over my arms, chest, and neck. It was going to be hard covering this up.

My mom always carried concealer around the house somewhere so I quickly dressed in on of my flannels and a jean jacket, my black skinny jeans and some vans and went to go search for it.

I searched through her makeup bag in her bathroom and finally found the little tube that looked about the exact same skin tone as my own, perfect. I went back into my room and tried my best to cover it up. I wasn't a professional at putting on makeup, but it did cover most of it up.

I placed it on the counter, fixed my hair and waited to hear from Vic.

'hey Kels, I'm outside. U ready?? :*' -Vic <3

I smiled at the little emoji that he placed at the end of the text and quickly responded as I stood up and made my way to the door.

'As I'll ever be. Coming.'

I respond as I made my way downstairs. As I opened my door and walked out into the driveway i saw Vic and my mom talking. My mom turned to acknowledge my presence. "Ah, speaking of the devil" She joked, Vic smiled at the comment.

I smiled lightly and Vic came to my side and wrapped one arm around me and kissed the side of my head making me sink my head as my cheeks grew a bright pink. "Awe. Well, I don't wanna hold you guys up. Have fun, but not to much fun" She said quickly and pointed a finger at me playfully.

"Got it Ma" I said and hugged her and she waved us bye as we climbed into Vics car and drove off. "Your mom seems nice, where's your dad?" Vic asked as we drove to his house, his hand locked with mine over the board that separated my seat from his.

My other hand played with the end of my jacket, "Um, h-he left when I was three" I said awkwardly. It was already growing dark outside so the street lights light up Vic's face with the different colors of the buildings we passed.

His facial expression fell and he took his eyes off of the wheel for a second to look at me. "Oh, I'm sorry baby. I shouldn't have asked" He said, rubbing his thumb over my fingers gently. I gave him a light smile to reassure him that it was okay.

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