Read Between the Lines

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Vic's P.O.V

Kellin's head buried inside his lap again, I chuckled to myself, not bothering to pay any attention to what the teacher was saying and pulled my phone out. He's been getting better at talking to me, instead of hiding things, so that's one more step that we took together. We were okay. 

Me/Boooooored :(

I hit send and I saw Kellin slightly joint up from the vibration, I saw his screen light up in his lap then he looked up at me smiling. 

Kells<3/ Me too, i miss you too much when your all the way over there.

I blushed as I saw the message. Kellin kept his head down so the teacher wouldn't notice but I still saw the smug smirk on his face as he typed. 

Me/ mhm I have that kind of affect on people;)

Kells<3/ staaap")

Me/ so maybe you can go to my house after school, I just want you in my arms :((

I didn't get a reply when i heard the door swing open reveling it as one of the attendants the worked in the office. She whispered something into our teachers ear, looking around the room. My teacher suddenly gasped, covering her mouth with her wrinkly hands. 

She gained her composer and fixed her dress before stopping the lesson. "Um, mr.Quinn?" She called. Kellin's head snapped out of his lap. The teacher didn't say another word, but lured Kellin over to the front of the class with her finger. 

Kellin looked at me in confusion, but gathered his belongings and followed the teacher outside the classroom. The teacher closed the door and cleared he throats. "Back to the assignment" she nodded, trying to take her mind off what ever that teacher told her in her ear. 

I could still see Kellin thought the narrow shaped glass on the door, not being able to take my eyes off of them. She was talking to him, a sorry look on her face as she did. Suddenly Kellin Shook his head furiously, covering his mouth and his eyes became glassy. Now I really wished what was going on. 

Kellin began storming down the hall. I raised my hand quickly. "Yes Fuentes?" She answered. "Bathroom?" I said getting up not waiting for her to answer the question. "Be back quickly" She said before I stormed out of the class, I knew I wasn't coming back. 

Kellin was practically tripping over his feet as I walked out into the parking lot. "Kell!" I yelled, trying to catch his attention but he kept running. I ran over to him, gripping his arm before he could go any further. He gasped and looked at me with big eyes, trying to calm his breathing.

"Kell, what's wrong?" I asked as I noticed the tears welling up in  his eyes. He shook his head, "I need to get to the hospital." He cried, trying to run again. "No, I'll take you, just tell me why" I offered, I just didn't trust him being alone right now, especially in his state. 

"I cant-" He sniffled. "God damn it Kellin, we can't keep hiding things from each other, you need to tell me now" I said, I hated having to talk to him like this but what is a relationship without trust?

He stopped himself for a moment, playing with his fingers, "I-t's jenna, she-she got into an accident" He choked out, I recognized that name, remembering the day that Kellin asked me out, the skinny Australian blond girl who pushed him over to me. 

"Is she okay?" I asked, grabbing my keys out of my pockets. He shrugged. "well, come on then" I said lowly resting my hands on his back, lightly leading him to my car. 

He nodded and followed me to the car. I opened the door for him and hopped in on my side. I started the car towards the hospital.  He didn't look at me, or even move, he just sat there, his head leaning against the window, his eyes glassy an red. His hands hugging his body as his hair fell onto his eyes and he didn't even bother to move it. 

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