Dirty Little Secret

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Hey hope you guys like my first ever Kellic Fanfic, many chapter's to come, and just a warning (boyxboy smut)


Kellin's P.O.V

"Have you ever just thought about what you wanna do in life and then there's this little spark of doubt that your going to fail? I mean it keeps me up at night" I asked, my head laying on Andy's lap. We had skipped class, once again to talk about dumb shit.

"Don't get all 'straight A student' on me Kell" he laughed running a hand through my hair. Andy's been one of my best friends since elementary, and I knew how to get him to answer my random questions. I lifted my head off of his lap and turned to him, giving him my best puppy eyes. I have no Idea why I wanted to know this so bad, but the question wouldn't stop running through my head.

He looked at me for a second then sighed picking at the grass. "Yeah of course I have, I think everyone has those moments in life, but if its something you love to do then I don't think that, the thought would stop you. It doesn't stop me." he said. I thought about what Andy had said and it does make sense.

"Okay" I sighed laying back down on his lap, and the second I did,  Andy continued running his fingers through my hair. It was hard for my feeling's not to grow towards Andy over these long years I've known him but we've tried being a couple before and it almost ended our friendship for good, so it wasn't worth walking that same road again, besides I think we're better at being close best friends.

I saw Jenna walking toward us, she'd usually skip class with us, and just do her thing with the guitar. "Eww whats that smell?" Andy scrunched his nose in disgust. Jenna sat next to Andy, setting her acoustic guitar on the tree he was sitting against . "Oh it's just Jenn, never mind" he smirked at his own comment.

I laughed silently as she playfully hit his arm. "So what are you guys doing out here snuggling it up for?" She asked getting comfortable. I sat up and fixed my hair. "The correct term is cuddling, snuggling is so last month" I joked crossing my legs on the grass. We sat there for a while, watching the soccer team practice, and I couldn't help that one long haired Mexican had my full attention.

His brown eyes, tan skin, skinny but muscular arms, he wasn't the type I would go for but, my god he was really good looking. "Hello, earth to Kellin" Jenna Snapped her fingers in my face to stop my stare. "Mm stalking soccer player #14 huh" She nudged my arm.

I shook my head. "No, just observing" I lied, I was totally checking his out. "If she didn't stop you from staring, I think you would have started drooling" Andy teased and got up.

Jenna walked toward the soccer field, but not before I grabbed her wrist, "Where the hell are you going?" I asked, hoping she wasn't going to do  what I thought she was going to do.

" Telling him that you have a crush on him," She said as if it was obvious. " No, Jenn I swear" I pleaded for her not to ruin my life. "Mm, okay you go do it" She lifted me off of the grass. She knew I was shy out of my mind, and barely anyone knew I was gay. "What If he doesn't like me, then what am I going to do?" I said, trying to change her mind, but she didn't budge.

"Come on stop being a pussy" She smiled and pushed me towards him.

"But he seems busy, maybe we should try later?" I said desperately. She ignored my pleading and pushed me closer. She then pushed me into the beautiful player getting his attention. Damn he looked even better up close, "S-sorry" damn my stutter.

"No problem man" he smiled, keeping the soccer ball steady. "Um, I, was, uh just-" I lost my words as I rubbed the back of my neck, as his friends started to watch. Jenna sighed "He was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime" She said nudging me again making me nod. My heart was beating out of my chest at this point.

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