I Hate The Fucking Aftertaste

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Vic’s P.O.V

I remember seeing him, I didn’t hurt, I didn’t feel, he was just there. Neither of us moved, we just simply admired each other like there was nobody else in the world but us two, and honestly I like to think of the world that way. But then he spoke, taking the eerie silence out of the dark room.

“I wish I didn’t care so much about what people thought, about us” He whispered, his chest rising and falling against mine. His fingers lightly traced my forearm as he spoke.

I didn’t think before I gave him my answer but I knew that this is what I really wanted him to know, “I hope that one day, we both won’t care, we could run away from all of this one day, forget the past and make our own future, together”

He lifted his head from my neck and stared at me with big blue orbs, “Together?” he finally spoke. I squeezed his body tighter. “Of course-” I kissed the top of his head that made its way back to me. “I couldn’t imagine it being with anyone else” I said truthfully.

If I ever lost Kellin, I don’t think I would be able to live with myself, Kellin is my other half, he’s my living image of perfection, and I hope he knew that he meant the world to me.

“I love you” He mumbled into me, his body finally relaxing against mine. A smile crept on my lips, and I closed my eyes contently, “I love you too”


My eyes fluttered open once more, my arms empty and cold. I look around the room, it’s still dark outside and Kellin’s nowhere in sight. It’s only 10:30 pm,  I start to panic, but calm down once I hear my bathroom toilet flush and the sink start to run. I let my heart catch up with me and decide that I should probably change out of these day old clothes.

Kellin appears out of the bathroom with an old long sleeve of mine and a pair of black sweatpants hanging low on his waist. I smile seeing him dive into the bed once again and bury himself in the fluffy blankets. I change into something similar to what he was wearing and hoped in the bed after him. I lean over, kissing him on his nose, making his face scrunch up playfully.

I sigh and prop myself up on my elbows, getting ready to tell him some news that wouldn’t quite be in his taste. “We have to go to school tomorrow, you know that right?”.

He groaned loudly, “Why can’t we just skip tomorrow, one more day won’t hurt them. . .it’s not like any bodies missing me”  He mumbled the last part, suddenly taking interest in the folds of the blankets. “I know why you don’t want to go to school, and I get it-“. “So why are you making me?” He asked before I could get the rest of what I had to say out of my mouth.

“Kels, you have to, I don’t want you to hide, and I know you’re getting tired of hiding too.” I sat up. He sighed following suit. “I can’t face Austin, not when he threaten you the way he did- God I’ve already said too much”

“I don’t care what he said, he’s not gonna hurt you, me or anyone else anymore, not if I could help It” I reassured him, Austin wasn’t going to touch him again, and I was going to make sure of it. “what about Jenna? W-hat is everyone going to think when she’s the one that died, and I didn’t . . .” His hands shook as he spoke. I hated when he said these typed of things. He didn’t understand that he had handfuls of people that would want him to live his life to the fullest, people that would miss him, I just wish he could see that he mattered.

I gasped his hands in mine, steadying their shaking, “ I want you to close your eyes for me” I said smoothly. W-why, what are you-“ I shushed his protesting. “Just trust me” I whispered. He finally gave up and closed them slowly, relaxing his breathing.

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