Dance on the Edge Part 1

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Kellin's P.O.V

Warmth is what woke me from my deep slumber. It wasn't that light outside so I knew I had woken up way to early for my liking. Vic's soft snore brought my eyes on him. I looked up at his sleeping face, leaning on slightly and as gently as I could, I place a kiss on his forehead, trying. not to wake him.

I pull away, seeing that I has not intruded on his deep sleep and let out a breath that I was I unaware that I was holding in.

I shifted under the blanket, my back against his chest, about ready to get a couple more minutes of sleep until an involuntary grin made its way upon my face As I feel his arms wrap around my tightly, feeling his nose on the back of my neck .

I scooted more into his arms trying to relax but my heart was thinking otherwise.


I woke up once more on my own terms, gently sliding out of the bed to get my clothes that were scattered messily on his floor.

I felt a hand on my arm, Vic looked as sleepy as ever before his morning voice filed the room.

" What are you doing?" He asked rubbing his eye before sitting up, the thin sheet still covering his body.

I gave him a small smile before I pulled my jeans on along with my shirt and jacket.

" I was gonna just go take a shower at my place and walk to school today" . To be honest I would much rather spend the whole day with Vic but, I know he has to keep his head clear today, so no distractions.

"Okay, well i'll see you at school" he said. I nodded and kissed him on the cheek . " And um. . .thanks for last night vic, it meant a lot to me" I muttered softly, grazing my hand along his. 

He looked at me with bright eyes. "Me too, I love you" He said trying to keep my hands in his a little while longer. I grasped them in mine and kissed them putting them back on his lap. "I love you too" His blushing face made my morning. 

"Okay, don't be late. I'll miss you to much" I said, starting to climb out the window of Vic's bedroom. Not such a good way to leave but, yolo, or whatever they say these days. 

I looked back one more time before smiling to myself and climbing out the, hoping that he was as happy as I was. 

_ _ _

Vic's P.O.V

Last night was beyond what I could ever imagine sharing with Kellin, we trusted each other enough to give each other pleasure, and this wasn't just having sex or "fuckng around".

I made love with Kellin, he picked me to share that special moment with. And I couldn't be happier.

But,Kellin seemed a bit jumpy after he had left this morning. he seemed off, wanting to go home so he could shower and Change into some fresh clothes after our activities last night.

I didn't think much of it the next morning waking up without him in my arms, instead, right after his body made it out the window, my father walked in abruptly. 

"Hey, um I just wanted to wish you luck tonight okay, keep your head clear" He said. I nodded and he shut the door leaving me to get dressed.

I couldn't promise him that I was going to keep my head clear during the game tonight. I knew Kellin was going to be on my mind all day, and I needed to get there early if I wanted to spend some time with him before I see him at the soccer field tonight. 


I walked into the crowded hallway, trying to get to my locker as quickly as i could so I could meet Kellin next to the tree.

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