Chapter 3

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 ~last time on chapter 2~ 

 You learned all the bots names and they learned your name as well. "Hey (Y/n) what's in that bag of yours." Miko says as she picks up the bag and starts to inspect it. "Ok Miko give that ba- Wait don't open it!!" You yell as she opens it up and pulls out your suit. You slowly sink into the ground and curl into a ball. "(Y/n) are you a cosplayer?" You where about to say something until Raf spoke up. "No she's spidergirl." 'God dammit Raf!' Right now your are currently internally screaming. "(Y/n), your THE spidergirl?!" Miko yells. 


  "Whos spidergirl?" questioned Bulkhead. "(Y/n) is spidergirl! She can do what ever a spider can do!!" Miko then started to rant about how cool spidergirl is and that is my number one fan. "Spidergirl is as super cool superhero down in Las Vegas that can shoot webs and climb on walls! She is very strong and has the abilities to summon little robot spider minions that can help her! She swings around Las Vegas saving people and stopping villains from doing terrible things!" I swore I can see her eyes sparkle with actual sparkles. Ratchet decided to join in as the autobots were still confused. "I'm still confused as to how she has these 'spider-powers', and why is she here and not this Las Vegas place." Did he just put air quotes around 'spider-powers'. "I guess I can show you guys, even though Miko already decided to blurt almost everything I can do out." 

 I went down the stairs from area we where at and walked up to Bumblebee. "Hey mind if I climb onto your shoulder?" I asked. I didn't want to do it just incase he felt uncomfortable. He made some beeps and whirls. "Um...translation?" I look at everyone. "He says its fine." Arcee answered. I looked back at bumblebee and begin to walk up him. His optics shot open as I finally get to his shoulder and sit onto. I then shot a web to the ceiling and decided to have some fun while up their. As I'm swinging, I look down to see shocked and amazed faces from the bots. After having my fun, I decided to do the upside down kiss position that my old mentor did in font of his crush, but in front of Ratchet. I'm not gonna kiss him but I'll answer his other question. 

 "I was forced to move here with my dad. We couldn't pay rent in our old apartment, so one of my dad's friends lend us a house down here for free." I swing down and back onto the platform next to Miko. "That was amazing!!" Miko shouted in my ear. 'Again with the sparkles and yelling' I thought.  Optimus walked up to me and in a stern voice said "You must keep these powers hidden from the decepticons. I fear that if they found out about your power, you and this world could possibly see its end" I felt of sweat already form on my forehead. "Um yeah...about that...I may or may not have...I um..." I look over at the Raf and Jack for some help. Jack sighs and says "She already revealed her powers in front of two decepticons, but it was for a good reason as we were getting attacked." Raf joined in, "If it wasn't for her, we would have been goners." Optimus started to think about what they just said. "This could be a problem. If the decepticons know then we are gonna have to keep a close on you (Y/n)." I nodded in agreement. 

 Optimus continued his speech, "Since you know now know of our existence, I fear that, as of last night, the decepticons knows yours." Jack replied, "Got it. If we spot any strange cars, call 911. Can we go know?" Miko looked over at jack, triggered might I add, "Are you insane? I'm living a dream here in 'Bot'-swana, and I will not allow you or anyone else to shatter it." I go over and put my hands on Miko's shoulders to help calm her down. "Miko I know this seems like a paradise for you but your gonna need to calm down." As I help Miko, I heard Optimus start speaking again, "It is best that you four remain under our watch. At least until we can determine our enemies' intentions." Ratchet goes over to Optimus and says "Optimus with all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here as anywhere." I perked up "'Children'?" 'I'm technically an adult here.' I thought of. "They don't have a protective shield, if they get underfoot, they will go...squish." Ratchet stepped forward make Jack, Raf, and Miko flinch back but I stayed where I stood. "Then for the time being Ratchet, we must watch where we step."

 All of a sudden, an alarm went off. "What's that?" Jack questioned. Bumblebee started to make beeps and buzzes trying to comunicate. 'I should have Watts teach me some Morse code or something so I can understand him.' Thankfully Raf says" Proximity sensor. Someone's up top." 

 "It's Agent Fowler." Ratchet said, clearly irritated. Confused, Jack stuttered out "I-I thought we were the only humans who knew about you guys?" Optimus answered Jack, "Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world, as he tends to visit only when there are issues. It may be best if you do not meet him at this time." The kids look at each other and run to hide. I decided to hide with them, even though I know Fowler, I don't think he would be very happy with the autobots since they made contact with 'civilians'.

 "7 wrecks, 34 fender benders, a 3-hour traffic jam, and on a particular note, numerous reports of a speeding motorcycle of unknown make, and a black and yellow custom muscle car." I can Cleary tell he is angry at them. "So, anything you care to get off your tin chest, prime?" I can sense some tension in here. "We have the situation under control, Agent Fowler." Optimus leaned over so he is face to face with Fowler. "They're back aren't they?" "If you are referring to the decepticons, I have doubts that they ever left. Your planet is much too valuable." Taking in his words Fowler replies sternly, "Then it's time to wake up the pentagon." Optimus took a step forward at Fowler. "Hear me, Agent Fowler, we are your best, possibly your only defense, against the decepticon threat." Fowler glared at Optimus, "Says you."

 "Hey fleshy, did anyone get splattered on that freeway?" Bulkhead questioned. "Team prime knows when to use force." He said and ripped off something from a machine. "And how much to use." Bulkhead complete crushed the object in his hand. Ratchet came over and yelled, "Bulkhead, I needed that?" I tried my best not to laugh. "Enough!" Optimus yelled and turned back to Fowler, "Military involvement will only result in catastrophe. Perhaps you can condone widespread human casualties, Agent Fowler. I, however, cannot." Fowler started to turn back after saying "Then do us both a favor and handle this, prime, under the radar."

 I started to look around for my bag. I realized it's not with me. 'Crap, I must have left it up on the platform.' As I think of a way to get it before Fowler notices...Its already too late. "Whos bag is this." I can hear Fowler question. I wait for him to say something to Optimus but Nothing. 

Next I know is that I'm in trouble. "(Y/n)!" I heard my name yell. 'Shit' I think. I sighed and climbed up the wall to see fowler glaring daggers at me. 'If looks could kill, I'd be dead before I even touch the platform with my feet.' "What's up Fowler." I say and give him a nervous smile. "Don't 'What's up' me, mind explaining what you are doing here?" I mentally face palmed. 

 'What have I gotten myself into.'

~To be continued~

 I'm sorry this took so long but ever since school came back, I haven't had the time to really start but this should be good for now. I'll try to have another on up this week if I can, and have motivation. If you can't tell I started to rush at the end, so...yeah. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a Happy Valentines with your friends, family, lovers, or husbands and waifus, Bye bye! <3 


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