Chapter 1(edited)

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 Alright let's do this one last time.

My name is (Y/n) (L/n) and I was bitten by a radioactive cyber spider

And for two years I've been the one and only


Living in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada.

I pretty sure you know the rest...

Saved the city, and saved the city again, and again, and again.

But after everything... I still love being Spider-girl, I mean who wouldn't?

And no matter how many hits I take...I always find a way to get back up.

Because the only thing keeping this city from me.

And there's only one spider-girl...and your looking at her.

But that all changed when I was forced to move to a small town called Jasper.

The sound of music going through my ears as I sit at the front seat of the car with my dad. You see, my mom died from a terrible accident, and I... couldn't save her in time. I Look out at the window, as the orange and red plateaus passed by. At least it was different than Las Vegas buildings and lights. I could tell my father was trying to tell me something, but he didn't have the courage to bring it up. Only my father knows that I'm spider-girl and accepts the fact I risked my life for the city and soon to be a small town.

My dog, a Doberman Pinscher, was laying down in the back seat like a good dog that she was. She had a pure black coat of short-haired fur, and her name is Nova. She was a great dog, had her for a while now but she won't be going anytime soon.

"(Y/n) I know it must be hard for you, about moving from the city and its demise but, it wasn't a choice. I had to move or..." Looking at my dad, finishing his sentence. "You would have been sued from the landlord, I know dad I'm just worried, like what if something happened and I'm not there to save everyone from it..." I slouched in my seat thinking about how the city is doing now. "Sweetie just think of it as a vacation! You need a break after what happened between you and Vulture." ...My dad's right. You could use a break...a long and never-ending break.

After a couple of hours, a sign came up 'Jasper city limit'

The sound of a window rolling down behind me was made. I looked back to see Nova has the window rolled down and her head sticking out the car window. I Laughed slightly and shook my head.

We soon rolled up toa decent one-story house in a small neighborhood. My dad getting out first to let Nova out as well. I took out my earbuds and exited the car. I heard my dad telling me someone was coming over soon and to be ready. Nodding and head towards the porch of the house and opening the door. The house was very empty but had a certain charm to it. It had your standard stuff like the kitchen, living room, laundry room, bathroom, an attic and basement, and two rooms one of them being your fathers and the other one yours. Nova ran between your legs to explore and sniff out the house.

Trucks beeping can be heard. I Look outside to spot two moving trucks. My dad approaches them to unload the boxes and take them inside.

*Time skip cause I'm bored and don't want to go into detail*

After I finished putting everything away, I started to set up my room. First the bed, then the dresser, for help I summon my small robotic spiders to help set everything up.

 First the bed, then the dresser, for help I summon my small robotic spiders to help set everything up

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