Chapter 5

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~last time~

I did a brief summary of what happen and how I ended up here, excluding Jack, Raf and Miko. "I see...Well I guess you can stay here, and possibly help the autobots. Just be sure your dad doesn't know." He then turned back to the elevator and started to head up.


"Pretty big bearings...for a human." Bulkhead approach Optimus. "Agent Fowler is concerned for his world, Bulkhead. As he should be."

I look over at my suit as the rest talk with themselves. I then asked Optimus, "Hey, do you guys have like any private space so I can change out of my clothes into my suit?" Optimus pointed down a hallway, "If you go that way, their is a small room where you can change." I thanked Optimus and walked down that way with my bag and suit. I start to take off my normal clothing and start to change into my spider suit.I grab something else out of my bag, it was a jacket my mom made for me, I put that on as well. Taking a small hand-mirror out of my bag, I take a look at my face. "Alright, heres to a new city, well more like town, and a new threat to protect these people." I close the mirror and put it back in my bag. I pulled down my mask and take a deep breath. I put my old clothes in the bag and head back out.

"Hey I'm back!" I said as I swing up to where Jack, Miko, and Raf are. Miko immediately ran up to me and started to fangirl. "Oh my gosh!! (Y/n)!! You look so good!!" Miko started to squeal. 'There we go again with the sparkles.' As Miko stopped, we hear a beeping noise. "Blasted earth tech!" Ratchet yelled out and turn to the team. "Cliffjumper's signal popped back online." I was about to say something but Miko seemed to be thinking the same thing, "Who's Cliffjumper?"

Nobody seemed to answer Miko as Optimus says "How is that possible?"

"It isn't. Another bug - The system is chock-full of them." Ratchet answers while motioning to the monitor's screens. "If there's any chance that Cliff's alive..." Arcee mentions. "Ratchet, prepare the sick bay. We may need it." Optimus started to give out orders. "Hey! What can we do?" Miko asks. "Remain with Ratchet." Both Miko and Ratchet let out a dissapointed groan.

Before the can leave, I call out "Optimus, wait." Optimus turns to me. "Optimus, will you let me join you guys. If I'm gonna be spider-girl, I also need to protect the people of this town and cities that can stretch for miles. I know I can't save everyone, but I'll die trying." I keep eye contact with Optimus. Every seemed to look at us as Optimus speaks. "I will allow you to join us. but I want you too stick to anyone of us just incase something happens and decepticons are their." I nod "I understand Optimus Prime."

Soon a portal like area opens up. It's mixed with blue and green swirls. Optimus then says "Autobots, roll out." As they transform I swing and land on Arcee's motorcycle form. "Hope you don't mind if I hitched a ride." Arcee says "Not a problem." She then starts to speed up as you hang on.

"Arcee quick question, what did we just go through?"

"That is called a Groundbridge, it's able to take us anywhere in earth." She answers. 'Thats neat.' I think to myself.  As we exit the groundbridge, I swing up to the rocky ceiling, and land on Optimus shoulder. They all activated their weapons. 'Wish I could do that.'

 I looked around the place that we are in.  This cave is filled with blue like crystals, they where actually real pretty to look at. 

"Energon mine." Bulkhead exclaims. So that what they are? "Judging by Its scale, the decepticons have been tunneling here, for quite some time." Optimus started to look around the tunnel. "Sorry to bother, but what exactly is energon?" I asked outloud. "Energon is our only source of energy and food source. It is also used for medicine as engeron flows within us, like human blood." Optimus explains. 'So this stuff is important for them.' I hum in acknowledgment.

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