Rewrite anyone?

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Ok, so i have been quiet for a looong time now, I've lost motivation, but now it's back for a short amount of time. Also I am now Skeetc or Sketch, which ever is fine by me lol.

Now....I have a plan that i want to talk about.

I've read through this story and not matter what..I'm not happy with it. I mean on some parts yes, but I have no clue how to proceed this story without going through every episode and having to rewatch some and adding (Y/n) to the conversation somehow.

I plan on rewriting it, and i mean as some of the Chapters will be different, and I'll delete some a/n's. Also update the cover and info chapter for my sake and pride.

I just want to make this story better since I'm a junior in high school, and I believe I made this story in either 7th or 8th grade...I don't remember. It was at least in 2020 if I remeber correctly..

I think(?) I've have gotten better at my writing skills since then.

It's also the fact that I have other things I want to focus on. I have orchestra and tennis, and grades.

I also dream of becoming a character designer, so my art needs to get better and I'm still trying to find my style, which I think I have? Idk any more..

I also have no clue who (Y/n) should be with or not, like Optimus, Megatron, Bumblebee, Knockout, Arcee, etc. (yes I simp for Arcee got a problem?!)

For the time being, it will be on it has been for along I start to rewrite some chapters until I'm happy.

Other that that..I believe thats all I wanted to say.

Stay safe out there.

Drink your water.

I'll cya on the other side..

Bye Bye!

I was actually nervous to post this tbh....

Also if any of you have dislyte plz add me...I'm very lonely and I want to fangirl over Drew with someone....not that it's the only reason.....................ok it's the exact reason..
If you don't have it then you i'm not forcing you to get it.

ok for real now

Bye bye!!

Player name: Sketc

UID: 8936811

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