Chapter 24

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“Milo? Are you going to say anything?” Liam asked me.

I sighed and looked at him. “No. I am not giving you a second chance to be my mate. You don’t deserve it. BUT I will give you a chance to be my friend. I want you in my life Slade. I honestly can’t handle you as a mate though. I haven’t forgiven you. I keep thinking you’re going to hurt me. That I am going to do something and you will hit me. Maybe I will trust you again after awhile but I can’t take a chance of accepting you as my mate and you hurting me again. If that happened I would kill myself and this time you won’t be able to save me. Do you understand?”

Slade gave me a weak smile and nodded. “I can handle that. I will show you that you can trust me and maybe one day you will want to be my mate again. I will wait for you.”

I shrugged and looked into the woods. I really want to lean into him but I am fighting it with every ounce I have. I growled in frustration and stood up.

I glared at him. “I hate this! I want to lean into you. I want to kiss you. I want to rip off your clothes and have you but I fucking hate you. I don’t trust you but I love you. I can’t breathe with you near but I can’t breathe without you either. I feel useless stupid and dirty. I just wanted you Liam! I wanted to be in your arms and then you HIT me! I still forgave you then. I felt like it was my fault. At Ax’s house when you attacked me I felt like I deserved it.” My voice broke as I started crying.

“Hell I was so fucking use to pain I wondered why Ax and Rex didn’t hurt me. I was so use to pain I started cutting so I would feel normal. I had it in my head that I was worthless that you didn’t deserve a weakling like me. Thank god for Rex, AX and Pixie because if it wasn’t for them I would be dead. They built me up but you tore me down again. I just I just …” I couldn’t speak anymore I was crying so hard.

Liam started walking towards me to comfort me but I backed away from him. Pixie and Rex came flying out of the house. I should have known they were spying. Pixie hugged me and they led me inside past Liam. The laid me down and cuddled with me till I stopped crying.

“I am so mad at myself. I told myself not to cry in front of him. I told myself I was done crying.” I choked out.

“It is ok to cry Milo. I am glad you let it out. With everything you have been through it a wonder you haven’t given up. No matter what happens we love you ok?” Rex hugged me tighter to him.

Pixie jumped up. “Ok We need to do something fun for once. Milo needs to do something normal. Let’s get our minds off of everything that is happening.”

“What do you have in mind?” I ask a little frightened. The last time she said this we almost went skydiving.

“Let’s go to a club. There is an awesome one here! COME ON!!!!” She bounced on the bed making us laugh.

Rex jumped up. “That’s an awesome idea! We can totally make over Milo! Now that he is healthy he is all sexy and he has to dress the part!” Rex yanked me up off the bed and dragged me to the middle of the room.

Pixie darted out of the room and Rex started ripping my clothes off. “WHAT THE HELL REX!” I yell out in surprise.

He sat me down in a chair ignoring me and started messing with my hair. He grabbed a straighter and came towards me. I jerk back and glared at him.

“OH calm down Milo! I am not going to hurt you!” Rex huffed.

I rolled my eyes and let him straighten my hair. He styled it to it would fall over one eye. It was soft and sleek. Pixie ran back in with a handful of clothes and grinned.

“I ran around stealing clothes that would fit and look good on him.” She started picking out different things to for me to wear. Ax came in the room and looked at me strangely

“Why are you sitting there with no clothes?” He asked confused.

I pointed at Rex and Pixie. “THEM!”

He laughed and shook his head. Rex jerked me up and threw the outfit at me. I rolled my eyes and put on the black skinny jeans with the neon green long sleeve shirt and a white over shirt. The shirts were so tight you can see my muscles. Ax pierced my lips making me have snake bites and my tongue. I put some converse on and smirked at everyone.

“So can I go to the club now?” I laughed.

Ax nodded at me and jerked me to him. His lips crashing down on mine his lips battling mine for dominance. My tongue darted into his mouth and my hands where on his hips jerking him closer to me. I backed him up against the wall and he moaned out. My hand trailed up his chest making him shake and moan. I stepped back and smirked at him.

“I win.” I laughed at the look on his face.

We all walked down and Aaron, Liam Jacob and Chris meet us at the door. I glanced at Rex and Ax they mouthed sorry at me and I rolled my eyes. We climbed into two cars and I was forced to ride with Liam in the passenger seat.

This was going to be an interesting night.

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