Wolfstar (RemusxSirius)

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Coffee Shop, Muggle AU; fluff; LOTS OF ANGST. That's all I'll tell you for now. ;)

No trigger warnings. (PS I don't follow the events in the books/movies so if you are looking for that I'm sorry but you won't find it here. I like to write my own things without feeling restricted by what did or didn't happen in the books/movies. I also mostly write in third person, without switching POV's, so again, if you're looking for that, you won't find it here.)

It had been a long day at work, and Sirius was about to drop dead. It was only 5:30 in the evening, but working in an office that was always piled with paperwork was never a relaxing job. His boss wasn't exactly what you would call nice. He really made Sirius want to quit, but things were tight as it was, and it was to risky to try and find a new job that would support him and his bills on a whim like that. So, he stuck with it. Being as exhausted as he was, he decided a coffee break would help him regain some energy, and then he could head home and finish the last bit of work before having to eat something. So he headed to the little coffee shop about 3 blocks away. Once he ordered and was waiting, Sirius, being Sirius, wasn't paying attention to anything. Before he had the chance to realize where he was going and what was in front of him, he had crashed into someone, resulting in their coffee spilled all over them. Sirius immediately looked up and started profusely apologizing. "Oh my god I am so sorry! I'll buy you another...um what is it?" He said, finally making eye contact. The man looked down at him with not a glare, but more of an amused half-smile. Once he, too, connected eyes with Sirius, Sirius was shocked. There was something just drawing him into those honey-brown eyes. After a minute or two he shook himself out of what had ended up being some kind of trance, only to realize that the man was still staring at him, smirk gone, seemingly in that same trance. He soon came to his senses and was now looking at him with a questioning expression. "Don't worry about buying another one. It was almost gone anyways. The shirt will dry off." He suddenly spoke, surprising Sirius. Sirius blinked and finally stuttered out, "O-Okay then." "What's your name?" the man asked. "Sirius. Sirius Black." he responded, more confident than last time. "Well Sirius Black, it's nice to meet you. I'm Remus, Remus Lupin." Remus said. "Pleasure." Sirius responded, grinning. Remus, taking a shot in the dark, looked Sirius dead in the eye and asked. "Can I get your number?" To say it left Sirius speechless would be an understatement. After a few seconds he responded. "Sure!" He had no idea if Remus was interested, or if he just wanted to become friends with him, but he was willing to take the chance. Sirius himself was openly gay, but had no idea what Remus' sexuality was or could be. "Hey, there's a chance...." he thought to himself while trading numbers with Remus. The exact same thing was going through Remus' mind. Remus was bi, but obviously Sirius didn't know that. Yet. Remus was DEFINITELY interested, but had no idea that Sirius was too. He had felt something pulling him deeper into his gray eyes when they had first made eye contact, and judging by Sirius' face, he had too. Remus had had a boyfriend or two in the past, but he was feeling butterflies that had never existed with any of them. Whatever he "had" with Sirius, it was stronger than anything else and he would be an absolute fool to let it slip through his fingers. Remus knew a good thing when he saw it, and he knew that although he had lost many good things during his years, he wasn't letting this one get away from him. 

*time skip to the next day*

Sirius woke up feeling more excited about that one simple morning than he had ever been in his whole life. Meeting Remus had somehow put happiness into his days. Surprisingly, they had actually hit it off well the last night, talking and texting until 2AM, when Sirius finally dozed off. It was a Saturday, and both had the day off. They decided to meet up again at the café, hopefully this time without spilling coffee on each other. 

Remus was already lying awake by the time Sirius texted that morning. He was daydreaming about what his life would be like if he asked Sirius out today and if the man said yes. Unfortunately every now and then those dreams turned into nightmares where Sirius turned out to be straight and just looking for a close friendship, but upon finding out that Remus was bi, shunned him and refused to speak to him again. "Ah well. Buck up Remus, you'll find out soon enough. Grow some courage. You've never had a problem with it before." he thought to himself. "I'm going to do it." he decided, and that was that. He got up and got ready to meet Sirius at the café in half an hour.

Sirius, being excited as hell to meet up with Remus, (A/N Somebody's got a crushhhhh... ok I'll stop now. Back to the book.) was ready and outside the coffee shop fifteen minutes ahead of time. As much as he was about 99.99% sure that Remus was straight, he couldn't help the fact that every time Remus so much as smiled his way, it sent butterflies all throughout him. Sirius checked his watch, perhaps for the 1000th time that morning. They had agreed to meet at 10:30, and it was 10:25. Sirius was more fidgety than worried about Remus not showing up. Then, right at 10:30 AM, Remus pulled into the parking lot right beside Sirius' car. "Calm down, Sirius, it's just a friend. Right? Just a friend. That's all we are, and that's all we'll ever be." Sirius mumbled to himself as Remus was getting out, but still mumbling the last part rather sadly. "Remus!" he said, excitedly, and just barely refrained himself from grabbing the other male in a huge bear hug. "Excited to see little old me?" Remus chuckled at Sirius' reaction. "He is rather cute..." he thought to himself, but snapped out of his thoughts when he realize Sirius was talking. "Little?! There's nothing LITTLE about you! You're 6'5!" Sirius said, gently laughing. "Yes, well, not all of us can be short." Remus replied, ruffling Sirius' hair as he walked by to go grab his coffee. "SHORT?! I AM NOT SHORT!" Sirius said. "I have no idea what you mean, Sirius, you're 5'11. That's short to me." Remus remarked. "How DARE you!" Sirius mocked offense, throwing a hand over his heart. "Very easily." Remus coolly replied. Sirius, continuing his act whilst grabbing his own coffee, said "And here I was thinking we were friends!" Remus stopped dead in his tracks. "Um, about that...Sirius, I've been thinking..." he started. Sirius was looking at him with wide and a little bit fearful eyes. "Y-yes, Remus?" he stuttered out, afraid that Remus was going to say that he didn't want to talk to him any longer. What he heard was exactly the opposite. "Um, I was wondering, would you like to go out with me?" Remus tentatively asked, instinctively wincing, fully expecting an onslaught of homophobic slurs and comments from Sirius instead of the answer he really wanted. Sirius just blinked. "Y-you? Me? Out on a DATE? Like more than friends?" He said. "Um, yes?" Remus replied, still a little worried. "ARE YOU KIDDING?!?" Sirius yelled, laughing. "YES! YES, OF COURSE!!!" he finished, almost jumping around from giddiness. Remus let out a strangled sigh, Sirius had really scared him there. "G-great! How about I pick you up tomorrow around 7?" Remus asked. "Sounds great!!!" Sirius responded happily. "See you then Siri!" Remus said hopping back into his car and heading home, Sirius doing the same. 

"I can't WAIT for tomorrow."  Both men whispered to themselves before falling asleep that night.

Part 2 coming later!!!! Love y'all!

(Word count: 1385)


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