Author's Note - THANK YOU

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Hi guys, I just wanted to say thank you. I noticed that I have over 500 reads and I don't really have words to express my feelings. When I first started it I thought it would barely get 100 reads so I'm honoured to see how incredibly wrong I was.

I was on a personal talent hunt when I found the art of writing. I saw all my friends being good at something or the other while I sat there feeling like I was good at nothing. So I started to try different things to see if there was something that I could do and I found writing. But then I did something no artist no matter what the art is should ever do. I compared my writing to others' my age. It made me feel like my writing was trash and it was worthless so I stopped writing.

Two years later I rediscovered the art of writing and soon after I published this story. I had my fair shares of insecurities regarding this story and I still have them whenever I post a chapter but I told you all of this to make you guys understand what every read, vote and comment means to me. I cherish them all and they never fail to put a smile on my face. They also encourage me to write more.

Every comment whether it's a suggestion or someone pointing something out or a random comment, every vote, every time my story is added to someone's reading list, every single thing means the world to me. I can't put my feelings into words so I won't but Thank You.

Also on a less serious note, I also write poetry, it's nothing special and not mindblowing but if you guys want I can incorporate one or two of them in this story when the time comes. So let me know.

Bye. Stay safe and enjoy the holiday season.

Ps: That's my dog in the picture. I just thought it'd be nice to share a picture of her. Don't ask me why....

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