In plants vs zombies heroes the next zombie hero class is the beastly class and it has pets in it to increase their stats or others zombies as well. The four zombie heroes that has the beast class is Brain Freeze, Electric Boogaloo, The smash and Immorticia. The first category of the beastly class zombie cards is the basic commons.
Basic common:
Skunk punk: Skunk punk is a basic common zombie card in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Skunk punk cost 1 brain to be played and has 1(attack) and 1(health), he has no traits or abilities.
Pied Piper: Pied piper is a basic common zombie card in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Pied piper cost 2 brains to be played and has 2(attack) and 1(health), it has the gravestone trait and its special ability when revealed gives all plants on his lane -1(attack)/-1(health).
Zookeeper: Zookeeper is a basic common zombie card in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Zookeeper cost 2 brains to be played and has 2(attack) and 2(health), it does not have any traits and its special ability gives all pet zombies, including it, +1(attack) every time a pet card is played. This ability is stacked with the other zookeepers zombies card copies.
Dolphin Rider: Dolphin rider is a basic common zombie card in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. The dolphin rider cost 3 brains to be played and has 3(attack) and 2(health) and has the amphibious trait and does not have any abilities. This is based off of the first plants vs zombies game.
Locust Swarm: Locust Swarm is a basic common zombie trick card in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Locust swarm cost 5 brains to be played during the trick phrase and it will target a single plant and destroys it from the field.
Premium uncommon: These are the premium uncommon beastly cards in plants vs zombies heroes.
Goat zombie: Goat zombie is a triassic premium uncommon in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Goat zombie cost 0 brains to be played and has 1(attack) and 1(health), it does not have any traits and its special ability gives it +1(attack) and +1(health) when a goat is hurt, including it and hover goat 3000.
Dog walker: Dog walker is a premium uncommon in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Dog walker cost 1 brain to be played and has 2(attack) and 2(health), he has the hunt trait and does not have the special abilities.
Snorkel Zombie: Snorkel zombie is a premium uncommon in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Snorkel zombie cost 1 brain to be played and has 2(attack) and 1(health), it has the amphibious trait which allows it to be placed in the water lane, does not have any special abilities.
Yeti lunchbox: Yeti lunchbox is a premium uncommon trick card in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Yeti lunchbox can be conjured by the yeti zombie, it cost 1 brain to be played and its ability gives a selected zombie +1(attack)/+1(health).
Nibble: Nibble is a premium uncommon trick card in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Nibble cost 1 brain to be played during the trick phrase, and its ability gives a selected plant -1(attack)/-1(health) and heals the zombie hero for up to 2(health).
Haunting zombie: Haunting zombie is a premium uncommon zombie card in plants vs zombies heroes and is part of the beastly class. Haunting zombie cost 2 brains to be played and has 2(attack) and 1(health), he does not have any traits and his ability adds a haunting ghost into the zombie hero hand.
Haunting ghost: Haunting ghost is a colossal uncommon zombie card in plants vs zombies heroes and part of the beastly class. He can also be obtain as a card by haunting zombie. He cost 2 brains to be played and has 2(attack) and 1(health), he has the amphibious trait and his ability gives a selected plant on the field -1(attack) and -1(health) when he played.
Plants vs Zombies death battle
ActionThis is another two factions joining the death battle with Crazy Dave who is in charge of the plants and Dr. Zombies ruler of the undead . Like my previous death battles stories this will take some time to do.