21 | Toxic Things

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You can't wake up This is not a dream

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You can't wake up
This is not a dream.



11:35 PM


Is it strange that humans can lie so easily? Even if they were in intolerable pain, they lie, so easily, and that hurts, it hurts so bad that it increases the pain that is well hidden inside the human, but they keep lying.

Forgetting that sharing is part of healing, forgetting that there are humans and they have their limits, forgetting that when the heart reaches its limits it gives up, and forgetting that the mind will give up when things get too much.

Hazel's eyes watch as bleiz said his last words while escaping his eyes from hazel, and that is enough sign for hazel to know that he was lying, continuing hiding his pain.

But hazel let him, she didn't ask, didn't inquire, and didn't pressure him, if he wants her to know he will talk, will open up, but this is the close that bleiz can get to open up.

And it wrong, both of them are wrong, what there doing is wrong, and they know it but won't admit it.

It's a Pride problem

But hazel tired from doing the wrong thing so she opened her mouth and ask " why do you keep lying? " she said trying to get his ocean eyes to look at her hazelnuts eyes " why do we keep lying? " whispered Hazel quietly which ‏Surprisingly lead to their Unique Eyes to locked together.

" Since you started it finished it doesn't leave me midway," said hazel while slightly angry.

" come here, boy "

Suddenly bliez jump up from his set and bang his hand on the desk in front of him, seeing that hazel immediately take action and slowly she walked to bleiz.

" he didn't fucking stop there, no, he followed my mother till I was 8 years old and James and mom were in the hospital for something happened to some family relatives and he finds as an opportunity and he said to me ' come here boy ' with his horrible English accent that it was similar to my mother and I followed him, he was a stranger who was looking like me and I followed him, I was so fucking STUPID " bleiz kept talking, opening himself, telling to hazel his deepest secrets that even his mother doesn't know.

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