5 | Mother's Flames

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Grab a cop gun kinda crazy

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Grab a cop gun kinda crazy

She's poison but tasty

Yeah, people say, "Run, don't walk away"

'Cause she's sweet but a psycho

A little bit psycho

- sweet but psycho by Ava Max



8:10 AM


Aloud bang wake up Bleiz from his light sleep , make him jump prepared to fight whoever was that person .

But he was surprised to find his mother looking at him like she wants to kill so badly " we told her to go bring her here but here you are sleeping while she is in pain " said Mary angry, " don't you dare point this gun at me again or I swear to god I will ..."

After Bleiz noticed that he was indeed holding his gun he realized that he takes it from his nightstand when his mother entered the room suddenly " relax mother " he said interrupting his mother threat and trying to calm his mother a little but it seems that even if he splashes cold water at his mother , it won't fades his mother anger flames . " now tell me what is bothering you ? " asks Bleiz like he doesn't know anything .

" don't play with me, Bleiz Ocean Knight, you know what is bothering me, you .. you daddy boy," said Mary angrily, when Mary is angry it was like all the English words that she learns till this day vanished in the thin air.

the young mister was trying horribly to stop himself from laughing out loud but hold himself because his mother flames " I told you I will bring her safe, not fast, mother " said Bleiz trying to defend himself not knowing he was Drown himself more in his mother fire.

" oh you want to be the dump stupid bleiz ? okay, then I will be the mother who kills her own son " says Mary while taking her own gun and point it at her son, everyone in this building have their own gun for an emergency.

" who by the way thinks himself smartass and trying to play like there is no INNOCENT GIRL LIFE BETWEEN HIS HANDS " Mary's voice was getting louder and venom with every word come out of her mouth.

Mary voice was loud enough for James to hear from his office which was on the first floor and Bliez room was on the third floor , once he heard his wife anger voice he mumbled " oh boy , why did you do Bleiz to wake up the beast ? " while getting up from his leather chair and run to his son room , praying to God to spare his son life .

" mom, calm down and put down the gun," said Bleiz knowing every well that his mother without a doubt will shoot him, it not like she didn't do it before, in fact, Bliez was used to it but it was only one time she really do it and it was when he was 18.

he flies to french without his parents knowing and change his phone and his number , and when he gets back he acts like nothing happened which made his mother furious and it was like that was not enough , he was calling them by there first name and Pretend that he couldn't hear them .

he didn't know what came to him to act like that but the only thing he knows that it was fun and he was sure that they who made him do it as they control him.

it was a lively night for the knight's family, every one of them remembers it clearly especially Bleiz since he till now have a scar from his mother bullet.

after 7 minutes, James finally arrived saying " Mary calm down " he moves his eyes from his anger wife to his still shirtless son who was laughing " and what are laughing about ? " said James trying to warn his son.

said Bleiz while trying to hold his laughter taking the hint from his father " just remember the Time when mother shoot me "

when he said that the mother's face turns to red from how much she was frustrated by her son's action " and it seems that you missed it, let me remind you " she said with an evil smile on her face.

When she was about to pull the trigger , James acted quick and take the gun from his wife hands , only to be punch by her .

Once Mary realize what she did she turns to her husband with guilt and regret clear in her eyes " Oh honey I'm so sorry " she grabs a white napkin from Bleiz corner table and hands it to James while keeps apologizing " it was reflex, it was this idiot son of yours fault "

Mary was just Bleiz , always blaming over for their mistakes, you can say it run in the family, like mother like son.

Feeling like this was his chance to escape, he gets up from his bed and starts to head to the bathroom when a hand grabs his ear caused him to groan in pain.

" you never learn, don't you ? " said his mother while tightening her grab around his ear as result Bleiz ear turn a crimson shade of red.

" THAT ENOUGH " yelled James annoyed by his wife and son's action, hearing her husband's loud and angry voice she let her son ear and face James.

" now that you stop, tell me honey what is bothering you ? " asks James after he calmed down.

Mary took a deep breath trying to stop herself from yelling at her son " I contacted my investigator that I haired to follow Hazel and he said that she was in the unknown building and he said he knows from someone work there that she was in pain "

" you haired investigator ! " asks Bleiz in disbelief from his mother who works behind his back " Mom I told you I will take care of it "

" you ? will take care of it ?! Ha where I don't see her ? " asks the mother while looking around her act like she was searching .

Bleiz throws back his head groaning " I told you I will bring him, I didn't say immediately ".

Having enough of their son's stupidity, Mary and James turns and start to leave the room but stopped when they hear Bleiz voice asking " and what is so special about her that you won't her feels any pains? "

The mother, Mary turns her head and look at her son by the side of her eyes while saying " she is something that no one deserves "

" she is the Golden treasure that even you don't deserve her "



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