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Tears rolled down my cheeks as I could not believe what I was hearing. My heart already broken into a million pieces.

"No, n-no... You are lying." I said in a hushed tone and tried to get off the bed, pulling of the needles and what not that was stuck into my skin.

"STOP LYING TO ME. BRING ME MY CHILD." I yelled as the nurses were now holding me back.

I thrashed around so they would let me go but they were stronger.

"Miss Lee. I am terribly sorry for your loss. I don't know how it happened. She just suffocated and..." The doctor trailed off and awkwardly rubbed his neck.

I wanted to kill him but my body was not functioning properly as I had just given birth a few hours ago.

Reality gradually sank in and I began to break down. My heart felt like someone was stabbing it repeatedly.

"P-please...pl-please t-tell...m-me that y-you are l-lying." I cried not being able to understand why this was happening to me. Why it happened to my daughter?

"Y/N." I didn't bother to look up already knowing who it was.

She ran to me and hugged me tightly as I cried my heart out in her arms, praying for all this to be a nightmare.

"Mama, my b-baby."

"My love, I know and I'm so sorry." Her voice cracked and her arms tightened around me.


"Mommy why awe you cwying?" The little voice broke me out of my thoughts and only then I realised I was crying when he wiped away my tears.

I looked at him and my heart was filled with love. His little eyes filled with concern and love for me.

"Oh I wasn't crying my baby. Something just got in my eyes." I lied hoping he would believe me but I knew he wouldn't.

"Mommy thinking bout sistew?" He asked me. His big doe eyes staring deep into my soul.

I planted a lingering peck on his forehead and softly nodded as another tear escaped my eye.

"Mommy pwease don't cwySistew will be sad and Jae too." My heart softened even more as he tried to comfort me.

I immediately wiped away the remaining tears as his bottom lip began to quiver.

"No no, baby don't cry. See mommy is not crying anymore. Let's go get ice cream, yeah?" His eyes sparkled almost immediately as I said that.

He then made grabby hands wanting me to carry him. He giggled as I walked out of the house with him in my arms.

Jaehyun had been my everything since the day he was born. He was the only reason for my happiness since what happened four years ago.

Since that incident I have not trusted anyone with my child not even my own mother fearing that they would do something bad to him like they did to my daughter.

But I know I have to loosen up as now he is about to start kindergarten. It pains me to let him go but I have to. I want him to live a normal life and not feel as if I am suffocating him.

Suffocating. Oh how much I hate this word. It brings back a lot of painful memories. Memories I just want to forget about but I can't.


"JEON MINJAE!!!" The raging woman yelled at her daughter as the little girl began trembling in fear of what her mother would do to her.

"Mommy, I'm sowwy." She apologized and began crying knowing that she was not going to get off the hook with a simple sorry.

A loud clap roared through the room as the little girl was now on the floor with a hand on her burning cheek from the slap she had just recieved. No one around to comfort her as she began wailing loudly.

Her mother had already left as she was pissed off that her daughter had scratched her brand new Gucci bag. Hours were passing by slowly as little MinJae continued crying waiting for her loving father to come home and comfort her.

As the time finally arrived the young father rushed to his daughter who was still on the ground crying. By this time her whole face was red and swollen.

He picked her up and held her tightly trying to comfort her as best as he could.

"My baby please stop crying. Appa is here. I'm sorry I didn't come earlier." Jungkook kissed his daughter's head multiple times calming her down in the process.

After the little girl had calmed down she looked up at her father with those big doey eyes that he loved so much, he then noticed a hand print on her cheek and his blood began to boil already knowing what had happened. This was not the first time he come home to his daughter being beaten but it was the last straw.

After making sure MinJae had eaten and was tucked into bed safely, he marched up to his bedroom to confront that witch he called a wife.


I slammed the door open finding her already in her silk night gown scrolling through her phone without a care in the world.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I yelled feeling ten times angrier just by seeing her face.

"Oh my love you are home." She said making her way to me.

She tried to touch my cheek but I immediately dodged her hand feeling like I would explode if she touched me.

"Lena, I asked you a question. What is wrong with you? Why the HELL would you slap my four year old child?" Fear flashed through her eyes as I gripped her wrist not caring if she was hurting.

"Kook, she scratched my new Gucci bag. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." Her pathetic excuse made me more angry.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKING MIND LENA? You hurt our daughter and left her on the floor crying. If you didn't mean it you wouldn't have hit her or left her crying on the floor. Lena I'm warning you. If you ever touch my daughter like that again.I.Will.Kill.You." I pushed her away from me and walked out of the room not wanting to see her face anymore.

"Appa?" My baby's voice stopped me in my tracks as I was heading to the living room.

"Yes my princess. What is wrong?" I questioned and picked her up making sure to plant kisses on her face which made her giggle.

"Can you pwease sweep wif me?" She said and showed me the most adorable puppy dog eyes I have ever seen, melting my heart.

"Of course my baby. Let's goooo!" I tickled her and walked into her room. We laid on the bed and she gave me a peck on the lips before falling asleep on my chest.

Ever since I held my baby for the first time I fell in love with her. At first I doubted she was mine because I did not trust Lena and I still don't but after I did a DNA test and proved that she is mine, I knew I had to protect her with my life.

MinJae is my everything but Lena on the other hand is a nightmare. Since the day she told me she was pregnant she just wanted me to take responsibility and pay for everything. I mean I was going to take care of my baby but I didn't want to have anything to do with Lena. But somehow her mom convinced my parents into making me marry Lena.

It wouldn't be that bad if Lena was not a gold digger or if she was a good mother to our daughter.

Sometimes it makes me wonder how my sweet angel is the daughter of a monster like Lena...

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