29. Minjae

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"Please tell me what's wrong. I've never seen you cry like that before. Did something bad happen?" Hoseok asked as he and Jungkook finally settled on the couches after Jungkook calmed down.

"Where is Minjae?" Jungkook asked avoiding his best friend's questions.

"She upstairs sleeping. The little miss had a very eventful day." Hoseok answered still keeping a close eye on the younger male.

"Well she is not the only one." Jungkook sighed before moving more into the sofa hoping that it would just swallow and hide him from what is happening.

"Jungkook please stop avoiding my questions. Tell me why you came to my house crying your eyes out. I'm worried." Hoseok said and Jungkook could see the genuine concern on his friend's face.

Jungkook sighed before he began explaining what he had found out today. He did not skip out on a single detail as he told Hoseok everything.


"I always knew that Lena and her mother were not good people but to actually go as far as doing that to someone is just evil. How could they separate a child from her mother? That's evil man. I can't believe they would do that." Hoseok ranted as he could basically feel his blood boiling at this point.

"Hyung calm down. What matters now is that they are being punished for what the did to us." Jungkook said now comforting his best friend.

"So you don't know where Y/N is?" Hoseok asked after taking a few breathes to calm down.

"No but I am not going to stop looking for her. Even if she doesn't forgive me she deserves to know that her daughter is alive. She and Minjae need each other. I want to see them happy." He answered.

"When do you plan to tell Minjae the truth?" The older male asked.

"I-I don't know... maybe tomorrow. It's better for her to know as soon as possible... I know she might not understand everything but she deserves to know that she has a mother who loves her so much and would never treat her the way Lena did and also that her best friend is her brother. I can only hope that she takes the news well." Jungkook explained before sighing.


"Minjae baby I have to tell you something." Jungkook said gaining his daughter's attention.

It hadn't been long since the had arrived home from Hoseok's house in the morning. Jungkook wanted to delay things a bit further but he knew that it was not a good idea. Minjae deserved to know the truth.

"What is it daddy?" She asked before putting her toy down and walking toward the sofa where her father sat.

Jungkook couldn't help but to smile as he picked up the little girl and placed her on his lap. He kissed her forehead as he thought about how much she had grown. It wasn't that long ago that she couldn't form a proper sentence but now she had gotten so much better at her speech. She was growing way too fast for his liking.

"It's something about your mommy." He said and looked at her.

"Is she okay? I haven't seen her in a long time." Minjae pouted sadly.

Even though Lena wasn't the best mother in the world she still loved her because that was the only mother she knew.

"Yeah she is okay but Minnie I want you to try and understand what I am about to say to you. I know it will be difficult for you and I want you to talk to me about how you feel okay." He told her and she just nodded her head in confusion.

"Do you know what mommy's name is?" He asked and she nodded her head again.

"Can you tell me what it is?"

"It's Lena."

"Do you know what Jaehyun's mommy's name is?" He asked and again she nodded.

"Can you tell me what it is?

"It's Y/N." Minjae answered still looking at her father in confusion.

"Baby, a long time ago when you were born Lena did something bad and took you away from your real mommy. Lena who we thought was your mommy is actually not your real mommy. Your real mommy is Y/N." He explained and watched her waiting for her reaction.

He was not planning on going into details with her because she was still to young to fully understand the situation. He just wanted her to understand who her real mother was and that she loved her a lot.

"Mommy is not my real mommy?" She asked and Jungkook nodded.

"Yes Lena is not your real mommy." He said.

"Jaehyun's mommy is my real mommy?" She questioned.

"Yes Y/N is your real mommy." He confirmed while still watching her.

A few moments of silence passed before he noticed the tears begin to build in her eyes.

"My angel, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked wiping a stray tear that managed to escape her eye.

"Why did mommy not want Minjae? Why did she let mommy Lena take me away? Did she just want Jaehyun?" She asked breaking Jungkook's heart in the process.

"Baby no... your mother loved you so much and and she still loves you more than anything. She wanted you just like she wanted Jaehyun. Lena did a bad thing and took you away from your mother. Mommy didn't know that you were taken away from her. She misses you." He explained which calmed the little girl a bit.

"Mommy Lena bad?" She asked and Jungkook just nodded his head.

"I miss mommy too... I want to see her. Can we see her?" She asked.

"We can't see her right now but I promise we will see her soon okay and your brother." He told her before embracing her body tightly.

He didn't like that she still called Lena mommy but he understood that it was difficult for her. He knew it would take some time for her to fully comprehend what he had told her.

Very weird chapter indeed... and the word mommy appears a tad too much😧... I'm not satisfied with the end result but it is what it is.

I hope y'all like this one...


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