26. Guilt

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"Jungkook Y/N didn't push me down those stairs... I threw myself down..." She admitted and looked down in shame leaving Jungkook to look at her in shock.

"L-Lena what are you saying? You don't need to lie for h-" Jungkook said but she cut him off.

"Jungkook I'm not lying for her... I threw myself down those stairs to make it look like she had pushed me." She responded and Jungkook immediately got of the bed and looked at her with anger.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?! HERE I WAS FXCKING DEFENDING YOU FOR NOTHING! WHY WOULD YOU KILL OUR CHILD?! WHY DID YOU DO IT?!" Jungkook yelled as he felt tears of anger begin to pool up in his eyes.

"Jungkook please calm d-"

"I WILL FXCKING NOT! HOW CAN I CALM THE FXCK DOWN WHEN I JUST FOUND OUT THAT MY WIFE PURPOSEFULLY KILLED OUR UNBORN CHILD AND BLAMED MY FRIEND FOR SOMETHING SHE DIDN'T DO! Why would you do this Lena?" His voice broke at the end as the tears of hurt began to role down his cheeks.

"Please just go get Y/N Jungkook. I promise I will explain everything afterwards." Lena said as tears filled her own eyes.

"NO! I WANT A DAMN EXPLANATION NOW!" He yelled and harshly wiped his tears away.

"P-please go get her. She deserves the truth just as much as you do... please just do it for her." Lena cried looking at him.

She was so glad her mother wasn't here because then she wouldn't have the courage to do this. She needed to do this because the guilt was not going to let her live a second more if she did not tell the truth.

Without another word Jungkook walked out of the room and began making his way towards Y/N's house. On the way there he couldn't help the guilt that ate at him.

All the horrible words he had said to her came rushing into his head making him let out a few more tears. This was never her fault but he blamed her and even brought her poor daughter into the mix. That was a very dirty move on his side.

When he got to her house he immediately parked his car before rushing out of it not even bothering to close the door. He pounded on the door as soon as he got to it but recieved no response.

"Y/N PLEASE OPEN UP! I'M SO SORRY!" He yelled hoping she would open the door even when she knew it was him.

He continued knocking on the door but no one responded.

"Excuse me sir." A woman called out from behind him and him immediately stopped knocking on the door like a mad man and turned to her.

"Do you know where Y/N is? I've been knocking but she is not responding." He asked in a desperate manner and the woman could only look at him in sympathy.

"I'm sorry to tell you young man but miss Y/N and her son left the country a few days ago." The woman told him and instantly he felt his heart drop.

"W-what no...no are sure?" He asked as a bunch of emotions all hit him at once.

"Yes." The woman simply answered and Jungkook couldn't help the few tears that began to escape his eyes.

"D-do you maybe have a way to contact her?" He asked the woman.

"No... I'm sorry dear." She answered feeling bad for the young man before her.

"T-thank you." He dejected said to her before he walked back to his car.

When he got inside sobs began to leave his mouth as all the things he had said and did to Y/N replayed in his mind. He even had the audacity to mention her dead child. That was just too much.

How could he do something like this to someone who he loved so much? He was blinded by the pain of losing a child but that didn't mean he had to treat her like trash. He should have talked to her properly.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm so fxcking sorry... please f-forgive me..." He whispered over and over to one in particular. 

So what do you think, should Jungkook and Y/N end up together in the end?


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