13. Away

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"You can help me by staying away from my husband!" They woman exclaimed angrily which caught Y/N off guard.

"Excuse you?" Y/N said as she looked at the woman.

"Jeon Jungkook, my husband. Stay away from him. Ever since you came into his life he has been ignoring me. Don't you know it's wrong to sleep with married men?" She said.

"Ma'am I think you are mistaken. Mr Jeon is my business partner." Y/N again said calmly though she could feel her blood begin to boil.

"Yeah, right. If you were just his business partner then why does he keep coming to your house huh?" She asked.

"That's because your daughter is friends with my son. They have play dates." Y/N explained which made Lena scoff while rolling her eyes.

"And while they play, you two have your own fun, am I right?" She asked sarcastically while Y/N tried her hardest to control herself to not attack the woman who stood before her.

Her son was in the house and she had also taught him not to fight, it was only right that she too practiced what she preached.

"Ma'am I think it's very unfair that you just come to my house to insult me. I've already told that I am not sleeping with your husband. It's not my fault that he prefers to spend time away from you so get your facts straight. Now if you will please excuse me I have better things to be doing than to spend my day talking to scorned wives. Have a good day." Y/N said and shut the door before Lena could say anything.

"Mommy who was that?" Her son's voice asked which made her jump a little as she did not expect him to be there.

"Oh my love you scared me." She said placing a hand on her chest.

She took a few steps toward him before picking him up.

"It was just some lady trying to sell me make up." Y/N lied knowing that her son would not question it any further since he disliked make up so much.

"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR! I WAS STILL TALKING, YOU WENCH!" Lena yelled as she knocked on the door repeatedly.

Jaehyun noticably flinched at the loud noise which made Y/N carry him away from the door. She took him to the kitchen since he wouldn't be able to her the knocking from there.

"Lady mad because mommy don't by make up?" He asked his mother as she place him on the chair.

"Yes... But ignore her baby. Would you like some ice cream?" She asked hoping to distract her son from the crazed woman knocking on their door.

"YES!" He exclaimed with a huge smile as he clapped his hands happily.

Y/N smiled as she saw how happy her baby was. No matter how bad her day was she could always count on Jaehyun to turn it around. He was her happy place.

Lena on the other hand decided to leave since she saw that the was no way in hell that Y/N was going to open for her again.

'Its always me.'

She thought as she got into her car before driving away.


A few days passed since what happened with Lena. Y/N had decided that it was best for her to try and keep away from Jungkook.

She didn't want to have any future problems with his wife. The was no way she was going to complicate hers and her son's life more than it already was.

Meanwhile Jungkook noticed her sudden distance. At first he thought maybe it was just the stress that came with work but he noticed that she was plain out ignoring him.

He would call her and she would sometimes not bother to answer and when she did answer the call she would make sure they talked for less then a minute before hanging up.

Also in meeting she did not bother to talk to him unless it was completely necessary. He had tried a lot to start conversations with her but she just gave him one word answer.

But today he decided that enough was enough. It had been two weeks since she began behaving like this and was not having anymore of this.

A meeting was taking place but his eyes stayed focused on Y/N the whole time. He also did listen to what was being said though since he did not want to fall behind.

He noticed how whenever her eyes came into contact with his she would look away immediately. The was no way to deny that that was a fact.

As the meeting went on he kept his eye on her until the end. When the meeting was over he noticed how quick she was to pick up all her things to rich out of the room to avoid speaking to him just like all the other times.

But today he was not having any of that. He had his tuff already packed away. He just waited for by the door. As she turned and tried to rush out the door he subtly grabbed her arm and pulled her toward him.

He waited for the other people to get out of the room before closing the door and locking it from the inside.

"W-what are you doing?" Y/N stuttered as she watched his every move.

She felt her breath hitch as her eyes once again made eye contact with his ones but this time she noticed a very dark look displayed in them.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

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