6. Angry

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"Mr Jeon?" I asked in shock and I also did not miss the shock that portrayed itself on his face as he looked at me.

"Ms Lee?" He muttered before wiping the tears away as quick as possible. He also looked at me as if he was not expecting me to be here

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked stuttering as he held Minjae properly.

"I could ask you the same... What are you doing here with Minjae?" I asked as I looked between the two

Minjae did not seem to be in any sort of discomfort as I assumed that she would be if she was being hugged by a stranger. Maybe he was her uncle.

"He is my daddy!" Minjae beamed and then hugged him again shocking me.

"Yeah she is my daughter." He confirmed and kissed her forehead before looking back at me.

I would have never guessed that he was a father. He looked too young to be a father but who was I to judge when I had my own childre-child at a young age as well.

"If I may ask what are you doing here Ms Lee?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I came to drop off my son..." I said then paused as I remembered how he had left his child here at night without caring to come pick her up. The thought infuriated me as he now seemed as if he were a responsible parent.

"Mr Jeon I don't want to seem rude but how could you do such a reckless thing of leaving your child here. Do you know that she could have been kidnapped if I did not stay here with her?" I spoke angrily, just thinking about the poor baby.

"Ms Lee I-"

"No, you can not give me pathetic excuses for what you did. I may not know you but this is just showing me that you are not a responsible person. What kind of father are you to leave your child here at night, cold and hungry and then the next day pretend to be caring and loving? You are so reckless. Do you know how many people would love to have such a beautiful child like her but you just leave her here to get kidnap-" my rambling was cut off by Mr Jeon.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled in anger. He looked as if he was ready to kill me.

"You don't know anything about me so don't pretend like you do. I love my daughter and I would do anything for her so don't say such horrible things when you don't know anything about me. Yesturday I could not pick her up because I had a meeting so asked her mother to pick her up but that stupid woman did not do what I asked. The whole night i was searching for my baby while you were making stupid assumptions about me. GET YOUR FACT STRAIGHT BEFORE JUDGING INNOCENT PEOPLE!" He yelled at me before marching off with Minjae.

I first looked at him in disbelief but then my gaze soften as I realized it was not his fault. When I got back to my senses I wanted to apologize but he was already gone.

"Mommy okay? Man scawy." I heard my son say and I looked at him but then I frowned when I saw tears in his eyes.

I immediately bent down and hugged him.

"Oh my love. Mommy is okay. He is not scary, he was just worried about Minjae." I explained.

"But he yelled at you mommy." He said softly and from the way his little body was shacking I knew he was crying.

"Oh my baby, please don't cry. He didn't mean to yell at mommy. I said so thing that mad him mad. My love it was my fault. I am okay baby." I explained further which seemed to calm him down.

"You suwe you awe okay?" He asked which made my heart melt at how concerned he was for me.

"Yes I am baby. Now lets get you to your class and later on we can go get ice cream, yeah." I kissed his forehead and carried him to his class.


I banged my head on the steering wheel when I got into the car.

"Aish why did I do that, ahh?" I asked myself as I continued banging my head.

"Do what daddy?" The little voice in the backseat asked which made me flinch a bit.

I had completely forgot about her for a moment in my mental breakdown.

"Nothing baby." I said and she seemed to buy it.


"Yes sweetheart."

"Why did you yelled at Jaehyun's mommy? She is nice." She asked me curiously. I mentally cursed myself for doing that infront of the children.

"Daddy was just a little angry baby. I should not have yelled at her especially after she took such good care of you. I should really apologize to her." I mumbled the last part to myself.

"You weally should." I'm surprised she heard it.

"I will apologize to her tomorrow then."

"Good daddy." She said happily which made me chuckle a bit.


I am sorry this is such a boring chapter. I have been suffering from a block lately and the only book that I have been inspired to write is Game on. I still hope you like this chapter...


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