31. Jaewon

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"Are you feeling better now baby?" Y/N asked as she still rubbed Minjae's back soothingly.

Minjae just nodded. Her face was still buried in Y/N's neck as she did not want to let go. Y/N just let out a soft sigh before her eyes reconnected with Jungkook's ones again. She noticed how he had taken a step closer to her.

"Minjae, can you please come here and stand next to Jaehyun while I talk to mommy for a second?" Jungkook asked and noticed the confused look that appeared on Y/N's face but just ignored it for a moment.

He let out a sigh as he saw how his daughter shake her head and clung even tighter to her mother.

"And who said that I wanted to talk to you?" Y/N asked in a sassy tone after she got over the initial confusion.

Even though she was curious on what he wanted to say she was still very mad about what he had done and sad to her more than a year and a half ago. He really hurt her and she was not going to let him say or do whatever he wanted so easily.

"Y/N I beg you to just hear me out. This is really important." He pleaded and took at step toward her which made Jaehyun move ahead and stand protectively infront of his mother.

Jungkook could only shiver as he saw the nasty glare his own son threw at him. He couldn't really blame the child because it was his own fault that the boy looked at him so much hate.

"Don't go near her!" The boy sneered darkly intimidating the man infront of him.

For Jungkook it felt like he was standing infront of a man his own age when it was just his seven year old son. What Y/N and Jungkook didn't know was that the boy had actually seen the incident that happened between them and boy was he mad. He chose to play dumb because he knew his mother would just blame herself for not protecting him enough if she knew he knew what had happenec the last time they saw Jungkook.

Y/N who saw how aggressive Jaehyun was becoming freed one of her head and patted his head gently which immediately calmed him down.

"It's okay, my love. Jungkook after what happened between us I'm really not in the mood to talk to you. I know a lot of time has already passed since the incident but I am still very upset with you... I really don't want to talk to you... Minjae, honey it was very wonderful to see you but Jaehyun and I have to go now... You have to go back to your dad..." Y/N said to Minjae but the girl just shook her head and clung onto her even tighter.

"Baby please..." She whispered before she placed the girl on the ground despite her protest.

"I promise I'll see you again very soon but now you have to go back to your mommy too... I am sure she is missing you a lot." Y/N said trying to comfort Minjae but it clearly wasn't working.

She felt her heart break even more as she saw the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. She cupped her cheeks to wipe away her tears.

"B-but Lena is not my mommy... you are..." Minjae responded lowly as she moved more into Y/N's hands.

Y/N felt her hear skip a beat as she looked into the little girl's eye before looking up at Jungkook who now stood directly behind Minjae now. She was honestly confused and didn't know what to say. Questions began to flood her head at an alarming rate.

Why was Minjae now calling her mommy?

Did something happen to Lena?

And what were these weird feeling she felt in her stomach and heart?

"M-Minjae..." She started but was immediately cut off by Jungkook.

"Y/N, I know you are very upset with me but we really have to talk. It's something that cannot be left unsaid. You don't need to forgive me but you really have to hear what I have to tell you..." He explained but could still see the hesitent look in her eyes.


"It's about your daughter." He said cutting her off once again.

Hearing that Y/N felt her arms drop from Minjae's face and to her sides. Her blood began to boil as she looked at the man with a burning gaze.

He knew how sensitive the topic of her daughter was but he kept bringing it up. First during that stupid arguement and now here. She couldn't believe how insensitive he was. He could say any hurtful thing to her but bringing up her children especially her daughter is where she drew the line.

Seeing the murderously look in her eyes Jungkook put his hand's on his daughter's shoulders and took one step back.

"Y/N I swear that if you listen to me, this will all make sense and change all of our lives. I am not bringing your daughter up to hurt you... like the last time... I'm sorry I even brought her into the arguement. I should have never said that... but this time I swear it involves her... p-please...please just hear me out this once." He begged and she just sighed before nodding.

This move took a lot of courage on her part.


"Mom, we are home!" Y/N announced as she walked into the house followed by Jaehyun, Minjae and Jungkook.

Well... Minjae was actually glued to her side since they first came out of the cars but she didn't mind as she loved the little girl's presence.

They had decided to come over to her house since they did not want to talk about such sensitive topics in the market.

"Oh, thank goodness you are back. The little mister refused to take a nap until you came back." The voice of an older woman sounded through the living room from the kitchen.

And not long after the woman made her appearance shocking Jungkook as he saw a baby in her arms who looked exactly like Minjae when she was a baby. He watched as she handed the baby to Y/N who in turn peppered him with kisses that made him let out cute giggles.

"My sweet baby missed mama?" Y/N questioned the child in a baby voice.

Her attention was all on him as if she had forgotten that the were other people in the room. Well that was until Jungkook spoke.

"You have a baby?" He questioned feeling his heart break in the process.

"Yep. This is Jaewon."

I'm supossed to be sleeping but here I am getting inspired in the middle of the night... It's a messy chap but I kinda like it... I guess😞

I really hope that itactually makes sense😐

Hope y'all enjoy.


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