~mine~ (yandere au) part 1

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⚠️death, suicidal mentions⚠️

This story was suggested by biggybigbigb
                     (Go follow her :D) ^^^^^^^^^

----flash forward-----

~~~~~Josh's pov~~~~~ 
"I love Jelly. I love him. No one is going to get in the way of me." I say as I push him off of the building, on a dark Friday evening, with a smirk on my face.


"Hey Jelly!" I say as I run up to him, blushing.

Wow. I cant even say his name without blushing.

"Oh, hey Josh! I was looking for you."

"Oh?" I asked, surprised

"Yeah. I'm going to visit my grandparents this week, and I wanted you to make sure Nala was ok. If you can, I mean." He said, scratching the back of his head.

(Nala is Jelly's dog if u didn't know)

"Oh, umm- yeah. I can take care of her. I'll just need to know How often I feed her, and walk her, and the sort."

"Oh, I'll send you a list, don't worry."

"Ok, see you later!" I say as the school bell rings.

"Ok, love you!" He says jokingly, running off.

"Love you too..."
     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~day 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Me and Jelly have been friends since the second grade, and we're in highschool now, still as good of friends as ever. I started to develop a small crush, in 8th grade, but I didn't take myself seriously. Then around a year later, I started to actually question my sexuality. I started to consider myself bi, around a year ago, and it's all because I'm madly in love with Jelly.

⚠️Quick trigger warning⚠️

I want him to notice me SO BADLY. I literally was on the verge of suicide, just a few months ago, but I decided against it.

(Trigger warning over)

Jelly likes girls. I think. He never really liked to talk about it. He's never had a girlfriend before, and, well neither have I. We were just those two best friends, always hanging out no matter what. I remember when I got detention, for pranking my teacher, Jelly did as much as he could to get in trouble, just so he could be with me. That was the day I decided, that this friendship, would never end.

I will admit, I am absolutely obsessed with Jelly. I need to tell someone, or Im gonna go crazy. I had this old friend, her name was Sanna. She goes to the same school we do, but I'm were not as good of friends anymore. I decided to call her.

--------------one phone call later--------------

I hear a knock at my door, so I go to open it. It was exactly who I expected, Sanna.

"Hi." She said with a smile on her face.

"Hi, umm- come inside." I say motioning towards my living room.

"Ok. So.. what did you wanna tell me?" She asked, sitting down on the couch.

"I need your help." I say looking up at her.

"Whatever you need josh, just spit it out."

"Well, I may have a little crush..."

"Oh!! I have one too!! Wanna hear it?" She said excitedly.

"Um- sure. Why not?"

"Ok, ok. Just promise you won't tell him?"

"Y- yeah. Of course."

"Ok. Well, his name has a 'J' in it."

No- certainly not.

"And and 'e' "

No. This cant be happening.

"And two 'L's'. Is this enough clues?"

No. No no no not today Sanna.

"Oh I know who you are talking about." I say calmly, my mind filling with rage.

"Hey Sanna? Before I tell you my crush, can I show you something?"


"Follow me." I say.

⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

I walk to the shed we have outside, her following close behind. As we walk in I close the door.

"Ok, now close your eyes." I say.

I grab a knife off of one of the shelves inside the shed.

"Keep em closed." I say.

She nods, ands keeps them closed.

"Wanna know who my crush is?"

"Yeah!!" She exclaimed with her eyes still closed.

I line up the knife to her stomach, and say

"Jelly." As I stab her. She screams, but I quickly cover her mouth with my hand. I stab her over and over, until she goes limp.
Her body drops down as my senses come back to me. I drop the bloody knife I was holding and mumble

"What have I done..."

(Trigger warning over)


Holy crap guys. That just happened. Part two will be out soon! Also, thanks again to biggybigbigb for suggesting this, it was really fun to write! :D

(758 words)

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