~mine~ (yandere au) pt.2

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~~~Josh's pov~~~

"What have I done." i say as I look down at Sanna's dead corpse. I started to freak out.

What am I gonna do?

Why did I even do this?

You did this for Jelly. 

You did this because you want him. 

But- but... her parents will find out- I-

Then kill her parents. 

I- I can't do that I-

In fact, why don't you kill everybody?

You've started the process. You can't quit here. 

I... fine. 

~~~~~ghost sanna pov~~~~~


----------------------------------day 2-----------------------------------------------

~~~~~Josh's pov~~~~~

"Did you hear? Sanna and her parents were found dead in their own home this morning." Jelly told me, the next day at school.

"Y- Yeah... I heard."

We were walking down the halls, as we saw Jordi, the school bully, beating up Crainer, the school-wide known nerd.

"W- we should probably stop him." Jelly said, a look of worry in his face.

"I- yeah. we probably should." I said agreeing with Jelly.

Just as we were about to intervene, The school Jockey-Man, Ian, punched Jordi square in the face. 

"DO NOT TOUCH HIM!" Ian yelled out, his voice filled with rage. 

He went to Crainer and picked him up off of the ground pulling him into a hug. (lil bit of crundee there ay?)

"He deserved it." Jelly said. 

"you really don't like him, do you?" I ask.

"not at all Josh. He's so mean to other people." 


-New Target acquired:

-Name: Jordi Maxim van den Bussche. 

-Age: 17

-Sex: Male

-Height: 1.85 meters (thats 6ft 1" for yall americans) 


It was 4:30 PM. I had just said goodbye to Jelly, as I wouldn't see him for the rest of the week. I had to watch his dog, so I was planning on staying over at his house while he was gone. 

 You have to do it tonight.

I walked out of the door and started heading to Jordi's house.

I got to his house and the door was locked. 

Go through the window.

His window was slightly open. I pushed it up the rest of the way and slid in. I heard his parents talking to him in the living room. It was something about grades. I quickly hid in his closet, closing the door behind me. It was surprisingly bare, having him be rich and all. The door opened, and I heard a exaggerated sigh come from the room in front of me. I heard his bed creak, which meant he had sat on his bed. How am I gonna do this?

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