~mine~ (yandere au) part.3

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~~~Josh's pov~~~

I wake up because I hear a sudden bang. I pick up my phone from Jelly's bedside table, and turned it on.

1:36 am: The bright light flashed in my face, as I read the time. 

I hear another loud bang. Confused, and slightly scared, I get up from the bed, and open my door. I see a shadow, rush across the hallway. Not knowing what to do, I yelled out:


I hear a frantic set of footsteps in return. 

I run after the footsteps, and I see a man in a cloak, much like Jelly's, rummaging through the kitchen drawers. Did he steal it? 

"HEY!" I yell.

The man looks up at me, and I shine my phone light onto his face. 

"J... Jelly?" I say surprised, as I look into his wandering brown eyes, and examining his face. 

He turned and ran, opening the door, racing out of it, not bothering to close it.

"JELLY, WAIT!" I yell running after him. As he turned the corner, I wasn't paying attention and I tripped over a rock hitting my head, and blacking out.

~~~~~time skip~~~~~

- 9:28AM 

I wake up in my bed, the bright sun blinding me. Was... was that all a dream? No, It seemed to realistic. But the how did I end up in Jelly's bed if it wasn't a dream? 

It was all a dream.

I sat confused, not knowing what to believe, determining that I probably will never know what happened. I get up from Jelly's bed, and walk over to Jelly's dresser drawers, opening the top drawer. I scan his clothes, considering I didn't bring any of my own. I picked out a shirt, and struggled to pull it over my head. Too small. I guess I'll just wear a hoodie today. I walk over to his closet, opening it and looking at all the hoodies, scanning each one carefully, as to not pick one that was to small. He had a lot of his own merch, considering it was created by him. As I got to a certain section, I spotted one of my own pieces of merch, with an empty hanger next to it. Each section had a separator in between them, and there was a whole section devoted to me. I guess he took one of my hoodies with him to his grandparents. 

Or maybe he didn't even go to his grandparents.

Shut the fuck up. I don't wanna think about that anymore. It was just a-

Just a what? finish that sentence. 

A... a dream. It was all a dream. 

Or was it? 


But... I am you.


Oh, really? Then who are you talking to right now?

I... I don't know......


- 11:34AM

My head hurts... I don't know why. I took some advil but it doesn't seem to be helping.


- 12:42PM

I've decided to skip lunch today.  I don't need the extra food. 


- 2:17PM

I've been watching netfix for the past few hours, hoping it will make me forget about my headache.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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