Betrayal: 1

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Demona and Goliath were gliding in silence. Every so often, Goliath stole a glance at Demona. She seemed completely calm, more calm than she should have been. It was her custom to lash out when cornered. Were they somehow not?

When he wasn't looking at her, Goliath directed his glances toward the red suited Xanatos. The exoskeleton was a very close likeness to Goliath himself, and he did not feel flattered. On the contrary, it felt like an indignity. The other two steel Gargoyles that were flying next to them were equally impressive. They too bore Goliath's likeness. He looked more closely at their steel talons. They were razor sharp, clearly dangerous and formidable weapons. What did Demona have in mind?

Before long, castle Wyvern came in to sight. Goliath looked at it with awe for the first time since his re-awakening. He had not had time to truly marvel at his former home, now floating above the clouds atop a structure that would have been unimaginable to him mere weeks ago. Weeks ago to him. Centuries ago to Xanatos; to Demona. As the castle approached, Goliath surveyed the walls. He was looking to see if he might catch a glimpse of Elisa, but hoped of course that he would not. If her presence was to be of any help with whatever was to come, she would need to go undetected. He glanced at Demona once again.

A few minutes later the group landed in the courtyard of the castle. Demona and Goliath stood side by side, flanked by the two silver steel Gargoyles. Xanatos touched down in front of them. After the whine of the jet packs of the steel Gargoyles had dissipated, Xanatos reached up and twisted a valve on either side of his neck. With a hiss, his helmet loosed and he pulled it straight up and off his head. He had a broad smile on his face.

"What do you think, Goliath?" He asked. "Impressive technology, wouldn't you say?"

"Sorcery," Goliath said. "I do not trust sorcery."

Xanatos chuckled to himself.

"You know, Goliath, your paranoia rivals even mine," he said. "Then again, a healthy dose of paranoia has always served me well." As he said that, he turned his eyes on Demona and stepped toward her. "Very well done. I congratulate both of you on recovering the Phoenix Gate so efficiently." He held out his hand.

Demona stared at Xanatos directly in the eyes. Her brows narrowed.

"No," she said.

Xanatos gave a slight twitch of his head as his eyebrows raised.

"Excuse me?"

"The Gate is ours," Demona said, flatly.

Xanatos' face did not show surprise nor anger. Instead, he looked like someone who had just called a bluff in poker and won. It was a satisfied, smug look, but controlled and confident. He turned and looked at Goliath.

"You see, Goliath, what I mean about a healthy dose of paranoia? It is how I have gone from nothing to one of the wealthiest, most powerful men in America. You must always assume that there is a chance you will be betrayed by your partners."

Demona's eyes flashed red.

"Do not speak of betrayal to me, human! Your kind is nothing but the living embodiment of betrayal. You may cloth yourself in the skin of noble creatures to hide your cowardice, but it only proves your true nature!" Demona's words were piercing, said with the deep venom that had been worrying Goliath all along.

"Tsk, tsk, Demona. That temper of yours has always been your tell," Xanatos gave her a glance, but then returned his focus to Goliath. "I built these machines for protection, Goliath. As you've already seen, I have a lot of enemies. I came out tonight to escort the two of you back because I have suspected for quite some time that Demona may have alternative plans. That was a simple deduction after having known her a while."

Xanatos paused and looked hard at Goliath.

"What I was less sure of was whether or not I could trust you," Xanatos said. "It's a pity that I can't. I had very much hoped that if things did not work out with Demona I could at least take consolation in forming an alliance with you."

Goliath did not respond.

"No rebuttal? I'll say one thing for you, Goliath. That is the difference between you and her. You may have your own plans, but you find ways to avoid lying about them. I suppose there is something noble in that."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Goliath said.

"No?" Xanatos raised his arm and spoke into the side of his wrist. "Owen."

A door opened on the far wall and Owen walked out with Elisa. His hand was wrapped firmly around her arm and he had a pistol pointed toward her head.

"Here's a tip for a new time, Goliath. Never believe that you can sneak something by a powerful person in his own home. There is simply too much..." here he paused and smiled "...sorcery in this world for it to work."

Goliath's heart sank. His deception had not only failed, but it had also now been revealed to Demona. His distrust of her would be evident. Just as he was about to turn to face her he was interrupted. With a swoosh Hudson and the other three Gargoyles suddenly landed around the group. They encircled them with their wings flared and the talons raised.

"I don't know what all the hubbub is about," the Elder said, "but I don't like the stance ye'v taken with our kin. Take a step back, Xanatos."

Xanatos crossed his arms, with a look of slight impatience. Then smiled once more.

"Like I said, Goliath. Sorcery."

He clicked a button on his forearm and suddenly the whine of jets was heard again. Four more steel Gargoyles descended in a ring around the Gargoyles outer ring. They landed, raised their arms, and exposed the barrels of laser cannons embedded in their forearms. The atmosphere was extremely tense. The red Gargoyle looked at his two siblings with eyes that left no need to imagine what he was thinking. Xanatos looked immeasurably pleased with himself.

Suddenly, Demona began to laugh. First a deep chuckle and then an open laugh that echoed off the walls of the castle and gave Goliath a chill. All eyes turned on her.

"You fool," she said, regaining control of herself. "A thousand years have past since Goliath last drew breath and you miserable humans have failed to evolve in the slightest. You think your technology will save you?" Here Demona laughed again, a deep, gutteral laugh. "I was counting on that!"

Demona reached into her waste garment a pulled out a small, cigar shaped device. She held it out in front of her. With a piercing glance she slowly turned it to its side, reached over the end with her thumb, and pressed the button located there. All that was heard was a small peep, but what happened in the circle was distinct. Each of the steel Gargoyles dropped its arm and returned to a neutral stance. The Gargoyles looked at the machines, then each other. Xanatos looked from side to side.

After a few seconds, his eyes returned to Demona's hard stare.

She raised her hand to her mouth and spoke into the stick she was holding.

"Acquire the humans," she said.

The steel Gargoyles re-raised their arms, broadened their stances to an offensive posture, and pointed their weapons directly at Xanatos, Owen, and Elisa. Goliath looked with panic from the barrel of one of those weapons to its target—Elisa. Demona was about to kill her, and he had lead her into it.

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