Love Stories: 1

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Elisa was falling. She had seen people die before—her grandmother, an uncle, a few suspects during her time on the force—and she had always wondered what really went through their minds when it was happening. Did their whole lives flash before their eyes, like people say, or just some event, or person, or nothing at all?

What went through Elisa's mind as she plummeted towards the streets below was a moment from her past, on a playground where she grew up. Elisa was sixteen at the time. It was a warm, sunny day after school and she was feeling particularly sunny herself, because she thought for the first time that she had a real crush on someone. Maybe she was even in love. More than that though, the object of her affection, whose name was Anthony, was showing interest in her. He'd be there soon, she knew, and she was waiting to resume the flirting they'd begun a few days ago. Today, they might even take another step. Perhaps they'd hold hands, or even kiss.

As Elisa waited, she scanned the playground, which was busy. School had just let out, and friends were meeting up for the walk home. She was searching for Anthony when her eyes landed on Chris. Chris was a handsome boy, smart and from a well-off family. He was also a drug dealer. Much of the weed that got smoked at Elisa's school could be sourced back to him. There were rumors that you could get more serious stuff too, but Elisa didn't know for sure. She was trying particularly hard to avoid him, because he too had shown some special interest in her and she didn't want it to derail what was developing with Anthony. She tried to look away, but it was too late. Chris saw her, smiled, and headed towards her.

"Hi," he said.

"Hey," she answered, flatly.

"Who you waitin' for?" Chris asked.

"Nobody," she said, a little too eagerly.

"Me either," he said, as he plunked down on the bench next to her. "I'm bored."

Elisa was about to get up, answer that she couldn't really hang out, and hope she ran into Anthony on her way out when a voice behind her interrupted. "Hey guys, what's up?" It was Anthony. Chris half turned to look over his shoulder.

"Nothin'," he said, but that wasn't all. As he said it, he flicked his eyes twice off to the left, indicating that he wanted Anthony to leave. He was working on something with this girl, was the understood message. Get out of the way. Anthony, of course, was not about to make way.

"Elisa, you wanna walk home?" Anthony asked after a moment, but before Elisa could respond, Chris cut in.

"We're hanging out here, Anthony," he said.

"Actually, I do have to get home," Elisa said quickly as she rose to get up. "See ya tomorrow."

Chris looked at her for a moment, then said, "You're really hanging out with this kid?" Elisa was a little shocked that he was so brazen. She blushed, partially from embarrassment, partially from anger. She wanted to answer, hopefully with something clever, but once again she wasn't fast enough. Chris continued, "Some friends of mine are meeting up in about a half hour. Why don't you come chill with us?"

Again, just before she could answer, she was cut off, this time by Anthony. "Hey, she's already got plans with me. We're walking home together," he said.

"Ooooh, walking home together!" Chris said sarcastically. "Seriously Elisa, ditch this kid." He reached out for her arm and tried to pull her along.

"Hey!" Anthony said. "Get your hand off her. I said we got plans."

"Oh ya?" Chris asked. He let go of Elisa's arm. "Well I've got better ones, so get lost." As he finished, he gave Anthony a quick push with both hands. Ordinarily, neither one of the two would have bothered to let the situation escalate. Chris wouldn't have pushed in the first place and Anthony wouldn't have felt a need to retaliate. But they were both feeling that they had to act out a role for Elisa's benefit and see what would happen. Anthony pushed back.

Chris glared at Anthony. Then, without warning, he swung full on. Anthony ducked just out of reach and then tackled Chris, causing them both to fall to the ground. "Stop!" Elisa yelled, but it was too late to halt what had started. She watched them wrestling, rolling through the dirt, trying to land punches that were to close range to have any power. It lasted only twenty seconds or so. What no one in the group had noticed was that two police officers had rounded the corner, seen the two boys on the ground, and come running over. One pulled Chris off of Anthony and pushed him up against the fence nearest to Elisa. The other took Anthony some distance away.

"Cool it," the officer said to Chris. "Fighting on public property could get you in a lot of trouble."

"He attacked me!" Chris protested loudly.

"That's not..." Elisa began, but was quickly silenced by a raised finger from the officer.

"Stay out of this young lady," he said. "Now what happened?" he asked, turning his attention back to Chris.

"We were just hanging out. Then he showed up and wanted her to leave with him. I said we were still hanging out and then he started talking shit. I just told him to shut up and leave us alone and the next thing I know he's swinging at me," Chris said. Elisa began to protest again, but again was rebuffed by the officer. He expected her to stay quiet, he let her know. He then told Chris to stay right where he was and walked over to his partner. Elisa could not here what was said there. After a minute, the officer returned.

"Take off," he said. "But don't let me catch you in any kind of trouble again. Are we clear?"

"Yes officer," Chris replied. He swiftly picked up his bag, looked at Elisa, then hurried out of the park.

After he left, the two officers continued with Anthony. They patted him down. They told him that he could be arrested for fighting in the park. They asked where he lived and who his parents were. Then, they made him stand there and wait while they checked to see if there was anything in the system about him—tickets, open warrants, and the like. When it was over, they told him to head home. He left without even looking at Elisa.

That was the first time Elisa really felt that there was a certain level of protection for some that there wasn't for others. Chris had started that fight. He delt drugs. But he was sent on his way. Anthony was belittled, in front of the girl he was trying to win. The girl who was willing to be won over. He never had the nerve to approach her again, and she didn't know how to help a wounded boy feel whole again.

When she had gotten older, Elisa regretted that. As an adult, she knew it wouldn't have taken much. As an adolescent, still closer to childhood than adulthood, she just didn't know what was right, so she didn't do anything for fear of making things worse. That guilt also made a part of her angry. As a police officer, she still saw the Anthonys of the world being treated one way and the Chrises—the Xanatoses—of the world another.

As she fell, Elisa reached out with her hand. She may have been reaching for something to grab, but she may also have been reaching for Anthony. In the middle of open air, suddenly, someone grabbed it.

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